i can eat tips

Chapter 682

Chapter 682

After doing this dozens of times, Lu Shaoxi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the tiredness could not be concealed on his face.Although he has reached the state of transforming gods, he is still a mortal body after all, and his body can still support him, but his long-term tense spirit will inevitably be too much to bear.

Qin Ruxuan had already recovered from the dizziness. Standing on the rubber boat by herself, she proposed several times to take over from Lu Shaoxi, but now the situation is critical. Considering that Qin Ruxuan's strength is after all inferior to her own, Lu Shaoxi would not let her take the risk to fight with her. tired.

"It's okay, the storm outside is starting to subside, and it will pass after a while."

"No, I don't want you to work hard alone while I enjoy the benefits." Qin Ruxuan stubbornly wants to replace Lu Shaoxi to rest.

Lu Shaoxi reached out and tapped her forehead, feigning anger and said: "Nonsense, with me here, when do you need you to protect me?"

Lu Shaoxi has always treated Qin Ruxuan with tenderness, respect and doting, but this is the first time she hit her on the head like this. Qin Ruxuan reached out to touch her forehead in a daze, blinked her eyes twice, and then puffed. With a smile, the shrewd light returned to the eyes: "You don't look like you are pretending to be fierce. But thank you."

She tiptoed lightly, and kissed Lu Shaoxi's face like a bird pecking, and said softly: "I'm very happy that you can love me so much."

Qin Ruxuan is just Qin Ruxuan, never hiding her feelings.Lu Shaoxi couldn't help rubbing his nose, but felt a little embarrassed.

Qin Ruxuan raised her head and stared at Lu Shaoxi, the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "I will work hard, one day, I will become able to protect you, I will make this world, no one dares to make you angry anymore! No one dares I will be malicious to you again! I want you to love me like this for the rest of your life!"

Lu Shaoxi was a little moved when he heard it at the beginning, but when he heard the last sentence with a coquettish tone, he couldn't help laughing, and a lot of tenderness swayed in his heart.

This little devil, goblin, is so cute.

The two cuddled together and talked about love, almost forgetting the danger they were in, and the time became less difficult.

After about half an hour, Lu Shaoxi felt that the storm on the sea finally subsided, so he manipulated the rubber boat to float up.

"Wow", the rubber boat came out of the sea, and the refreshing sea breeze rushed in. There were still a few dark clouds in the dark sky, but half of the moon's face was exposed in the gap, and the rain had stopped.

Lu Shaoxi put away the qi shield, and the two sat on the rubber boat, listening to the sound of crashing waves, took a deep breath of fresh air, and then looked at each other with a heart-to-heart smile, feeling like they were alive after a catastrophe.

Lu Shaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, took out a bottle of clear water from Qiankun's wristband and handed it to Qin Ruxuan: "Are you thirsty? Drink some water first."

Qin Ruxuan was also thirsty, drank half of the bottle in one go, and handed it back to Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi looked at the glowing water in the mouth of the bottle, her heart skipped a beat, she took it and drank it, not knowing if it was a psychological effect, but she felt that the clear water was extraordinarily sweet.Qin Ruxuan didn't pay attention to it at first, but seeing him staring at the bottle for a while before drinking it, she couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Second Miss Qin subconsciously looked away, and said in a low voice, "Let's count the supplies first and see how much food and water are left?"

Now there are no oars on this rubber boat, so it can only drift with the current. In addition, there is no trace of land for hundreds of miles nearby, and I don’t know how long it will stay on the sea. First, we must ensure clean water and food, and then decide what to do. one step action.

The two of them each carried a magic weapon for storage. Lu Shaoxi's was a Qiankun wristband given to him by the little girl Yanhong. In addition to clothes and weapons, there were also a lot of essential tools and tents for explorers that were stored in Vietnam. Rope sleeping bags, towels, washbasins, compass, even pots, bowls, chopsticks, barbecue forks, seasonings, etc. In addition, there are several large boxes of mineral water and several boxes of biscuits, dried meat, dried vegetables, dried fruits, instant noodles, etc.Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but be grateful for the adequate preparations before exploring the Tomb of the Almighty God in Vietnam.

And what Qin Ruxuan had was the storage bag given to her by the ghost mother-in-law. It contained tea sets, clothes, several buckets of spring water from famous springs in various places, and many snacks and cakes that Qin Ruxuan liked to eat.

What's more, they each had two bottles of water and a few packs of compressed biscuits in their backpacks.

After a rough calculation, the food and water are at least enough for the two of them to support each other across the ocean for a month, and if necessary, they can catch seafood for more than one and a half months.

Seeing these sufficient supplies, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions relaxed.

Lu Shaoxi shared some biscuits with Qin Ruxuan, the two were also hungry, chatting while eating.Lu Shaoxi said: "It seemed that senior brother Yan crossed the ocean before without much effort, but now that he faces the ocean, he realizes the power of the heavens and the earth, and it is really not easy to deal with."

"Yes, it seems that we are destined to be with the sea. We wanted to fly back, but ended up falling into the sea." After eating the biscuits, Qin Ruxuan took out a handkerchief to wash her face, and then stretched herself, but her movements were graceful and graceful. nice.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but sneak a few glances, Qin Ruxuan caught his gaze, couldn't help but blushed slightly, and sat down subconsciously.

Lu Shaoxi coughed, and waved her hand lightly, warm Qi enveloping Qin Ruxuan, soon the water vapor rose, and Qin Ruxuan's dress was dry.

Lu Shaoxi's true energy flowed, and his clothes became dry in an instant.However, the clothes of the two were wet by sea water after all. Although they were dry, they still had a sticky and salty feeling, which was quite uncomfortable.

"Ruxuan, do you still have a change of clothes? Do you want to change?"

"Where can I change it?" Qin Ruxuan's pretty face was blushing, and she looked at the empty rubber boat.

Lu Shaoxi coughed dryly and said, "You have another compressed rubber boat in your backpack, take it out for me?"

Qin Ruxuan took it out according to the words, and Lu Shaoxi blew it to a half-expanded state, then bent it into a semicircle, tied it tightly to one side of the rubber boat with a rope, and then combined it with the tent parts in the Qiankun wristband, which is also easy to make. It looks like a cabin, occupies about half of the space of the rubber boat, is about half the height of a person, and has curtains on both sides, enough to prevent wind and rain.

"Just go inside and change. I turn my back and never peek."

Qin Ruxuan nodded, but didn't go there, but her face was flushed, and she hesitated to speak.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"That... I... I think..."

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being very surprised when he saw that the second Miss Qin, who was always generous, showed an extremely embarrassed and embarrassing expression, but she couldn't help being a little funny when she saw her trembling unconsciously and suddenly came to her senses.

He scratched the back of his head, took out another water basin and put it in the simple cabin, and whispered: "If necessary, you can use that basin."

Qin Ruxuan is so smart, she knew what he saw, and this time even her ears were red, she bowed her head and ran into the cabin with an "um", and closed the curtain.

 Thanks to "Cao Er" for the 100 starting point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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