Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 104 Battle of the Barrier

Chapter 104 Battle of the Barrier
And Lord Tianzhi returned to the Forbidden City, sitting alone in front of the amber tomb, accompanied by the drizzle, a figure appeared holding a red umbrella.

The person who came was the young master of Xuezang's lineage, husband of Lord Tianzhi, father of Hu Po, Leng Mimiao!
Faced with the sudden appearance of Leng Piaomiao, Tianzhizhu was very emotional. He was unable to face the loss of the Blazing Thunder Saber that was stolen by the other party, the death of Amber, the humiliation he had suffered over the years, and the loss of his virginity. , A palm has been blasted out.

"Poppy, everything has happened. Amber is absolutely unwilling to see you become like this. Retire with me!"

Leng Mimiao tried several times to dissuade Master Tianzhi from taking revenge and retire together, but Master Tianzhi has been humiliated for many years, how can the hatred of bad body disappear lightly, and now hearing that the other party still has the face to mention Amber, Master Tianzhi is even more angry, "Leng Mimi, You are not qualified to say this, if you hadn't stolen the Blazing Thunder Saber back then, which caused me to lose the battle, how could Hu Po die because of it."

After clapping hands several times, Leng Miu retreated step by step, trying to persuade him with kind words, but how could the furious Tianzhizhu listen to him? On the contrary, these words stimulated Tianzhizhu's sensitive nerves more and more, and the moves in his hands became more and more fierce.

"Hand over the Blazing Thunder Saber, and I'll spare your life, or we won't die forever!" Heaven Weaving Lord shouted angrily, raised his Yuan Gong again, intersected his palms, Fang Yuan exploded, and the falling rain curtain was emptied.

"Forget it, I'll wait for you to calm down and come find you again."

Realizing that it was impossible to dissuade the Heaven Weaver Lord, Leng Mimiao could only sigh and force the Heaven Weaver Lord back with one move, before disappearing.

"Leng Mimiao, you coward!" Sky Weaver looked at the direction where Leng Mimiao disappeared, and gritted his teeth.


The Gushan area.

After Kingslayer and Thur Huaide left, Saint Kings changed back to Star King's shirt, hidden and dark.

Not long after, the Beast King came to find him, and Hate Wufeng used his saber again, defeating the Beast King easily, and then cut off the entanglement between the Beast King Zhuo Shi Lieyan and his eyes.

But just when the Beast King decided to go back to the Beast King's Mausoleum to bury his compatriots who died in vain, he received a flying letter, which actually contained the whereabouts of Zhan Jue.

The Beastmaster and San Xiao who hurried to the camel corpse forest cave saw only a battlefield of fierce fighting and a pair of bone blades left behind.

"This is the weapon of Liu Ji!"

The Beastmaster squatted down, picked up the bone blades, his arms trembling, "These pair of bone blades are connected to Liu Ji's body, they never leave his body, now..."

Although he didn't continue talking, the result is already very clear, Liu Ji was killed.

"This is a gun move!"

"I seem to have seen this kind of gun move somewhere."

San Xiao looked puzzled, and the Beastmaster carefully looked at the traces of the surrounding battlefield. After a long time, he came to his senses and said harshly, "It's him, a life trainee!"

When he was in Abandoned God Valley, he didn't regain his sanity. He had fought against life trainees several times, so he was familiar with his tricks, and now he came to his senses in an instant.


Just after the Confucian sect fought with all their might and destroyed the Blood Dark Crystal Tower by the Eastern Biluo River, Ni Shenyang went out in person to restore the crystal tower.

However, when the Yuliang Emperor transformed into the auxiliary body rushed to Lun Xia to practice Taoism, he encountered no one on the list. After a shot, the words that the no one was on the list and was not eligible to enter the emperor's banquet disappeared immediately.

However, the current Emperor Yuliang is transformed from a secondary body, and he dismisses the so-called Emperor's Banquet, a grand event in the gun world. His goal today is to break the blood-dark barrier.

In addition to the Yuliang Emperor who was transformed into the auxiliary body, Youjie also joined the crusade, and Kui Yujiang cooperated with Jitan Shuo to suppress them, and they wanted to join forces to kill the gods.

At this moment, the fairy butterfly Jiuqianqiu, who was transformed from the cocoon infinitely, also found the unconscious life trainee by virtue of his blood sense, and soon after, the miracle of heaven also appeared.

Without Hongchenxue, this time Tianji went out in person, not allowing the life trainee to disappear easily.

After entering the barrier, the Yuliang Emperor transformed into the auxiliary body led the troops from Wudu, and finally met Le Xunyuan, Huangyang Ziwei, Chilun Biaolie, Lei Douhou, Mu Chi Chongrong and others.

Moreover, because of the physique of the secondary body, it is not affected by the blood-dark barrier at all, and can fully exert its full strength. In this way, the spear technique that can only use [-]% of its power is just in line with the suppressed effect.

"Le Xunyuan, I didn't expect to see each other for a few days. The former allies are now confronting each other with swords."

'Emperor Yuliang' sneered and spoke indifferently.

"The way is different, don't conspire with each other, kill!"

With a sound of 'kill', the two sides immediately fought together.

In the other two groups, Dongmen Xuande, Du Shanghuai, Gu Chengyi and other chivalrous men and horses confronted Huang Yang Jingting and Huang Yang Yaoxue.

In order to find out whether their daughter is in Shouyu, Mr. Butterfly and Jian Suifeng also confronted Master Tianzhi and the returning Beastmaster.

And Sui Wudu and Mo Qingchi, who helped the Confucian sect smash the Biluojiang Crystal Pagoda, went to the Yunguishan area to find the sinners and wash away the grievances of hundreds of years.

In the dense forest, Xi Duanhong also saw Sui Wuyuan, and only then did he realize that this was his son, and the single-edged sinner was not without cause.

At the same time, Tan Qiqi also approached the battlefield by order of the chess player.

"The last time I almost died in your hands, this time..." Tan Xiqi clasped his palms, his eyes turned cold, and he didn't know what to do.


Just when Ni Shenyang appeared on the Biluo Riverside, he was preparing to repair the crystal tower.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with flames, and the world-dominant demon came from the sky with his wings of fire. .”

Immediately, the Zen sword cultivator stepped on Youtan, step by step, life and death, and approached in awe, "Look at the world of mortals, without interruption, and participate in the illusion of Tanhua. Ask the magic pearl Xuanxuan, the square inch has changed, and listen to silent sword talking about Zen." .”

"it's time!"

"Seven Uniques—Zonghengyan!"

Above the peak, Zonghengzi reappears the strange array, the yin and yang magic pianos come out together, the black and white enter the Tao and shine with them, the formation is opened, and the Ni Shen Yang is suppressed.

Just when everyone was satisfied, they saw Ni Shenyang snorting coldly, and then Huang Yang Gengri appeared, and the countless Hunyuan that had been absorbed by the crystal tower condensed, and the blood dark crystal tower unexpectedly reappeared.

The reopened barrier counteracted the power of the formation, and the balance of victory and defeat tilted again.


The top of the sun and the moon.

On the top of the peak, the sun and the moon compete for the bright, the stars cover the shadows, and heaven and man appear together.

"The wind is cold, the moon is hooked, and the hero shines on the ancient city; the sky has its way, but the earth has no trace, how can a thousand years be swept away by a sword, and the spirit is at ease."

The wind was blowing, the clouds were surging, and among the shining lights of five colors, a celestial figure floated down.

Immediately, the purple thunder roared, and the golden rain continued.

"When you wake up and have a good dream, let it be cold in bamboo and pine. Xuanyuan's affairs, ancient and modern, romantic rivers and mountains. Intoxicated with a white head, relax and become a grand view. Waking up, also in the world; dreaming, also in the world."

The golden umbrella descended from the sky and fell into the hands of a person wearing a noble yellow robe and a princely hat. The person who came was Renjue Feijun.

Eyes met for a moment, palms clashed, thunder was frightened, clouds poured down, and the situation of both sides was immediately clear to the chest.

 Thanks to: Zhuangyan, Love and Anime, Gods and Demons are all occupied, Feng Hongzhong's calmness in happiness, book friend 2017^2235 and other Taoist friends for their rewards, thank you for your votes, keep asking!

(End of this chapter)

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