Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 102 The Hong Chenxue who was hit hard again

Chapter 102 The Hong Chenxue who was hit hard again
"Primitive Demon Monarch, die!"

At this time, Tianzhizhu appeared, Zonghengzi hadn't used all his strength before, so Tianzhizhu was in full swing at this moment.

With the palms facing each other, the rocks instantly shattered.

With the enemy right in front of his eyes, the Heavenly Weaver Lord was furious, holding thousands of lightning lights in his hand, and pressed down with one palm, "Seal the sky thunder net!"

Immediately, the entire land was destroyed by the thunder.

Purgatory vs. Thunder Net, the extreme power turned the entire land into scorched black.

The demon king's strength has not yet recovered, and the weaving master of the sky has just recovered from his injuries, and he was hit by an extreme attack, and each of them was injured immediately.

After facing each other, the Demon Lord started to flee again, but the next moment, the wind and snow came together, and the cold air hit the body.


The mad king who was running wildly noticed something strange behind him, he punched out, and immediately the grass and trees flew, and a graceful figure leaped to the dust, "The heaven and the earth are the chessboard, and the common people are the chess pieces. Hold the sword and seek one defeat in your life, and you will win the eternal name of the son of heaven."

"Devil Lord, I have come to collect debts from you!"

The face of the chess player turned cold, and the majestic sword energy swarmed away following the direction of the fingertips.

"Mad Devil Purgatory Chapter of Punishment!"

Although they didn't know the person who came, they were obviously enemies and not friends. With a powerful blow, they all retreated.

After all, the demon king did not really return, even if he devoured Hong Chenxue's true energy and life energy, he just tried his best to support him, and he was about to leave as soon as he repelled the enemy with one move, but how could the chess player allow him to escape so easily.

"Swallow Hongchenxue's true essence, just use your source of life to pay back!"

Saying a word silently in his heart, the chess player flicked his fingers, and the dense spherical sword energy enveloped the demon king. The second confrontation, the battle was still fierce.

But the Demon Lord first fought against Kui Yujiang, and met the Lord of Weavers on the way to escape, and now he is facing a strong chess player, and his decline has been revealed soon.

"Alchemy is right!"

Looking at the right timing, the chess player succeeded with one blow, and was actually trying to absorb the anode source of life carried by the trainee. Realizing this, the devil's eyes lit up with anger, and then he slapped his chest, the life energy in his body exploded, and his skill suddenly carry.

But at this moment, an ancient scroll around his waist suddenly glowed, the chess player was distracted for a while, and the demon king forced the chess player back with a palm, and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing the direction in which the demon king disappeared, the chess player's eyes flickered a few times, and then he murmured, "Forget it, we will have a lot of chances to exchange mobile phones in the future, so I will spare you once."

The chess player looked at the part of the source of life absorbed in his hand, and then used the formless essence to condense it into a sphere and put it away, then took out the ancient scroll at his waist.

This is the sub-volume of the Twelve Gods Panic Volume, which is given by the system to start the plot, and its function is to check the status of the Nine Layers Terrace at any time.

"Someone broke into the formation? And connected to the third level?"

The chess player frowned and was about to go to the open pavilion.

At this moment, on the towering nine-tiered platform next to the public pavilion, there is already a mysterious person covered with a black cloth, and the mysterious person has stepped into the fifth step.

This weight is Earth Ming's reserved move.

As soon as the mysterious person stepped in, he fell into the realm of blood and darkness, and strange forces invaded.

"Eternal night is the light that reflects eternal life, baptizes all peoples, and honors the palace."

Accompanied by the poem of contempt, a figure in a black ornate robe, a crown on his head, and a mysterious scepter in his hand appeared.

"Huh!" The mysterious man reached out without saying a word, and raised his palm. Di Ming just kept a single blow, so he also attacked directly. The battle between the two sides reached extreme in an instant.

But when the assistant chess player arrived, everything had already ended, and Jiuchongtai returned to calm again.

"Did you retreat after reaching the fifth level?"

The chess player opened the side scroll and murmured.

"Being able to break through four levels in a row is indeed terrifying. Few people in today's martial arts world can do it. So who is he?"

The chess player wanted to touch his chin, but he reacted instantly, lowered his arms, turned around and disappeared, "If you want to get on this platform or destroy the Ninefold Platform, you can only have a chance if you break all the restrictions on remaining moves in a row. I will wait for your next move." .”


But in the strange city of mountains and seas, Hong Chenxue's meridians were broken, and her vitality was seriously injured.

Yuan Wuji looked dignified at this moment, solemnly took out the continuation vein stone, circulated his true energy to slowly refine it into Hong Chenxue's body.

The continuous vein stone has the amazing ability to continue the broken meridians, and it is the original treasure of the wonders of mountains and seas.

Now Hong Chenxue was hit hard by the demon king, and the meridians all over her body were broken, and the fist-sized continuation stone was refined for more than half to connect all the broken meridians.

Even so, the broken pulse that was just connected needs time to warm up, and Hong Chenxue's true energy and life energy have been greatly damaged, hurting the foundation, and his strength has plummeted.

In addition, Hong Chenxue was even more mentally and mentally exhausted from the repeated blows this day.

A pair of beautiful eyes are a little dull at the moment.

Looking at Hong Chenxue's appearance, Yuan Wuji sighed, and there was an extra refreshing pill in his hand, "Although this Jiuhua Yulu pill can't help you recover, it has the effect of calming the mind and relieving pain, take it first .”

This is the elixir that Yuan Wuji exchanged for some useless cheats these days.

In addition to Jiuhua Yulu pills, there are various other medicines and martial arts, but these are of no use to him.

Hong Chenxue opened her mouth, intending to raise her hand, but her veins had just been connected, her limbs were weak, Yuan Wuji noticed this, she already clamped the medicine pill, and handed it to her lips.

The tender lips touched the fingers, and it was a little itchy.

"Don't worry, I will find medicine for you to help you recover, and the devil, I will kill him myself to avenge you!"

"No need..." At this moment, Hongchenxue said suddenly.


Seeing Yuan Wuji's puzzled look, Hongchenxue sighed, "I hope you can leave the matter of the devil king to me. This time, Hongchenxue would like to thank you for saving my life."

Yuan Wuji's eyes met Hong Chenxue's, and after a long time, he nodded slightly, "Yes, but you will have to recover your skills before you can leave the strange city of mountains and seas."

After leaving Hongchenxue's room, Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself: After this battle, the consciousness of life trainees will not be able to gain the upper hand again. In this life, without Hongchenxue's help, Tianji, what will you do? To stop the Demon Lord?

Yuan Wuji looked at the direction of Xianjiao from a distance, his thoughts turned.

He has never been a good person, he just came here to survive, now, he wants to play something different and make life more exciting.

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of Yuan Wuji's mouth, which was extremely weird and made people shudder.


secluded world.

Kui Yujiang returned safely.

"This deity is going to retreat to heal his wounds, and you will take care of the affairs of the Netherworld for the time being, and the Three Demon Cocoons will help you!"

While speaking, three figures suddenly appeared from behind Kui Yujiang.

This is the other body transformed by Kui Yujiang after absorbing the Nine Infants of the Holy Mother, and has never been used.

Seeing this scene, Zonghengzi's eyes flickered slightly, but he sneered in his heart, "Kui Yujiang is really still wary of me. This time when I go to Bifang Mountain, besides killing life trainees, I'm afraid I still want to test my loyalty!"

After melting out of the three demon cocoons, Kui Yujiang's aura seemed even weaker, and then he covered his chest with one hand and walked into the secret room.

With Kuiyujiang retreating, Youjie has temporarily become low-key, and Infinity and Zonghengzi, who have become nine thousand autumns, have also begun to rearrange themselves in the face of the current situation.

"With Kui Yujiang's personality, I'm afraid he will go to Jiuchongtai when he leaves the customs this time. Do you think that the scroll on Jiuchongtai will really be a variable of Youjie?"

On the solitary peak, the wind was bitterly cold, Zonghengzi looked at the location of the public pavilion, and said softly.

"Maybe, but the key to tracing the source of the matter lies in the chess player."

"so what?"

"Jiuzhongtai is not easy to play, and Kui Yujiang may not have this ability, but he may find a chess player!"

Jiu Qianqiu's voice gradually became deeper and deeper.

Obviously, Kui Yujiang's sudden actions recently made him feel threatened.

"You're right, but I'm afraid it's too late for him. Now that the blood-dark barrier is expanding, it will soon cover the Netherworld. Compared with the secrets in the book of panic, dealing with Shuyu is what is urgently needed at the moment."

At this time, Qi Xie suddenly spoke.

Jiu Qianqiu was silent for a while, and said: "You are right!"

 Thanks to: Liuquan Xiaolong's thousand rewards, thanks to: Tianya Jianchen, God and Demon Saint King are all taken up and other fellow daoists for their rewards, thank you fellow daoists for your votes!Some readers reported that they couldn't understand these two plots, so let's take it as a transition!Recently, Calvin, use other plots to delay the time, so that I can organize the follow-up!
(End of this chapter)

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