i can eat tips

Chapter 72 The system is about to be upgraded

Chapter 72 The system is about to be upgraded
Lu Shaoxi knew that this was the strengthening and adaptation stage that must be passed through the tenth stage of body training. He was gritting his teeth and enduring the pain caused by the compression of his body, when he suddenly found countless faint bluish-white rays of light emerging from the surface of his body, as if they were about to leave his body.

Lu Shaoxi was startled. These bluish-white, star-like rays of light were precisely the vitality of the world that he had practiced hard every morning in the deep mountains of the forest park for more than a week, and the energy of heaven and earth that he had finally accumulated!

Seeing that the vitality was about to overflow his body, Lu Shaoxi was in a hurry. If they all escaped, wouldn't his practice this week be in vain?

Lu Shaoxi immediately resisted the pain of the breakthrough, stood on his head with his hands on the ground, his legs crossed up, silently performed the vitality training technique, trying to forcefully absorb the vitality back into his body.

Fortunately, he had already mastered the vital qi training technique to the point where he was able to calm down and keep the vital qi from flying away even though his body was suffering from the compression process.

Lu Shaoxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that it is really not easy to gather Qi in the realm of body training!
After suffering for nearly 10 minutes, the compression process ended, and Lu Shaoxi's body finally returned to its original shape, and the bluish-white light that had been forcibly absorbed by him and had been swimming under the skin suddenly completely merged into his body, matching the abundant energy in his body. The heat suddenly collided with each other, and then the two energies melted like water and latex, and they merged into one!
Lu Shaoxi was surprised when suddenly his whole body shook violently, and then his body swelled up again, entering a strengthened state.

Huh?This state seems to be a bit different from the description of breaking through the tenth level of body training... Isn't it only forcibly strengthened once?

Just when Lu Shaoxi was feeling restless, the two energies had completely fused together, turning into a mint-like cool and warm air, constantly moving around to nourish his body, pushing his "strengthening" to evolve to a higher level .

But in just a few breaths, Lu Shaoxi's muscles, bones and even internal organs were strengthened and expanded, his muscles protruded, and his height reached nearly [-] meters, like a little giant!

Lu Shaoxi's thoughts changed sharply, and she suddenly understood.For some reason, the heaven and earth vitality he forcibly absorbed through the vitality training technique just now merged with the heat he had accumulated from eating the secret book at this critical moment of breakthrough, causing his "strengthening" to mutate, tenfold different from ordinary body training. The "strengthening" of is very different!Although I don't know where the specific differences are, but judging from the current situation, it seems to be more optimized!

Even the scorching air column in his dantian grew rapidly due to absorbing these two fused energies, and it was almost twice as thick!
This forced strengthening state lasted for nearly 10 minutes before it finally came to an end. Lu Shaoxi's body returned to its original physique again, and then the extreme compression began again, and Lu Shaoxi's height shrank to less than 1.7 meters.During the compression period, the black beads of sweat that flowed out of his body became lighter and weaker, and then there was no more impurities, and even the skin became a little whiter. Obviously, the body has become a "pure constitution" that can be tempered by vitality washing.

After half an hour of suffering, Lu Shaoxi's body finally returned to its original state.Compared with before, his body shape has not changed at all, but he looks even more clean and refined, especially his hands, almost no calluses from boxing can be seen. .

Lu Shaoxi only felt that his whole body was extremely comfortable, full of energy, and his eyes flashed brightly. He punched himself twice casually, which made a sound like a thick stone, obviously his defense power was greatly increased.He still doesn't know that his muscles, bones and viscera have gone through these two times of extreme expansion and compression far exceeding the ten-fold ordinary body training, and have been soaked repeatedly by vitality and heat. They can really be called copper-skinned iron bones. Ordinary fruit knives or even kitchen knives could not pierce his skin or hurt him at all.

Lu Shaoxi was excited, and there was a "ding" in his mind, and the system's prompt sound came:

"The accumulated experience of the host has reached the upgrade limit of 6400 points, and the realm level has been raised to the tenth level of body refining. During the breakthrough period of the host, the vitality absorbed by the vitality body refining technique and the heat generated by the devouring secrets have a resonance and fusion effect, which improves the host's body. After reaching the 'Wugou' physique, the basic attack power increased by +15, the basic defense power increased by +15, the basic agility increased by +15, the basic eyesight increased by +2, and the basic ear power increased by +2. An additional bonus of 15 basic attribute points, The host can use it to increase the value of the first three attributes."

Stainless physique?Lu Shaoxi was full of surprises, this is the rarest and most suitable physique in the rumors!I didn't expect that this time, it was a blessing in disguise, and I unintentionally cultivated Wugou physique!And thanks to this "resonance and integration" effect, the increase in various values ​​​​during the breakthrough is far beyond the normal value. For example, the three-dimensional basic value should be + 10, but this time it is + 15!

Lu Shaoxi suppressed his excitement, and added all 15 bonus points to the basic agility, and then looked at his own attribute interface. The soaring values ​​made him want to cheer!
Host name: Lu Shaoxi (22 years old)
Boundary Level: Body Refinement Tenth Level

Base attack power: 68
Base Defense: 64
Base Dexterity: 123
Base eyesight: 11
Basic ear power: 11
Martial Arts Evolution Points: 1044
Additional attributes: basic attack power + 1 (solidified), gas accumulation + 1 (solidified)
Chi required to next level: 128
Host skills: ① devouring secrets, you can improve your strength by devouring secrets;

② Cheats radar, which can detect the existence of nearby Cheats, and the current detectable radius is 13 meters;
③Cheats evolution, you can use martial arts evolution points to improve the grade and characteristics of the secrets.

The biggest change is the basic agility, which is as high as 123 points, which completely exceeds the value between 100 and 110 in the first stage of energy gathering, and even exceeds the value of 120 points in the falcon. The effect, even reaching 10 points, is enough to dodge the attacks of most Qi-gathering 135st level masters!
Because of the solidified attribute points, the basic attack power has actually increased by 16 points, far exceeding the attack value of 55 points in the [-]th stage of body training, and the defense power is also excellent. Lu Shaoxi is very satisfied with this.

Taking a closer look at the attribute panel, I found that "experience value required to reach the next level" has become "infuriating energy required to move to the next level"!
Huh?what happened?Devouring secrets by yourself can only generate experience points!

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the system's "ding" prompt: "Because the host has broken through to the tenth level of body training, the martial arts evolution tree system is about to undergo a functional upgrade, which is expected to take six to seven days. During the system upgrade, all The core functions of the system, including host skills, will not be available. The host can still restore physical fitness and heal injuries through eating secrets, but it cannot increase experience points, please pay attention to the host.”

upgrade?The martial arts evolution tree system is about to be upgraded?

Lu Shaoxi was dumbfounded, and he reacted quickly, and quickly shouted: "Wait, let me evolve a batch of secret books first..." But before he finished speaking, the system interface and character attributes in his mind "swipe" to the ground. Disappeared, just like the computer screen suddenly went black, only a line of words "The system is being upgraded" was displayed.

Lu Shaoxi froze for a while before recovering, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

During these days, he has become accustomed to relying on the convenience of the system, but now that the system is suddenly shut down for an upgrade, he is really not used to it.

He thought about it for a second, upgrading is a good thing, and normally speaking, upgrading will inevitably open up new functions.Thinking of this, Lu Shaoxi cheered up immediately, full of anticipation for the result of the upgrade.

 Thank you for your votes and support. For the sake of readers, Lao Mo will definitely work hard to update!Codeword at full speed on today's rest day, guarantee two updates, and strive for three updates!This is the first update!
(End of this chapter)

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