Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 107 Seeing the Heavenly Weaver Lord

Chapter 107 Seeing the Heavenly Weaver Lord (asking for a ticket!)
With a shocking explosion, the illusion of the flames of the beacon burst, and the entire Shengtian Peak collapsed, and rocks fell like rain, rolling down and cracking the ground.

But in the arena, there is only one chess player left, and the swordsman and swordsman have disappeared.


Looking at the crumbling Shengtian Peak under his feet, Yuan Wuji stomped his feet suddenly, and wisps of sword energy shot up from his feet, and then the huge mountain that collapsed was instantly connected by him to form a solidified body with the sword energy.

"Ghost Qi Master, your temptation is over!" At this moment, the chess player looked into the void, his white hair flying, showing arrogance.

After a long time, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, "Very good, you have obtained the approval of the ghost, and hope that our cooperation can proceed in a friendly way, hahaha..."

"It's indecent to come and not to go, Ghost Qi Lord, please!"

With a cry of please, the energy of heaven and earth exploded, and suddenly condensed into thousands of sword qi, sweeping away in all directions.

The Ghost Qi Lord on the top of the stele couldn't help snorting coldly, and suddenly pressed down the Bone Senluo Fan in his hand, and the sword energy around him was subdued immediately, and all the destroyed things nearby were also restored.

And this blow completely cut off Ghost Qizhu's spying on Sheng Tianfeng.

"Ghost Qi Lord, you came here for me. I don't believe that's the only way. I look forward to your real killing move!"

Looking at the vast night sky, the chess player murmured in a low voice, but he unconsciously covered his chest with his palm.

Against Jian Zhiji and Henwu Peak, who possessed holy swords and magic knives, even he could not be unscathed. Even though his body is strong and his merits are profound, the fourth level of intangible sword energy that stimulates his innate broken body has already made his internal organs suffer. Chuang, true essence bottomed out.

Correspondingly, if this sword strikes the truth, Hate Wufeng and Jian Yiji will at least survive.

In the Kuigu Mountain area, a black hole appeared, and Jianzhiji and Henwu Peak fell out. At this moment, the two of them were covered in blood, and the majestic sword energy branded their wounds. It is the sword of death.


Just after Shengtian Peak regained its calm, a figure gradually approached, and the person who came was Xi Duanhong who had rushed over.

"Huh? Here..."

Looking at the plowed ground and the dense scars of sword marks, Xi Duanhong was surprised, "It seems that what I saw was right, there is indeed the breath of the holy sword here, and the swordsman has indeed been here!"

Seeing the familiar saber moves, Xi Duanhong's heart trembled, and then he quickened his pace, but the closer he got to the peak, the more shocked he was, "This is... the saber technique used to kill the master!"

Just when Xi Duanhong finally climbed to the peak, he saw a figure in white clothes and white hair standing proudly on the peak, overlooking the world.

"You want me to come here?" Seeing the owner of this place, Xi Duanhong couldn't help but take a few more glances. It was this person who showed his invincible sword power before, which shocked people. However, at this moment, he was anxious to find his whereabouts, but he didn't care about courtesy , asked directly.

The chess player turned around slowly, with a mysterious smile on his face, "The descendants of the Sword Clan are indeed not bad, it's a pity..."


Hearing the word "Sword Clan", Xi Duanhong's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect that the person in front of him could see through her identity at a glance.

"Don't be surprised, it's actually very simple to know the whereabouts of the harvest, but are you ready to resist or have the ability to resist?"

The chess player appeared in front of Xi Duanhong, facing each other, fixed his eyes on Xi Duanhong, and asked in a concentrated voice.

"Resist? Is Huo'er in danger?" Xi Duanhong expressed anxiety, and then sincerely bowed to the chess player, "I also hope that Mr. Huo'er will be informed of Huo'er's whereabouts, and Xi Duanhong will repay the favor!"

"Haha! Repay your favor?" The Chess Player chuckled, "Since you insist on this, then the Chess Player will give you a chance, but after you know this, you must be prepared to die at any time."

"Xi Duanhong is not afraid of death!" Xi Duanhong said resolutely.

"Very good." The chess player nodded slightly, "Do you know single-edged offenders?"

"This..." Xi Duanhong hesitated for a moment, and then said little by little: "I do know each other, why did you mention it?"

"Then do you know that he has been here with a swordsman before?"

"From the sword strokes and knife marks left on the ground, it can indeed be seen that he has been here, and the knife marks are very similar to the murderer who killed his husband in the Benjue Zen Forest, but both of them are extremely masters, sir. The power of the sword is even better, which is admirable."

"Haha! You haven't used force for hundreds of years, and your vision is still not bad, so I accept your compliment." The chess player laughed loudly, and then said: "Back then, the Qinglao Mountain was destroyed, and your son was captured by others." Take him away, now, his name is Jian Zhiji."

"The sword is so close!" Xi Duanhong murmured, and before he could recover, he heard the voice of the chess player again, "He has another name-Single-fronted Sinner!"


Still amazed!

Xi Duanhong raised his head suddenly, staggered back two steps, with a look of disbelief and a trace of excitement hidden in his eyes.

Ignoring Xi Duanhong's excitement and shock, the chess player continued: "The person who killed the golden scissors is called Hate Wufeng, and he is also the accomplice of the criminal Shan Feng. Now that you know the identity of Jian Zhiji, it also means that you will Attracting the attention of people behind the scenes can be life-threatening at any time."

"Today, I will be a good person to the end, and help you release the confinement in your body."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the chess player pressed his palm on Xi Duanhong's chest, and the condensed invisible sword energy rushed into Xi Duanhong's body, breaking through the confinement in the body forcibly.

Immediately, Xi Duanhong felt the long-lost true energy in his body begin to recover.


On the other side, Kui Yujiang, who teamed up to defeat Ni Shenyang, got the reminder of the Nine-Five Box. This time, he did not attack and kill the severely injured Ji Tanshuo, but came towards Shengtian Peak.

"Instead of spending time on the stage to investigate, it is better to find the person behind the scenes directly!"

"And the sword power before..."

Kui Yujiang's eyes flickered, "How many times can you use such power? This must be your weakest moment, and it is also my chance."

Kui Yujiang closed the ninety-five box and left alone, acting mysteriously and quickly.

At the same time, Moyuan Jiuxiu also started to mobilize, and the first to be attacked was Shuyu, who was suddenly caught in a fire disaster. A huge fireball fell from the sky, igniting countless houses, and the people rushed to flee. They sneaked into Shuyu to rescue Die Xiaoyue Mr. Butterfly and Jian Suifeng were also blocked by the Tianhuo incident.

On the other side, Chu Tianxing was healing Ji Tanshuo, but unexpectedly, the Heavenly Weaver Lord and the Beast King came to seek revenge.

Especially Tianzhizhu, the hatred between him and the father of boasting fantasy may not be much weaker than that of life trainees.

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides. Ji Tan said that even though his vitality had not recovered, his strength was still strong.

In this life, because there is no intervention of Kui Yujiang and Emperor Yuliang, it is impossible to form a crushing advantage, two against two, and the ultimate style is achieved in an instant.

"A flow of mountains and rivers!"

Amidst the sacred glory of the Buddha's light, a giant cloud bloomed, and with a powerful blow, the world was moved.

"Blood ban prehistoric!"

"The Beastmaster Battles the Sky Seal!"

The Heavenly Weaver Lord and the Beastmaster came out together, and with the huge explosion, both were severely injured, staggered, Chu Tianxing appeared in a flash, and left together with Ji Tanshuo.


"You can't run away, you will kill Kua Huan today!"

The Lord Weaver snorted angrily, unwilling to let go of the heaven-sent opportunity, and was about to pursue it, when his heart stopped suddenly, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The Beastmaster on the other side also spattered vermilion, and was also severely injured.

"Damn it, if I had the Blazing Thunder Saber, I would be able to kill Kua Huan today!"

Master Tianzhi was full of anger, and he slapped it with his palm, causing the ground to sink several feet.

At this moment, a letter suddenly flew out of the forest and fell into the hands of the Lord Weaver.


Doubtful, Master Tianzhi paused, opened the letter, and the contents of the letter burned into his eyes.

"Master Tianzhi, who sent the message?" The Beastmaster asked in a concentrated voice.

The Sky Weaver Lord on the side squinted his eyes slightly, and then burst into energy, and said lightly: "A person who can help me greatly improve my strength, God of War, you are here to heal your wounds first, and I will go back as soon as I go."

After finishing speaking, the true essence in Tianzhi's main body circulated, suppressed the injury, and walked into the dense forest.

After a long time, Lord Tianzhi stopped, stood in the dense forest, looked around, and shouted loudly: "I've arrived, who are you? Come out!"

The voice echoed in the dense forest, startling birds and beasts to fly, and immediately, I heard Qinglang's poem, "According to the sky, the earth, and the common people, watch the clouds, seas, and Kyushu."

The person who came was Guan Kyushu transformed into Yuan Wuji.

"It's you!"

Seeing Guan Jiuzhou, Lord Tianzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said directly: "You said you can help me increase my strength? How can I increase it? What do you want?"

After asking three times in a row, although the words were indifferent, they already showed the desire in the heart of the Weaver Lord.

Lord Tianzhi was originally a person with strong desires and an extreme personality. In order to enhance his strength, he was not even afraid of the side effects of the Blazing Thunder Saber.

And Yuan Wuji had precisely pinpointed this point.

"It's not a request, it's just that you and I have a common enemy - the father of boasting fantasy and the primordial demon king."

"Hmph! I remember that you have a good relationship with life trainees, and now help me arouse suspicion."

Tianzhizhu has a perverse personality, but he is not considered a brainless person, especially for the human race, how could he be easily trusted, if the two hadn't met during the incarnation of amber, and also knew that Guan Jiuzhou occupied the lair of the father of boasting, Shanhai It is a spectacle, knowing that the two have a lot of grievances, I am afraid that the atmosphere will not be so harmonious.

 Thanks: A Thousand Rewards for a Song Forgotten Years, Thanks: Who Let Me Seal the Sword, Tianya Jianchen, Love and Anime, Half Follow the Flowing Water and Half Enter Poetry, Four Extraordinary Men, Wuyu God Emperor and other Taoist friends for their rewards, I have been on Six-Band, please recommend, please bookmark!
(End of this chapter)

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