Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 101 Demon King VS Demon Lord

Chapter 101 Demon King VS Demon Lord
"Hmm?" Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered slightly as the traces disappeared, and he cursed the traces in his heart for troublesome things.

"You want to go to Bifang Mountain?"

Turning around, Yuan Wuji looked at Hong Chenxue beside him and asked.

"This..." Hong Chenxue hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Sorry, the trainee is also my friend, I can't watch him in danger."

"Is that so..." Yuan Wuji touched his chin, and then said: "You have not recovered your body, I will help you recover first."

Sitting cross-legged behind Hongchenxue, Yuan Wuji pressed his palm on Hongchenxue's vest, and the Nine Yang True Yuan poured out. Although he was helping Hongchenxue to heal his injuries, Yuan Wuji's eyes kept flickering, "It seems that I still Not ruthless enough!"

"If that's the case, then..."


Bi Fangshan, a life trainee, sat cross-legged. After meeting Jiu Qianqiu for a while, scenes of familiar and unfamiliar memories always appeared in his mind during these days.

"The Devil! Am I really the reincarnation of the Devil?"

Although he doesn't want to admit it, the memories in his mind and the connection with the Netherworld all prove that the facts are irrefutable.

At this moment, a gust of wind came suddenly, and a violent breath came from behind.

"The calamity spreads all over the world, and the decree brings six misfortunes and seven killings; disasters permeate the past and present, and dominates the eight disasters and nine evils alone. The one demon of all ages is the master against the sky."

Accompanied by the Overbearing Poetry, Kui Yujiang and Zonghengzi stepped into the battlefield.

"Kuiyu Jiang!"

The life trainee stood up slowly, holding the fate of refining and washing, and said coldly: "What are you doing here?"

"kill you!"

As soon as the cold words came out, Kui Yujiang made a strong move immediately.

The palms of the guns clash, and the magic weapons are not broken.

The ancient battlefield of Bifang Mountain, which has been silent for countless years, is on fire again. This time, it is a battle between two generations of masters of the Nether Realm.

"The Nine Limits of Swallowing the Universe——The Burning Star Limit! The Month-Punishment Limit!"

As soon as the Nine Great Limits came out, the situation changed, the earth was in turmoil, and a pair of powerful magic powers paired with the Sun Chaser Spear.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of tricks have passed, and the vitality of the practice has passed, showing signs of decline.

"So weak, are you really the Demon Lord?"

Kui Yujiang sneered again and again, the power of the demon was unmatched.

Zonghengzi behind Luezhen was completely calm, but no one knew what was going on in his heart.

Far away in the secluded world, Di Jiao, who has transformed into a fairy butterfly with nine thousand autumns, looked solemnly, "How could Tian Mo Yu know the identity of the trainee? Could it be that letter? It seems that the plan has to be changed."

"As for the trainees... I hope that Suzakuyi will have time to send the news to Shuyu, and now I can only take risks and use the strategy of driving away wolves and tigers."

At this moment, in Shuyu, Master Tianzhi, who had just recovered for a few days, saw Suzaku Yi and learned that the trainee's life was in danger.

Immediately, Tianzhizhu laughed for a while, and then ordered someone to close the Suzaku clothes, "The demon king deserves to die, and the monsters in the Nether Realm should also be destroyed. Today, I will destroy the two generations of demon masters in the Nether Realm together!"

After saying that, Master Tianzhi left Shuyu and went to Bifang Mountain.

And the chess player who pretended to be Emperor Yuliang also regained his identity, and also appeared in Bi Fangshan.
Not long after, Hong Chenxue and Yuan Wuji also came together.

Bi Fangshan is destined to usher in a big battle today.

"Another slap will make you hate!"

Kui Yujiang's demon palm was raised high, and the powerful demonic energy gathered in his palm, "Swallow the limit of the sky!"

"The evil!"

Feeling the crisis of life, the trainees changed their guns and reproduced the invisible and invincible gun.

With a shocking explosion, the Shangxie's spear pierced only an inch and couldn't go any further. At this moment, the majestic palm hit the trainee's body.

"Cough cough..."

With a powerful palm, the life trainee was immediately in danger. At the critical moment, the supernatural power in his body awakened, the magic lines on his face reappeared, and a shocking demonic energy emerged.

"The source of life! You really are the devil!"

Kui Yujiang's eyes showed joy, and his expression became agitated, "The dead should not come back, and merge with me!"

With a cold shout, Kui Yujiang used the supreme magic trick again, "Slash the forbidden limit of the sun!"

"Destruction of the Devil!"

The life trainee who fell into the omen of madness again gave a strange laugh, and performed the magic skills together, with a powerful blow, each of them retreated.

"You really are the Demon King!"

At this moment, a cold remark suddenly came, and the Sky Weaver Lord appeared immediately.


Kui Yujiang narrowed his eyes slightly, and then ordered in a cold voice, "Zonghengzi, kill her!"

"Hmph! Is it up to you?"

Master Tianzhi snorted coldly, and swept Zonghengzi indifferently, speaking with disdain.

"Hey! Why do you have to go through this muddy water? Now, Zonghengzi can only do more evil!"

Zonghengzi shook his head, sighed, and walked to the opposite side of Tianzhizhu.

The momentum of the two sides is hedging, and the next moment will be an extreme fight.

"My son, you are fine!"

The life trainee's voice became unfamiliar, but the cold demeanor became even more terrifying, "Today, the father will come to the world again!"

Accompanied by a strange laugh, the life trainee who has been manipulated by the memory of the demon monarch discarded the life of refining and washing, and transported out the magic monarch's unique skills.

"Come on, let Weifu see your progress over the past hundreds of years—Crazy Demon Purgatory·Chapter of Sin and Punishment!"

The supreme magic formula was released for the first time, and the entire battlefield was turned into a scorched earth purgatory in an instant. The powerful magic power was earth-shattering.

Facing the demon king, Kui Yujiang glared at him, forcibly raised the demon's essence, and tried his best again, "Destroy the world's forbidden limit!"

The extreme style that has never been used before, Kui Yujiang only felt the powerful magic energy pouring out, turning into the extreme magic light, instantly defeated the strong move, and landed on the demon king.

After all, the life trainees were seriously injured. Even if the source of life recovered and the demon king came in person, they were powerless in the face of such an unfavorable battle situation. They could only roar unwillingly, and the demonic energy gradually subsided.

"Hahaha! After all, I won!"

Kui Yujiang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He clutched the wound on his left chest, and approached slowly, "As long as I swallow you, from now on, I will become the number one demon in the Youjie world!"

"Wash the ice and wash the snow, wear the cloud crown in the rosy clouds, and despise the ten thousand miles. Send a voice to the jade mirror, shake the stars, and the phoenix and the luan will guide the mountains and rivers."

Hong Chenxue, who hurried over, saw the situation so far, without any hesitation, the jade seal was released again, and accompanied by the sound of the dragon's roar, he forcibly retreated from Kuiyujiang.


"Today, no one can stop me!"

Seeing that he was about to achieve unprecedented strength but was destroyed by others, Kui Yujiang was furious and blasted out with a palm, but after repeated battles, his strength was finally exhausted, and after several moves, he had to retreat.

"The trainee's condition is not right, it is not appropriate to fight more."

After being forced to retreat from Kui Yujiang, Hong Chenxue appeared in front of the unconscious trainee, wanting to take him away, but the palm of his hand fell on the trainee's shoulder for a moment, the unconscious trainee suddenly opened his eyes, and the magic lines on his face instantly solidified, and at the same time Let out a strange laugh, "How can I just wait to be killed, and become one with me!"

Suddenly, Hongchenxue didn't realize it, her body was restrained, and as the demon lord sucked in the air, the true energy in Hongchenxue's body along with the life energy poured out, and was mercilessly swallowed by the person opposite.

"You are not a life trainee!" Looking at the indifferent eyes, Hong Chenxue exclaimed in shock, but her body was restrained, but she was powerless to resist, and her black and shiny black hair unexpectedly appeared a dark color.

"Hehe... woman, come on!"

Regarding this, the Demon Lord just sneered. Under the crisis of his life, the Demon Lord's consciousness firmly prevailed, and as he devoured Hong Chenxue's true essence and life essence, his aura became stronger and stronger.

"Not good!"

The battle situation changed, only for a short moment, Yuan Wuji's face turned cold, and he struck out with a palm.

The exchange of palms shocked Fang Yuan and exploded a hundred miles away.

Amidst the tumbling earth waves, the Demon King absorbed all the true energy in Hongchenxue's body, and then spit out the magic energy, which actually destroyed Hongchenxue's whole body's meridians, and retreated.


Yuan Wuji hugged Hongchenxue, and Jiuyang Zhenyuan was injected into her body to stabilize the injury.

"Where to go!" How could Kui Yujiang indulge so much that the flesh from his mouth flew away, and made a sudden attack with a palm, but seeing the demon king turned back with a palm, he used this force to escape in an instant.

"Damn it!" Kui Yujiang, who knew that the Demon Lord had escaped, and Yuan Wuji, the mortal enemy, found that there was nothing to do, let out an angry roar, and retreated helplessly.

Zonghengzi also forced Tianzhizhu back with his palm and disappeared on the battlefield.

And Lord Tianzhi also had an ugly face, obviously unwilling to leave like this, and continued to pursue the breath of the Demon Lord.

On the top of the mountain, the secondary chess player who had been watching the battle has long since disappeared. The direction he was chasing was really the direction where the devil left.

 Thanks to 'Dan Ge Ji Yin' for building a thousand rewards; thanks to: Zhuoyan, Four Extraordinary Middlemen, Naming Waste Materials and other fellow daoists for their rewards, and fellow daoists for their recommendation tickets, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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