i can eat tips

Chapter 80 The Compelling Classroom

Chapter 80 The Compelling Classroom

Looking at the dark crowd in front of him, Lu Shaoxi was somewhat nervous. He took a few deep breaths slowly, fisted all the students, and began to write a line of formulas on the electronic projection blackboard.

"Students, last time Professor Shen mainly talked about the definition of vitality in class, which involved several core key points, one is the critical frequency needed to stimulate and condense vitality, and the other is..."

There was no prologue, no self-effacing and self-introduction, and no self-promotion. Lu Shaoxi just started his first lecture in his life.

But his calm attitude won the favor of the students.Standing on the podium, this young man who was not a few years older than them, could not see any pride on his face, nor did he have any hypocritical self-effacing, let alone a word of nonsense, straight to the point, what they said most and wanted to hear core content.

No matter the students who watched the excitement, were not convinced, or came because of curiosity, they were quickly attracted by his clear and simple explanations, and unconsciously took out their notebooks and wrote them down.

Whenever he talked about important and difficult points, Lu Shaoxi would think carefully and use very common examples in life to make analogies to deepen the understanding of the students in the audience, and every time he finished talking about a key point, Lu Shaoxi would stop and enter a questioning session, But completely different from Professor Shen's trial, this time it was the students in the audience who asked the questions, and Lu Shaoxi on the stage answered the questions.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Shaoxi became more and more calm, and his thinking became clearer, especially the scorching air flowed into his brain, accelerating his thinking ability, and the students' questions became more professional and more profound, Lu Shaoxi It can still be answered easily and accurately.

The eyes of the students looking at Lu Shaoxi almost became pure respect and admiration, even the senior students who were not convinced at first could not help secretly admiring him.

The relaxed Lu Shaoxi occasionally said a few jokes, so the class was filled with joyful laughter and warm applause.

It was past nine o'clock unknowingly, but none of the students left, and even the number of students who came after hearing the news only increased, and the entire fifth floor of Building B was completely surrounded.


On the school road of Thunder Academy, Dean Xia, Professor Shen, Zheng Hai, and a group of faculty and staff of the academy are leading officials from the Provincial Hidden Martial Arts Management Association and an exchange group from Dongguo Martial Arts School to the place of trial. to walk.

As soon as the group approached the trial site, they heard bursts of warm applause from the teaching building in the distance.A middle-aged man from the winter country exchange group looked over there with interest, and asked in a slightly jerky Long Xia language: "Dean Xia, is there a class over there?"

Dean Xia followed his gaze, and couldn't help being stunned, building B?It should be where the activity classrooms of various associations are located. How can there be a large number of students surrounded there?
In front of so many foreign guests, he didn't want to easily use his spiritual sense of "Tongmai" to observe the situation in the distance, so he glanced at Zheng Hai, Zheng Hai understood, immediately left the crowd, and dialed the phone number of the monitoring center .Soon, he returned to Dean Xia's side, smiled wryly and whispered a few words.

A trace of surprise flashed in Dean Xia's eyes, but there was no sign on his face, and he said flatly, "Mr. Park, there is indeed a class over there."

Pu Xiuji looked at the crowded corridor on the fifth floor in the distance, and said, "Dean Xia, the way you teach is really strange, you actually let the students stand in the corridor."

The tone of this sentence was somewhat sarcastic, and Dean Xia could hear it naturally, and he said calmly: "There is a mobile teaching building over there, which is dedicated to students' independent learning. We can choose to listen or not to listen, but students are always eager to learn and would rather crowd the corridors than miss a lesson."

These words were neither humble nor overbearing, they not only responded to Pu Xiuji's sarcasm, but also showed the tireless spirit of learning of Longxia students, all the people from the college and the Wulin Management Association nodded secretly.

Park Xiuji laughed: "So that's how it is. Now that the corridors are full of students, it seems that the teacher who is teaching must have given a wonderful speech. I don't know if it is convenient for Dean Xia to postpone the actual combat training for half an hour so Let's go and listen to the teacher's opinion for a while?"

The exchange delegation sent by the Dongguo Martial Arts Association this time is composed of the first-class martial arts schools in Dongguo. They have made great achievements in martial arts theory and have always regarded themselves very highly. Therefore, they are teaching the theoretical knowledge of Thunder Academy, a secondary college. I'm not very interested, I just want to see its most famous practical training, and it's a bit unexpected that I want to listen to the theoretical course at this time.

Dean Xia frowned. He naturally knew that Lu Shaoxi was explaining the theory of vitality to the students. Although these things were not classified, it was not appropriate for the Dongguo mission to listen to them. He was about to refuse, when the nearby provincial Wang Xihan, president of the Yinxiu Martial Arts Management Association, smiled and said, "Since Mr. Park is interested, let Mr. Park listen."

He didn't know the situation of the academy, and he thought that the academy really had such a tradition. It was rare for the Winter Country exchange group to show interest, so Chairman Wang naturally wanted to show off.

When Wang Xihan opened his mouth, it was very difficult for Dean Xia to refuse, so he could only say: "Then I'll ask someone to inform the students first, so that they don't get crowded like this, and it's not easy for you, Mr. Park, to listen in."

Park Soo-ki smiled and said, "You don't need to disturb the students so quickly, we'll talk about it when we get there. Dean Xia, please lead the way?"

Dean Xia could only secretly smile bitterly, "Boy Lu, boy Lu, you must give me a long face."


A group of people walked to the fourth floor of the teaching school in Building B, and found that the corridor on the fourth floor was full of people. Everyone was listening and taking notes. Park Xiuji became more curious and turned to Dean Xia. He said to President Wang: "It seems that your Long Xia students are really serious and eager to learn. The teacher is teaching upstairs, and they are so serious even if they are downstairs."

Chairman Wang proudly said: "Mr. Park has won the award, but our Longxia students have never dared to be proud and complacent, and they study very hard."

As soon as everyone reached the stairs on the fifth floor, they heard Lu Shaoxi's voice from the activity room: "Just now, this student's understanding is very correct. Let's give him a round of applause and praise, shall we?"

"Okay!" The students applauded immediately, and the enthusiastic applause made the plump male student flushed with excitement. His grades have never been good, and he has never tried to understand the content of a class so clearly. , not to mention being applauded and praised by many classmates, he was so moved that he almost shed tears, choked up and said: "Thank you very much for the explanation, God Lu!" He bowed deeply to Lu Shaoxi before sitting down.

At this moment, the students on the periphery finally noticed Dean Xia and his party, and couldn't help being startled. Park Soo-ki made a gesture of silence, signaling not to disturb the teacher's lecture. Zheng Hai made a gesture to the students, and the students They immediately gave way to a passage.Wang Xihan and other management association officials and a dozen teachers and students of the exchange group headed by Park Soo-ki walked lightly to the window.

Through the window, Lu Shaoxi could clearly see that he was holding an electronic pen, writing on the electronic projection blackboard, explaining while writing.

The members of the Dongguo exchange group couldn't help being surprised when they saw that the lecturer was actually a young man in his early twenties.Next to Park Soo-ki, a bald teacher in his 40s asked in Long Xia language, "Dean Xia, is this young man the teacher you invited? Isn't he too young?"

Dean Xia said without changing his face: "The only criterion for the part-time teachers hired by our college is to have outstanding professional knowledge in a certain field. Although this teacher Lu is young, he has a deep understanding of vitality, so he is naturally qualified to teach students. Let's give lectures."

The teacher looked at Lu Shaoxi twice, and suddenly smiled: "If I'm not mistaken, this young teacher may not have reached the Qi-gathering state, right? He's not even in the Qi-gathering state, so he's just explaining vitality to the students here, right?" Isn’t it a bit of a paper talk?”

(End of this chapter)

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