i can eat tips

Chapter 679 Storm Control

Chapter 679 Storm Control
In the next two hours, Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan swaggered in several conspicuous places in Keihan City, ate and rested, and then left Keihan City and disappeared into the country road leading to the west.

The news was reported to Hiroshi Ito, the former head of the Kannan branch of the Toniwu League and the current temporary leader. Hiroshi Ito's face was gloomy, his eyes were bloodshot, and he felt his bad mood. The secretary next to him didn't even dare to speak loudly. through.

During the day, the big explosion at the headquarters of the Toni Wumeng wiped out all the high-level executives of the Toniwumeng. Hiroshi Ito escaped because of something, and instead became the highest-level executive of the Toniwumeng. leader.As for whether this "temporary" can be removed, it depends on whether Hiroshi Ito can deal with Lu Shaoxi.

The superior has issued a death order, as long as Lu Shaoxi leaves Keihan City, he will do whatever it takes - including using the latest researched super technological weapon "Storm Controller" - to kill this arrogant kid!

The problem is that Lu Shaoxi, as a master of the God Transformation Realm who has received professional training from Qianlong, is top-notch in terms of movement speed and concealment ability. How easy is it to find his whereabouts and launch an attack?
Ito Hiroshi was so worried that his hair was turning gray.However, he has always been very scheming, and quickly came to the conclusion after the analysis that the only chance to kill Lu Shaoxi with a high degree of confidence was to find his hiding place or attack the vehicle he was riding on the way back to Longxia.

Now Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan are leaving to the west, which is the normal direction leading to Longxia Kingdom.The question is whether Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan will return to Longxia Kingdom in the near future?After all, it is impossible for Yan Tianbei to return to Long Xia now, will Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan go to other countries with him?
Hiroshi Ito couldn't judge, but what was certain was that the only power they could rely on was the power of the Qin family if they wanted to leave Tony!For this reason, Ito Hiroshi has kept a close eye on all the members of the Qin family in Dongni since he took over as the temporary leader, and especially contacted the Qin family in Longxia Yandu, where Qin Ruxuan's biggest rival Qin Chuan was competing for the leader. The most convenient way to obtain the internal information of the Qin family - I believe that Qin Chuan would never be happy to see Qin Ruxuan and Lu Shaoxi leave Tony safely.

Now he stays at the temporary office all night, waiting not for information from Tony, but for a contact from Qin Chuan.

Time passed by every minute, and when Ito Hiroshi became more and more irritable, the intelligence personnel rushed in and said excitedly: "Your Excellency, Yandu has news!"

Ito Hiroshi snatched the information from the intelligence officer with one hand, glanced at it quickly, and was surprised: "Is this information true?"

"Yes, the words are correct, they are all sent from Yandu."

Hiroshi Ito frowned, if it was true, then Lu Shaoxi was really cunning, making a lot of noise!Moreover, it seems that the two of them returned to Long Xia first?What about Yan Tianbei?The most important thing is that the person who protected Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan from leaving the country...too surprised Ito Hiroshi.

Hiroshi Ito paced back and forth, and finally made up his mind, he would rather miss it than let it go!Even if it will cause diplomatic disputes, I can't care about it!Lu Shaoxi must die!

"Dispatch the 'Storm Control Special Operations Team' and shoot down the plane halfway through the scheduled route!"



There are three airports in Keihan City, and now all three airports have entered a state of martial law. The flight to Longxia has been stopped directly, and the flight to other countries has also been suspended or delayed. Interrogation and body search to prevent Lu Shaoxi, Yan Tianbei and Qin Ruxuan from leaving in disguise.

However, there is only one team whose inspections are relatively lax, the North Prince Maggie and his party who are visiting Tony.Prince Maggie strongly demanded to take a private plane to fly back to Northland on the grounds that Keihan City was not safe. Tony finally agreed to this request under pressure.

Maggie has a special status, and besides his guards, there are many diplomats and other people accompanying him. A group of three or forty people arrived at the airport in the east of Keihan City in a special car. Although the airport was strictly searched, the Prince of Beibei and his party were not concerned after all. If you dare to go too far, send someone to use professional scanning equipment to check the boarding personnel and let them go after finding no one disguised.

The plane took off smoothly on time.Ma Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and invited two male and female bodyguards to enter his exclusive cabin, and while handing over red wine, he asked curiously: "Lu Shaoxi, Miss Qin Er, you two are amazing, how can you pass the facial scanner check?" What? I was sweating when I checked at the airport just now."

These two male and female bodyguards are Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan who have changed their appearance!
After the two of them left Keihan City, they rushed to the west, shot a feint, and then sneaked to the airport expressway east of Keihan City in the dark, got on the special car that Prince Maggie was speeding as planned, and arrived at the airport. They took a special plane to fly to the Northland together, and planned to fly back from the Northland to Yuanzhou, Longxia Country.

At this time, when Prince Maji asked, Lu Shaoxi smiled easily: "It's just a little charm."

When the inspectors were about to check the two of them, Lu Shaoxi used the "charm technique" learned from the scarlet skeleton cadre Charm, which caused the inspectors to be confused to a certain extent. In a daze, they thought that the results of the scanner were normal, so they released them. Two people passed.With Lu Shaoxi's powerful consciousness at this time, it is easy to make an ordinary warrior lose his mind for a short time, and it is mainly because Prince Maji and his party have special identities, there are not many inspectors, and the inspection is not as strict as other flights Only then did Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan take advantage of this opportunity to get on this private jet smoothly.

"You are such a magical boy!" Maggie gave a thumbs up and said haha: "Have a glass of red wine to celebrate our reunion?"

"It's really a reunion after a long time." Lu Shaoxi took the glass of red wine and said with a smile, "It's really thanks to the prince's help this time, otherwise it would not be easy for us to leave Tony."

Ma Ji clinked glasses with Lu Shaoxi, and said very affectionately: "Hey, I haven't thanked you for saving your life a year ago. You don't have to be polite to me this time, just treat me as a brother."

Ma Ji was referring to the fact that Lu Shaoxi rescued him and a group of contestants from Viper during the qualifiers for the Elite Tournament a year ago.This time, Qin Ruxuan took Ma Ji's retreat route through Qin's family, because of the friendship that Lu Shaoxi and Ma Ji forged a year ago.

"Okay, Brother Ma, cheers!" The two looked at each other with a smile, and drank a toast.

Ma Ji raised his glass again, and said politely: "This glass is to our beautiful Princess of the Oriental Royal Family, Second Miss Qin."

Of course, Ma Jiken helped Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan at the risk of antagonizing Dong Ni, and he had a lot of intentions besides repaying the favor.Beiguo has always had a good relationship with Longxiaguo, that's why Ma Ji went to the Hero Academy to study abroad as an exchange student.But the Martial League in the Northern Kingdom is not considered powerful, there are only three grandmasters in the formation, and there are only advantages and no disadvantages in making friends with a young Longxia Grandmaster like Lu Shaoxi.What's more, being able to get acquainted with Qin Ruxuan, the heir of Long Xia's ancient royal family, is even more beneficial.You must know that the Qin family has huge economic resources. If Beiguo can cooperate deeply with the Qin family in business and economics, it will greatly promote the economy of Beiguo.

Qin Ruxuan is exquisite, how can she not understand these principles, and it is also good for her to befriend Ma Ji, so she exchanged a few pleasantries and chatted with Ma Ji.

Ma Ji asked someone to bring food and refreshments, and the three chatted while eating and drinking, which was quite relaxing.

The plane was about to fly over the border of Dongni soon, and it suddenly bumped violently. Outside, there were lightning and thunder, and strong winds, and it seemed that a tornado suddenly blew up!

 Thanks to "Cao Er" and "Nautou Berserker" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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