Chapter 103
Just these few days when Yuan Wuji retreated.

The external situation is unpredictable.

The Youjie army attacked the Western Crystal Tower to attract the power of Shuyu.

And Zonghengzi, Jiuqianqiu, Moye Tingjian, and Black Mococoon infiltrated Shuyu, and plotted against Ni Shenyang with the formation of vertical and horizontal gods, but Ni Shenyang's strength exceeded expectations. Then died.

At the same time, Kui Yujiang came to Zhurong Moyuan in the depths of the Youjie, and decided to awaken the Moyuan Jiuxie to carry out the plan of the Scorched Earth Moyu, and strengthen his strength, destroy the blood-dark barrier, climb the nine-fold platform, kill the demon king, and destroy the strange city of mountains and seas .

Lun Xia Xing Dao Lian Zen Jian Yiru, De Feng Gu Dao, and Qin Jixian taught the method of destroying the crystal tower, and planned to destroy the Sifang Crystal Tower.

Chu Tianxing accompanied Chan Jianyiru to Shuguang Liu Pagoda, and met a destined person.

"The world is like chess, the universe is unpredictable, and the heroes are all laughing!"

Accompanied by the familiar poem title, the Buddha spirit reappears in the one-page book of Baishi Jinglun.

And a new month is here again.

Because during this period of time, no masters have been killed or other major changes have been made, so this time, there is only one designated chance at the beginning of the month.

Techniques, fists, weapons, pills, weapons, treasures.

"How to choose this time?"

Yuan Wuji fell into deep thought. At this moment, his cultivation has reached the peak peak. As long as he strengthens his foundation again, he can advance to the realm of legend.

In today's difficult situation, Heaven, Earth, Man, Law, Yue Jiaozi, Ni Shen Yang, Ji Tan Shuo, Kui Yu Jiang, and Shadow are all legendary masters. If he can't improve his foundation, he will fall behind these people.

"According to the Hong Kong manga version, as long as I achieve the Realm of the Ten Suns, there will be a qualitative improvement, but the law of suffering is more stable, so the system has changed the magic power of the Nine Suns again. If I want to advance to the Realm of the Ten Suns, I must Only by achieving the Divine Body of the Nine Suns can one be able to withstand the flames of the Ten Suns after the transformation."

"But if you want to achieve the Nine Sun God Body, you must first condense nine extreme yangs in your body, but with my current physique, I can only withstand five or six extreme yangs. It can be seen that this technique has been greatly modified by magic."

"In this case……"

Yuan Wuji rubbed his chin, and then his eyes froze, "In addition to practicing powerful external skills to strengthen your body, you may also practice yin attributes to harmonize yin and yang in your body. Maybe this is also a way."

"It seems that this time, I can only choose exercises!"

Having made a decision, Yuan Wuji no longer hesitated, and immediately, six more high-martial arts cheat books appeared on the wheel.

Immortal Golden Body, Mingshen Martial Arts, Nine Yin Manual, Golden Bell Jar, Longevity Formula, Nine Deaths Evil Kung Fu. (Note: They are all Hong Kong comics with magic changes)
Among them are two magical skills for protecting the body, and the Nine Yin Scriptures he needs are also among them.

"It seems that after the system is optimized, the extracted martial arts will have a high probability of appearing what I need."

Because this is only the second drawing, Yuan Wuji is not sure, but if it is still the same next time, then Yuan Wuji can also figure out a little bit of the law of the system.

"With a 50.00% chance, I can't find a suitable one. It means that I am unlucky and I have to avoid the limelight recently."

Yuan Wuji chose to start it, but Yuan Wuji closed his eyes as the pointer rotated extremely fast.

The so-called out of sight and out of mind.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the indestructible golden body."

Indestructible golden body: It is made by combining the indestructible magic of Vajra, and it is divided into three stages.

The first stage: Diamond Realm, with an impeccable body, transported to the extreme to become a golden man, just like a Buddhist King Kong, invulnerable to swords and guns, restraining all methods of stealing true essence.

Second Realm: Jade Bone Realm, the bones are tempered like diamonds, the magical effect is restrained, immortal and indestructible.

The third state: the relic state, where the body is completely round and one, and becomes great and free.


Yuan Wuji didn't hesitate, and chose to study directly, and all kinds of mysteries suddenly penetrated into his mind, as if he had experienced a baptism of Buddhism.

And the physical body has been greatly improved and baptized at this moment, and the density of muscles and skin has become compact in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, Yuan Wuji's body turned golden, and after a cup of tea, the golden color faded away, but if one looked inside, one would find that the bones in Yuan Wuji's body were like jade crystals, and although his skin had no magic on the outside, he still had the power of defense. Fully operate the power of [-]% of the first stage.

However, this feeling didn't last long before being interrupted by the system's indifferent voice.

"Because of the special requirements of the kung fu technique, the body cannot be broken, and the host cannot operate in the third stage, leaving behind the kung fu hole—the lower yin."

For the system's prompt, Yuan Wuji just curled his lips, but he didn't have many regrets. He would encounter this kind of martial arts that had special requirements or restraint and repetition one day.

But even so, the first two realms are enough.

With his strong body and extreme sun, his strength is even stronger.

"I just don't know how it compares to Kui Yujiang's Nine Limit Demon Body?"

Although such a thought flashed through, what made Yuan Wuji even more delighted was that his body had become stronger, and now he could finally accommodate all the extreme yang.

All that is lacking now is enough true essence.

"There are still four extreme yangs. If there is no external force, it will not be able to condense in a short time. It seems that we still have to rely on devouring other people's cultivation base or elixir!"

"So, who should we choose?"

Yuan Wuji's eyes turned cold, although he was very unwilling, but in order to improve as soon as possible, he had no choice but to do so.


And in the Gu Mountain, the Saint King, the King Killer, and Thur Huaide fought against Hate Wu Peak.

Three knives.

The first cut, the realm of the Saint King's swordsmanship went a step further.

With the second cut, the hidden danger in the Kingslayer's body was eliminated, and the oxygen mask was no longer needed.

In the third cut, Thur Huaide was hit hard.

"The Kingdom of Enlightenment needs you to protect it after I left. Leave here, return to the place you should protect, and don't appear here again, otherwise..."

The sword of Hate Wu Peak had already returned to its sheath the instant it came out, and in front of it, a giant tree hugged by three people had a thin scar. As Hate Wu Peak passed by, the giant tree slowly fell to the ground, revealing a smooth wound.


Thurward still wanted to catch up, when the regicide beside him grabbed his arm and shook his head slowly, "You have also seen it these days, he has long forgotten to reveal the Holy Kingdom, it is impossible to follow us back Yes, now, we can only rely on ourselves!"

Having said that, Kingslayer turned to Saint Kings, and said solemnly: "I had to do this for the sake of the Holy Kingdom, and I have never regretted it, but now, the Holy Kingdom needs your strength, come back, and I will let you Punish!"

Hearing this, Shengjun fell into silence. For the sake of the country, he also intends to go back, but...

Thinking of the matter of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the saint shook his head slightly, "It is enough for the Holy Kingdom to have you and the godfather, but I still have things to do here. Maybe I will go back after the things here are over."

"Well... I understand what happened to you after that day. The Holy Kingdom welcomes your return at any time."

The Kingslayer was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Surwid, let's go!"


In Wudu, the chess player incarnated as the deputy body of Emperor Yuliang sat in the majestic hall and listened to the rewards from all parties.

Yuan Wuji is very interested in the anodic source of life carried by the original demon king and the cathode source of life inherited by Kui Yujiang who devoured Jiuying.

After all, in the rumors, these two origins gave birth to thousands of lives in the Netherworld.

And Youjie is the demon that started to travel all over the world, after countless experiments, the final product of the experiment contains many secrets.

For example, Infinite has signs of returning to his ancestors, inheriting part of Moshi's ability to split his soul and turn his body, and possesses six-color killing souls. Yuan Wuji's coveted heart for Moshi's ability has never diminished.

"Now that I can't get in touch with Mo Shi, and I don't have that strength, it's better to start from the Netherworld first, or I can find some traces from it!"

"Since that's the case, then I will continue to cooperate with Kui Yujiang as Emperor Yuliang."

Having made a decision, Yuan Wuji prepared to use his secondary body as the emperor of Yuliang to seek cooperation in the Nether Realm.

 Thanks to 'Xiao Wu Biao Xue' for the reward; thanks to 'Craig and Lynette' for the reward; I heard that selling miserables will get more support, but I don't need to sell miserables, because I am already miserable, please vote Hello!

(End of this chapter)

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