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Chapter 71 Li Nianjie's Request

Chapter 71 Li Nianjie's Request
Lu Shaoxi saw that it was Li Nianjie who hadn't seen him for more than half a month. He got out of the car and asked, "Nianjie, you came to see me so late, what's the rush?"

Li Nianjie has been in touch with Lu Shaoxi ever since he bought Zhengyang Yizhichan, the secret book of this product from Lu Shaoxi. In addition to asking questions about martial arts and kung fu, he often chats about trivial things in life. We are close friends.

Li Nianjie said cautiously: "There is indeed a difficult matter that I would like to ask Mr. Lu for help."


"Actually, I didn't want to trouble Mr. Lu with this matter, but my father's safety was involved, and my father would not listen to my advice, so I had the cheek to come to you for help."

"You talk about it first."

Li Nianjie said distressedly: "Mr. Lu, you also know that my dad runs a media company, mainly making martial arts movies and TV dramas. Now when making movies, apart from the main characters, the martial arts doubles and martial arts instructors are basically foreigners. This is where the troubles come from. Recently, a professional team called "Wingwolf" came from outside the city to forcibly take over the work of Wuyi and Wuzhi for all media companies in this city, because my father My company has already cooperated with a good team, and Yingwolf’s asking price is several times higher. Naturally, my father refused to change. As a result, Yingwolf sent people to smash the scene, beat all the members of the original martial arts team away, and threatened me. Dad, ask him to pay ten times the price to hire them Yingwolf, otherwise I promise to let my dad and the company die together."

Lu Shaoxi frowned: "Such bullying behavior, it stands to reason that you should let the patrol room come forward?"

Li Nianjie shook his head with a wry smile and said: "It would be great if it was so simple. The patrol room accepted the case, and we also asked Yinglang to mediate. Yinglang agreed on the surface, but then found some rogues to make trouble. Our security guards and them After a few fights, they were all defeated, especially the leader of the British Wolf is a tough fighter, his martial arts are terrible, and the bodyguards we hired with a high salary were seriously injured in just one or two moves."

"Oh? You knocked down the bodyguard in just one or two moves?" With such skill, he must be a martial artist who practiced martial arts in seclusion.

As if confirming his guess, Li Nianjie said: "Yes, I was there at the time. That man's martial arts are too terrifying, just like a martial arts master in a movie. I didn't see how he made the move at all. My bodyguard was arrested He vomited blood and fell to the ground. The most amazing thing is that his fist glowed with a faint white light." Li Nianjie had lingering fear on his face.

Lu Shaoxi's eyes flashed brightly: "The fist glows white? Is it just a fist?"

"Yes, only the fist is glowing white."

It turned out to be a master of Qi Gathering Level [-], no wonder he easily killed ordinary bodyguards in seconds.Lu Shaoxi nodded, and asked again: "What happened next?"

Li Nianjie sighed: "Now my dad has temporarily hired some policemen to guard the company, but the policemen can't stay 24 hours a day. Once the policemen leave, they come to make trouble again, expel guests and actors, and make my company's play difficult." I couldn’t shoot, and my work was completely paralyzed.”

He paused, and then said: "My dad has also practiced martial arts, and he has a hot temper. He couldn't swallow this breath. He made an appointment with Yingwolf. In a showdown, the winning party has the final say.

My dad is now spending a lot of money to find a few masters, but I think the so-called masters he found are not reliable, so I want to ask Mr. Lu for help. "

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi didn't answer, Li Nianjie became anxious, grabbed Lu Shaoxi's arm and said, "Mr. Lu, please save my dad, Yinglang has spoken, because my dad is very disobedient, if they win this time, apart from asking In addition to charging ten times the remuneration of the martial arts replacement, they will also ask for a 1000 million bet on victory, otherwise my father will be beaten into a useless person. If Mr. Lu can help me repel these villains, I will definitely convince my father and give you a lot The reward is 200 million!"

200 million?Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but feel moved.

"Okay. I agree to this matter." Lu Shaoxi wants to form his own power at the moment. It is a time when he is short of money and contacts. Why not challenge the masters of Qi Gathering Level [-] and earn some rewards?What's more, according to his temperament, he can't understand the bully-like behavior of Yinglang.

Seeing Lu Shaoxi agreeing so readily, Li Nianjie was stunned: "Mr. Lu, did you really agree?"

Lu Shaoxi smiled and said: "You are my friend, if my friend is in trouble, I naturally have to help."

Li Nianjie was overjoyed. In his heart, Lu Shaoxi is a real martial arts master with unique skills. If he makes a move, he has at least a [-]% chance of winning: "Thank you, Mr. Lu! Tonight is Saturday, and I will pick you up on that Monday afternoon. lake!"

After sending Li Nianjie away, Lu Shaoxi immediately changed into sportswear, picked up dozens of new books and entered the martial arts dojo, where he began to practice hard.

With his current strength, he is not sure of defeating Qi Gathering First Layer.But if he can break through to the tenth level of body training in these two days, it will be completely different.

Whether it is to solve this problem for Li Nianjie, or for the Elite Club qualification review that may appear at any time in the future, he must improve his strength as soon as possible!
In the next day or so, he resumed his previous habit again, put aside all distracting thoughts and devoted himself to training, went to the forest park to practice vitality training in the morning, and spent the rest of the time locked in the book martial arts hall to practice hard Martial arts, repeated battles with falcons, increase the experience of fighting with Qi Juyi.He eats books when he's tired, takes a nap when he's sleepy, resumes training when he wakes up, and orders takeaway when he's hungry. New books are disappearing at an alarming rate, and Lu Shaoxi's experience bar is constantly heading towards the limit of the tenth level of body training advance.

Under his almost painstaking training, he took the lead in practicing the No. 13 peak level of the first-grade martial art, and the base attack power bonus reached a terrifying +48, ​​which became Lu Shaoxi's most powerful attack at present. Type martial arts.Relying on the thirteenth-strength split-hanging palm, Lu Shaoxi can barely withstand the general attack of the falcon. Unfortunately, the split-hanging palm has no speed bonus, and its practicality is slightly worse than that of the tiger-shaped lore.

And Lu Shaoxi's Dragon Capture Fist has also begun to steadily improve its level, the softness and stickiness are getting stronger and stronger, and the effect of using force to strike is more obvious, and it is not far from the top level of "returning the other's strength to the other body".

At noon on Monday, when the hour hand was about to point to twelve o'clock, Lu Shaoxi finally ushered in the breakthrough sign of the tenth stage of body training!
This breakthrough is the last and most important breakthrough in the realm of body refining, and the symptoms of the breakthrough are also very different from the previous ones.

Lu Shaoxi only felt that the heat contained in his body flowed through his whole body in an instant like warm water, and his body began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not only did the muscles swell by nearly half, but even the bones and skeleton were stretching outwards.

Lu Shaoxi's original height of nearly 1.8 meters has grown to nearly two meters tall!
strengthen!Strengthening of the Ten Refinements of Body Refinement!

After being forced into the strengthened state for less than 1 minute, the musculoskeletal muscles began to compress sharply again.

This time the pain was worse than before, with Lu Shaoxi's tenacity, he couldn't help but groan.

(End of this chapter)

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