i can eat tips

Chapter 73 Soaring Strength

Chapter 73 Soaring Strength
Lu Shaoxi also thought about the additional functions of other systems, such as scorching air column, decelerating world, accelerating thinking, etc., and wondered if they could still be used, so he couldn't help feeling tense.

He first looked inside his dantian, and found that the scorching air column was still standing in the dantian, he was relieved, the chance of 50% bonus attack power once a day was still there, and the accelerated thinking should also be there.

He concentrated on performing martial arts again, and found that he could also enter the deceleration world smoothly.It seems that these additional functions that are dependent on the system but are relatively independent have not been affected by the system upgrade.

Lu Shaoxi felt relaxed, and immediately raised his eyebrows at Falcon and said, "Falcon, use the strength of Qi Gathering to attack me with all your strength!"

"Yes, MASTER!" The Falcon's ferocious steel giant fist attacked towards him with the whirlwind in between. Lu Shaoxi shouted loudly, using the thirteenth force of splitting and hanging palms, and swung his arms rapidly, like a huge windmill. Falcon's fists clashed abruptly.

Amid the resounding sounds of gold and iron, Lu Shaoxi and Falcon stepped back three steps at the same time, and they were evenly matched.

Finally able to head-to-head with the Falcon!Lu Shaoxi laughed loudly, and rushed to attack with all his strength. At this time, he had combined the Tiandi Xuanhuang soft body technique into several major martial arts, attacking while dodging, defending while attacking, and taking the lead in defense. Martial arts, combined with splitting palms, tiger-shaped lore, and phantom eagle claws to attack in turn, made Falcon almost powerless to fight back, especially at this time, his strength has greatly increased, and the Dragon Catch Fist is even more ever-changing. , Falcon's fierce fists and claws were all released, and several times it was stuck and deflected by Lu Shaoxi's occasional successful "return the other's strength to the other body", causing its left fist to hit his right hand. His shoulder and right claw hit his left shoulder. If it weren't for the material of the falcon itself that could withstand the heavy blow of ten heavy blows, these few punches would be enough to damage the armor.

"Medium!" Fighting fiercely with thirty or forty strokes, Lu Shaoxi leaped into the air, like a tiger pouncing on its prey, with one lunge, two claws and three kicks, grabbing into the gap of the falcon's defense, his legs were like cannonballs, fast and accurate, kicking the falcon on the chest.

Falcon had long since collapsed, staggered from being kicked, and barely managed to stabilize his figure by retreating more than ten steps.

Lu Shaoxi landed lightly, and didn't chase after him, but clenched his fists excitedly, with a happy smile on his face.

Finally won!For more than half a month, he has been fighting against the Falcon at the first level of energy gathering, and finally defeated the Falcon for the first time without relying on the attack power bonus of the scorching air column, relying on his own strength and martial skills!You must know that Falcon's strength at this time is slightly better than the ordinary Qi-gathering [-]st stage. This is enough to prove that Lu Shaoxi has the strength to fight any master of Qi-gathering [-]st stage!
"Master, your overall strength has already surpassed the first level of Qi Gathering, Falcon can't beat you, please apply to set the strength level to the second level of Qi Gathering, please approve!"

The second level of energy gathering... Lu Shaoxi's heart moved slightly, just in time for him to try the "strengthening" of the tenth level of body training.But he looked at the time and guessed that Li Nianjie would come to find him soon, so he shook his head and said, "We'll continue at night, Falcon, you should clean up the venue first and then go charge your batteries. You'll go out with me later."

"Yes, MASTER!"

Lu Shaoxi took a bath comfortably, and casually found a set of old sports clothes to change into.He washed the sportswear that Qin Ruxuan gave him and hung it up to dry, thinking that he would wear it next time he went to Thunder Academy to attend a class, and he would go to fight later, so naturally there was no need to wear such good clothes.

Sure enough, Li Nianjie arrived outside Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall on time at two o'clock. Lu Shaoxi drove a Falcon and followed him in his Porsche sports car. After about half an hour, he came to a place called "Yuanzhou Xinghui Media Co., Ltd." in front of the building.

After parking the car, Li Nianjie took Lu Shaoxi upstairs, and whispered as he walked, "Mr. Lu, my father has a bad temper. Please forgive me if he speaks a little unpleasantly."

Lu Shaoxi nodded, and the two soon came to a large conference room. There were already several strong men sitting in it, and a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s in a suit and leather shoes was talking to them. The middle-aged man His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Li Nianjie, and it is obvious that it is his father, Li Yuanzhao, the chairman of Star Media.

"Dad, this is the Mr. Lu I told you about."

"Oh, you are Mr. Lu. Thank you for your hard work. Sit down." Li Yuanzhao took a look at Lu Shaoxi, and saw that he was handsome and gentle, especially his hands, which were white and slender. He didn't look like a martial artist at all, so he shook his head secretly. It seems that my son has been deceived by someone, such a thin young man, I am afraid that he can't even beat his own three-step feline kung fu, how could he be some kind of martial arts master with unique skills?
His face immediately pulled down, but he didn't say anything because of his son's face, he nodded perfunctorily to Lu Shaoxi, and then chatted with a few big guys on his own.

Li Nianjie saw the disdain in his father's eyes, smiled awkwardly, and pulled out the chair for Lu Shaoxi to sit down.

Lu Shaoxi was used to Li Yuanzhao's face, so he sat down with a calm smile.He took a look at the big guys. At this time, he had extraordinary eyesight, and quickly found some clues from the behavior of the big guys. He found that the two most arrogant guys were actually hermit martial artists with the second and third levels of body training. , and the other three are probably good at practicing traditional foreign boxing, but they are nothing in the eyes of hermit martial artists.

A person who looked like a secretary came in from outside and whispered to Li Yuanzhao twice. Li Yuanzhao stood up with a look of surprise on his face and said, "Really? Master Liu is here in person? Alright, I'll go to meet him right away!"

He couldn't care less about being courteous with a few big men, and left in a hurry with the secretary.Several burly men looked at each other, feeling a little helpless on their faces.

After a while, Li Yuanzhao accompanied a middle-aged martial artist back to the conference room with a smile all over his face.This middle-aged martial artist was 35 to [-] years old, dressed in a mandarin jacket-style exercise uniform, with a burly physique, his arms were almost thicker than Lu Shaoxi's thighs, and his face was full of arrogance.

Li Yuanzhao personally poured a cup of tea for the middle-aged martial artist, and then introduced to everyone: "This is Liu Tianxi, Master Liu from the Hulushu Martial Arts Academy. I heard that he is superb in martial arts. I asked several friends to get in touch with him." After repeated invitations, he finally agreed to come and help in person! You are all friends who are here to help Li today, so why not get to know each other!"

Liu Tianxi from Hulushu Martial Arts Academy?Lu Shaoxi thought for a while, and it seems that he is the owner of a half-star martial arts gym in the XC district of Yuanzhou City. He saw this name once at the star assessment meeting at the beginning of the month. If I remember correctly, Liu Tianxi's strength should be In the sixth level of body training, he met Wang Kuan in the first round, and was kicked off the ring by him with a three-star kick. Liu Tianxi felt that his face was dull and left early, so he probably didn't know himself.

Seeing Liu Tianxi's majestic expression at this time, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help laughing secretly.

Liu Tianxi didn't look at Lu Shaoxi at all, thinking that he and Li Nianjie were both employees of the company. He just glanced at the big guys and said with disdain: "Mr. Li, these people are the helpers you invited back?"

Li Yuanzhao said with a smile: "Yes. Master Liu, is there any question?"

Liu Tianxi snorted coldly: "Let them go, this kind of thing will get in the way if it can't help you if it meets a real master!"

Li Yuanzhao was startled, wondering: "Master Liu, they are all friends who came here to help..."

Liu Tianxi shook his head and said, "It's okay for them to fight rogues and thieves, but it's useless against hermits."

The two hermit martial artists in the big man obviously recognized Liu Tianxi, and their faces changed slightly, but the other three retired athletes couldn't help but burst into anger when they saw Liu Tianxi being so arrogant.

One of the big men in dark green clothes got up first and said angrily: "Master Liu, you are not too old, but your tone is not too young. Are you saying that we are not as good as you?"

Liu Tianxi took a sip of tea and said proudly, "That's what it means."

The big man in the dark green clothes raised his eyebrows: "I don't know if Master Liu dares to compete with me?"

Li Yuanzhao also wanted to see Liu Tianxi's strength, so he pretended to persuade him and stopped talking. Liu Tianxi snorted, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pat the conference table, only to hear "Wow!", the conference table made of solid wood unexpectedly The sawdust was flying, and the entire corner of the table was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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