i can eat tips

Chapter 74 Master Liu Can't Win

Chapter 74 Master Liu Can't Win
It's so powerful that almost everyone in the room turned pale, only Lu Shaoxi smiled and said nothing, this little trick is nothing, he can break bricks with his fingers at the fifth level of body training.

"How about it, do you want to learn a lesson or two?" Liu Tianxi looked proudly at the big man in dark green shirt whose face changed dramatically.

The forehead of the big man in the dark green shirt was covered with cold sweat, but he was not willing to admit defeat, he gritted his teeth and said, "Master Liu please enlighten me!"

Liu Tianxi shook his head and stood up: "Bring yourself to shame." He walked up to the big man in the dark green shirt, who was on guard immediately, but Liu Tianxi just sneered, the crowd didn't see how he made the move, the big man in the dark green shirt was completely dead It flew out and fell hard into the corridor outside the meeting room, unable to get up for a while.

The audience suddenly fell silent, and it took a while for Li Yuanzhao to burst out laughing, and respectfully said to Liu Tianxi, "With Master Liu here today, I'm sure I'll be able to succeed right away!" He looked at the dark green man with a little disdain, thinking, thanks It's still a master of foreign boxing, but that's all!He said to the secretary: "Go, help the gentleman who fell over there, and rest next to him."

The rest of the big men couldn't sit still any longer, especially the two foreign boxing masters, seeing that their companions were easily defeated, felt ashamed to stay and helped them up and left. Li Yuanzhao was kind enough to let the secretary catch up, $[-] each.

The two hermit warriors looked at each other, and for a moment didn't know whether it was better to leave or stay.

Liu Tianxi looked at them: "You are also hermit martial artists? Your strength doesn't seem to be very good."

The older of the two clasped his fists and swallowed his breath: "Yes. We are two brothers. I am the eldest brother Zhang Yun, and he is my younger brother Zhang Zhi. We are only in the third level of body training. Compared with Master Liu, we are naturally stronger. Not as good."

"Third level of body training, it can barely be used as a striker, you can stay here." Liu Tianxi nodded proudly.Although the two felt that their face was swept away, they still went back to sit down after all, thinking about the reward of 100 million.

Li Nianjie at the side asked in a low voice: "Mr. Lu, what do you think of Master Liu's martial arts? Is he sure of defeating the leader of Yinglang?" He was most convinced by Lu Shaoxi. Although he saw Liu Tianxi's amazing martial arts, he still couldn't help asking Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi had been watching the play with cold eyes. When Li Nianjie asked, he shook his head and said, "Master Liu can't win."

Although the voices of the two were quiet, Liu Tianxi is a sixth-level body trainer, and his hearing is not weak, so he could hear clearly, his face darkened, and he asked coldly: "Oh, I don't know who is the master, who actually said that Liu can't win? "

Li Yuanzhao was talking with Liu Tianxi very politely, when he saw Liu Tianxi suddenly address his son, he couldn't help being surprised: "Master Liu, what did you say?"

Liu Tianxi snorted, and pointed at Lu Shaoxi: "This kid is amazing, he actually said that I can't beat the leader of Yinglang."

When Li Yuanzhao saw that it was the liar who deceived his son, he immediately became furious, and he said with a sullen face: "Mr. Lu, I respect you as my son's friend, and I will give you three points. Don't push yourself too hard. If Master Liu is angry with you Leave, I will never spare you! Apologize to Master Liu!"

Lu Shaoxi frowned, and Li Nianjie quickly smoothed things over and said, "Dad, Mr. Lu is a master with unique skills, you should listen to what he has to say..."

Li Yuanzhao was furious, Liu Tianxi stopped him with one hand, and he looked at Lu Shaoxi with a smirk: "Oh, so you are an expert with unique skills. I don't know if you are learning Taekwondo or Karate? Or some ancient martial art?"

Lu Shaoxi smiled lightly: "I haven't learned this before."

"Then you must have learned some kind of Taijiquan?" Liu Tianxi laughed even more happily, he asked himself that he would never be wrong, the kid in front of him looked weak except for his sharp eyes. Just practice Tai Chi routines for a few days.

Sure enough, Lu Shaoxi smiled and said, "Tai Chi? I really learned some of this before." This is the truth, Lu Shaoxi once learned Tai Chi for a few days in physical education class when he was in college.

Liu Tianxi laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "Nowadays, many people dare to call themselves masters with unique skills even though they know how to show off."

Li Yuanzhao laughed twice, then glared at Li Nianjie viciously: "Nianjie, take your friends away, boastful liars are not welcome here!" He immediately took out a check for 200 million and handed it to Liu Tianxi: "Master Liu, this It's a little thought, don't worry about what happened just now, I have a big gift for the person who will win the Yingwolf later."

Liu Tianxi shrugged and stuffed the check into his pocket.

Seeing Li Yuanzhao's attitude, Lu Shaoxi shook his head, got up and left without saying a word.Li Nianjie was in a hurry, and quickly grabbed him, almost pleading: "Mr. Lu, please, for my sake, please don't leave. If you leave, my father and this company will be finished."

Before Lu Shaoxi could answer, he suddenly heard a burst of shouting and cursing from downstairs, and soon someone rushed up and shouted: "Dong Li, it's not good, the Yinglang group broke in just as the patrolmen left. ! Our security guards can't stop it!"

Li Yuanzhao didn't expect that Yinglang's people would not keep their promises, and rushed upstairs, he couldn't help being shocked and angry: "Didn't they make an appointment for a decisive battle by the Lion Lake at [-] o'clock in the afternoon? Yinglang and this group of people are really shameless!"

"Who are you calling shameless?"

Amidst the cold and arrogant words, a middle-aged man about thirty years old with bruises on his face raised his foot and kicked open the door of the conference room, and casually threw the person in his hand to the ground. no.

Everyone lowered their heads and saw that it was one of the few foreign boxing masters who had just left.

There was only a burst of laughing and joking, and two "pops", and the other two foreign boxing masters were also thrown to the floor of the conference room.A dozen men in suits wearing black mirrors appeared behind the middle-aged man.

Li Yuanzhao's complexion changed, and he pointed at the middle-aged man and said angrily, "Han Yinglang, what do you mean?"

The one with the blue tattoo on his face was the leader of the "Yinglang", named Han Yinglang. He sneered and said, "It's nothing interesting. I didn't want to trouble Mr. Li to go so far, so we came to the door to compete. These three guys don't know what to do. If you dare to attack me anyway, it must be the helper invited by Li Dong?"

It turned out that as soon as the three foreign boxing masters came downstairs, they saw the "Yinglang" people making trouble.The three thought that they had to do something after receiving 1 yuan from Li Yuanzhao, so they tried to repel these villains, but they didn't expect that the leader of the "Yingwolf" was too skilled, so he knocked them down easily, lifted them up, and fell to Li Yuanzhao In front of him, came a dismount.

Li Yuanzhao originally had no hope for these three foreign boxing masters. He glared at Han Yinglang: "Han Yinglang, you are ruthless, but today you met your nemesis, and I invited an expert to sit in the battle!"

"Oh? Master? Where is the master?" Han Yinglang glanced at the several people present, Li Nianjie and Lu Shaoxi skipped directly, and their eyes fell on Liu Tianxi, Zhang Yun, and Zhang Zhi.

Han Yinglang smiled: "Only by them? How dare such a third-rate little character be called a master?"

Anger flashed in Liu Tianxi's eyes, but just now he saw that the Han Yinglang's hands were not weak when he threw someone, and he wanted to try his skills, so he turned back to Brother Zhang Yun and said, "Brother Zhang, if you want to collect money, you can get it." Just work harder. I'll leave this small role to you."

"Yes, Master Liu." Although Zhang Yun and Zhang Zhi saw that Han Yinglang seemed to have good skills, he must not be an opponent with the triple strength of body training like himself. Zhang Zhi took the lead and punched Han Yinglang in the face. Zhang Yun on the other side almost at the same time swiped his feet to attack Han Yinglang's foot. The two brothers had a tacit understanding and indeed had some skills.

Han Yinglang just sneered: "It's a small trick!" He didn't dodge or avoid Zhang Yun's sweeping feet, but he just stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Zhi's fist. Zhang Yun's arm bone had been broken by him, and he screamed immediately.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Yunyun swept his feet with all his strength on Han Yinglang's calf, but it felt as if he was kicking on fine steel with all his strength, and his face was deformed in pain. Han Ying waved his hand casually, Zhang Zhi's body fell heavily on Zhang Yun's body, and the two brothers screamed at the same time, and passed out.

"Mr. Li, are you ready for your money? If not, I won't be polite." Han Yinglang grinned grimly, staring sharply at Li Yuanzhao.

 The third update has been realized today, brothers who have votes, vote for encouragement?Look better tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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