i can eat tips

Chapter 683 Heaven and Man Unite 1

Chapter 683
Lu Shaoxi sat outside and waited for a while, but didn't hear any noise inside. Just about to ask, Qin Ruxuan whispered in the cabin: "Hey, you... you are here, I... I..." She His voice was almost crying in embarrassment.

Lu Shaoxi slapped his head, scolded himself for being an idiot, got up quickly and said, "I'll catch a fish in the distant sea."

It is not difficult to walk against the wind with his current lightness kungfu, let alone run on the waves in calm weather now.

He ran tens of feet away, Lingbo stood on the surface of the sea, looked below the surface of the sea with his perspective eyes, and saw undulating sea water, countless undercurrents, a large number of schools of different kinds of fish swimming by, as well as sea turtles, starfish, lobsters and many other things that are called different kinds of fish. The colorful marine life with its name is a strange sight that Lu Shaoxi, who grew up in the inland, has never seen before.Many schools of fish near the sea surface were still floating up to breathe, and they didn't care about Lu Shaoxi's existence at all.

Lu Shaoxi looked at all kinds of creatures in the sea swimming and living freely, forming a world of their own, with their own splendor, and then looked up at the boundless night sky. Less than the traces of the storm just now.

In this time-space boundary that has not changed since ancient times, that seemingly incomparably terrifying storm is probably just an inconspicuous wave, and the lives of human beings and all things seem to be even more insignificant!

Infinite fighting spirit and passion suddenly rose in Lu Shaoxi's heart.

One day, I will shatter the void like Qin Yang, Emperor Qin Yang, to see what kind of secrets and what kind of scenery are behind the starry sky!
When he was full of pride, his heart felt relieved, and the grief and indignation accumulated in his heart after Yan Tianbei's death were swept away.As his thoughts suddenly became clear, his spiritual consciousness spread out without bounds, and the world became his perception.

At this moment, as if the "deceleration world" had been automatically performed, time became extremely slow, and he could even clearly "see" a small fish gently spit out a bubble tens of meters away.

He seems to be the recipient of all the information between the heaven and the earth, every wave, every fish, and even every bit of sand under the sea cannot escape his divine consciousness.

This feeling that everything in the world is in my eyes is so wonderful that it cannot be expressed in words, and it is infinitely better than his clairvoyance ability.

It is the first time that Lu Shaoxi has such a clear sense of spiritual consciousness since he entered the realm of transforming gods. This should be the "unity of man and nature" that Taoism has been pursuing!
Although this "unity of man and nature" cannot be applied to actual combat at the moment, in the future, when his strength rises above the fifth level of the God Transformation Realm, it is estimated that he will be able to use this "unity of man and nature" to form his unique "field". When in the "field", no enemy's thoughts and offensive and defensive awareness can escape his divine sense, which is equivalent to being invincible!
Thinking of this, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help clenching his fists excitedly, and his confidence increased greatly.One day, he will surely be able to surpass Yan Tianbei, catch up with the footsteps of the ancient hero Lu Tianyang, and then follow the footsteps of Qin Yang, Emperor Qin Yang, shatter the void, and become the highest existence in the universe!
Thinking of this, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help clenching his fists excitedly, and his confidence increased greatly.One day, he will surely be able to surpass Yan Tianbei, catch up with the footsteps of the ancient hero Lu Tianyang, and then follow the footsteps of Qin Yang, Emperor Qin Yang, shatter the void, and become the highest existence in the universe!
But back to the front, the most important thing is to return to Longxia country safely.

Suddenly, not far away, the waves churned and the water splashed, revealing the light brown backs and pointed dorsal fins of some large creatures, but his falling into the water seemed to have alarmed some marine monsters.

Lu Shaoxi's clairvoyant eyes immediately began to scan the surrounding sea area.

In the dark sea water, several huge figures were swimming towards this side rapidly.With a light brown back, pale white belly, crescent-shaped tail, sharp teeth, it is actually a great white shark!

He has been famous for great white sharks for a long time, and now the four great white sharks are bigger than what he has seen in related documentaries and movies before. The largest one is actually two or three feet long, and its sharp teeth make people palpitate.

Lu Shaoxi frowned slightly. He was naturally not afraid of these great white sharks, but worried that once the fight started, the bloody smell would attract the rest of the great white sharks in this sea area, which would be troublesome.Through his clairvoyant eyes, he saw a large group of sharks dozens of miles around, and the number was no less than a hundred.

Just when his thoughts turned, "Wow!" A huge black shadow swept up from the water, and one of the great white sharks jumped out of the sea, opened two rows of sharp triangular teeth, and rushed towards Lu Shaoxi.

"Looking for death!" Lu Shaoxi soared into the air like a swallow, swung his arms downward, and in an instant, a strong wind blew up, and the golden true energy formed the phantom of a giant sword, "Crack!" and chopped the great white shark into pieces two cuts.

Lu Shaoxi was as light as a swallow, kicked on the head of the great white shark, and raised his figure by another ten feet. Seeing that two more great white sharks had already swam to his feet, they attacked him as soon as he fell into the water.

Lu Shaoxi stretched out his arm again, and the huge sword energy pierced through the head of the great white shark on the left, and the tail pierced through, directly ripping open the belly.

Lu Shaoxi took advantage of the trend to drag and sweep, and the sword energy swept across, and the two great white sharks on the right were cut into two before they had time to swim away.

Dozens of huge figures in the deep sea in the distance were keenly aware of the smell of blood, and swam over quickly.

Lu Shaoxi simply didn't do anything, and walked forward on the waves, galloping towards these dozens of great white sharks.Seeing that the two sides were about to meet, Lu Shaoxi concentrated his thoughts and used his intentions in parallel. The invisible force spread like a shock wave, and immediately shook the sea water with a radius of more than [-] feet into the sky. Dozens of great white sharks were mostly shaken into countless The meat scraps, hundreds of thousands of sea fish were affected by the energy, and they also flew up.

The remaining great white sharks seemed to be terrified, and instead of eating the flesh and blood near their mouths, they turned around and fled.

Lu Shaoxi blasted through the air several times in a row, killing them directly, saving them the trouble of keeping them on guard.

With a perspective eye, there are no large-scale aggressive marine creatures in the vicinity for a few kilometers. Then Lu Shaoxi picked up a large piece of shark meat that looked plump and should be delicious, unfolded his movements, and stepped back to the rubber boat .

 Thanks for the monthly pass of "Holy Selflessness" and the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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