i can eat tips

Chapter 81 Thunderous Applause

Chapter 81 Thunderous Applause
According to the current division of the realm of strength in the hidden martial arts world, from low to high, they are body refining, energy gathering, condensing pills, channeling the veins, transforming the gods, nirvana, breaking the void, etc. It is said that there is the most supreme immortality above the breaking void Realm, but in today's world, there are very few superpowers who can reach the realm of transforming gods, let alone the realm above.In the history books recorded in the Longxia Kingdom, it is said that only Qin Yang, the first emperor of the Sun Dynasty, finally stepped into the Shattering Void Realm, led his lovers to rise against the wind, shattered the void, disappeared under the starry sky, and became an eternal legend—— ——There are even rumors that Qin Yang, the first emperor of the Qin family, reappeared in the world for a very short time before the successor emperors of the Qin family announced the change of government and the process of democracy. The most important reason for democratic reform.

The biggest difference between Qi Gathering Realm and Body Refining Realm is that it can gather the vitality of heaven and earth, quench the body and wash the marrow, so that the body can make new breakthroughs on the basis of body training.

There are also ten levels of Qi-gathering environment, and the most obvious signs of each level are Qi-gathering reaching hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, knees, legs, head, chest, abdomen, and waist.Once the vitality is gathered to complete the tempering and marrow washing of all parts of the body, and the true energy is all over the body, then all the true energy can be condensed in the dantian, forming a true energy pill, and breaking through to the condensed pill state.

Precisely because the energy-gathering environment gathers vitality to condense true qi, the parts of a martial artist in the energy-gathering environment who have completed marrow washing will always emit faint traces of true energy.This kind of trace is not difficult to detect for the strong above the core concentration level, so the middle-aged teacher in the winter country exchange group pointed out that Lu Shaoxi was not in the Qi gathering level, and Dean Xia was not surprised at all.

This kid was only at the sixth level of body training a month ago, if he can break through to the first level of Qi Gathering now, it would be hell.

Dean Xia had a tough temper, he did not give in, and said indifferently: "Mr. Cui, it is not only in the Qi-gathering state that you can explain vitality? You don’t want to leave even if you listen in the corridor?”

Cui Taixian is the person in the exchange group who has the deepest research on Long Xia culture. He has always looked down on the martial arts theory of Long Xia Jingwu Alliance.

At that moment, Cui Taixian shook his head and said bluntly: "Dean Xia, you, Long Xia, have an old saying called 'What you learn on paper will eventually become shallow, but you will never know it until you practice it'. It's superficial and empty. I don't believe that a teacher in the body training realm can tell the real theory of vitality. You students don't want to leave, it may be that you have never heard of the real theory of vitality, so you will treat flashy theories as treasures! Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

As soon as this remark came out, Dean Xia and other college leaders immediately looked bad, and even the officials of the Management Association frowned.The students who heard the conversation between the two clearly were even more in an uproar. Although they just found out that Lu Dashen who was lecturing on the stage was only in the body training state, the half-hour class just now was enough to benefit them It's very simple, what the bald warrior said now not only said that they were ignorant and ridiculous, but also said that Lu Dashen's lesson was worthless!
All the students were full of anger. If it weren't for the presence of Dean Xia, Zheng Hai and other important figures from the college, they might have refuted it on the spot.

Dean Xia's face darkened, and he was about to speak when a young voice suddenly came in.

"Who said that one cannot understand the theory of vitality at the level of body training?"

Everyone followed the prestige and found that Lu Shaoxi had walked out of the activity classroom at some time.

The students gave way like a tide.

Lu Shaoxi walked out slowly, walked up to Cui Taixian, stared straight at him, and said in a deep voice: "All the students here would rather stand in the corridor and listen to my theory of vitality, not because of how well I speak, but because they They have a strong thirst for knowledge. They are good at learning and learning from others' knowledge, discarding the false and keeping the true, constantly improving their theoretical knowledge, and enriching it in actual combat. This is the most precious quality of our Longxia students, and it is also the most valuable quality of our Longxia students. The main reason why it has been able to stand in the world for thousands of years and still maintain the most complete cultural heritage. This gentleman, if I speak badly, you are welcome to correct me, because I am also happy to learn from each other, but please don’t, and you are not allowed to insult The students present who are dedicated to studying!"

Lu Shaoxi doesn't like to show off, but in the brief contact with these students of Thunder Academy, he really felt the students' strong spirit of not being ashamed to ask questions and tireless study, and he was deeply shocked. Just now he overheard Cui Taixian's words , suddenly felt angry, and stepped forward without thinking.

The reason why the students dare not speak out is because there are academy leaders around, but Lu Shaoxi is different, he is not a student of Thunder Academy, and he is not afraid of being punished by the academy, let alone offending these winter warriors!
The audience was silent, and then there was a wave of applause and applause!The depression and anger that the students were originally full of turned into a sense of joy in Lu Shaoxi's loud words!
Especially the sentence "you are not allowed to insult the students who are studying hard", the domineering and backbone warmed the hearts of all the students present. In the thunderous applause, the students even had tears in their eyes , the eye circles of the fat boy turned red immediately, and he applauded desperately!

Even Dean Xia and Professor Shen had faint smiles on their lips.

"Oh, you are the young teacher who taught the theory of vitality just now. I wonder how many years you have studied the theory of vitality? You are not in the body training state, but you dare to speak on the theory of vitality on stage, are you afraid of misleading your disciples?"

Seeing Cui Taixian's bad tone, the other leaders of the college were afraid that the conflict between the two sides would intensify. They were about to mediate, but Dean Xia stretched out his hand to stop him, and said flatly, "Let Teacher Lu handle this matter with full authority."

Teacher Lu?Could this young man really be a part-time teacher hired by Dean Xia?

The rest of the leaders and teachers in the academy were secretly amazed, but Dean Xia had a very high prestige in the academy, and when he opened his mouth, the rest of the people immediately fell silent.

Lu Shaoxi was also taken aback, but he immediately understood that in front of these winter warriors, he was now representing the "teacher" of Thunder Academy.He nodded slightly to Dean Xia and Professor Shen, then looked directly at Cui Taixian and said, "Who said that you can't understand the theory of vitality?"

Cui Taixian laughed, and the corner of his mouth was full of sarcasm: "Interesting, people in the body training state actually say that they understand vitality. Do you believe it?" He turned to ask the students and teachers of Dongguo, who responded enthusiastically with piercing laughter.

Cui Taixian smiled and said: "Look, they don't believe it, and only you Long Xia's students believe it."

All the students of Thunder Academy showed angry faces, and Lu Shaoxi said coldly: "I repeat, don't underestimate the students of our Long Xia Kingdom, they have enough discerning ability. When I communicated with the students on the stage just now, every All points of knowledge are exchanged and discussed with everyone, I believe that they will never be inferior to your Dongguo students in terms of learning ability or comprehension ability."

Speaking of this, he stared at Cui Taixian coldly: "At first, I thought I was a guest from afar, and I didn't want to argue too much with you, but when it comes to the reputation of our Longxia students, I have to compete. You say I don’t understand the theory of vitality? Well, you pick a teacher at random, and we will write the derivation process of the definition of vitality together, whoever writes it first and gets it right wins, how about it?”

(End of this chapter)

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