Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 108 Fighting Kuiyu again

Chapter 108 Fighting Kuiyu again


Yuan Wuji shook his head and raised a finger, "First, I do have some friendship with life trainees, but not with Primordial Demon Lord."

"Second." As he said, Yuan Wuji raised his second finger, "At the beginning when you gave me the body of the gods, I said that I would return the favor to you. Now, it's time to honor it."

"Hmm..." Lord Tianzhi was silent for a while and asked, "Then how are you going to help me?"

Yuan Wuji flipped his palm, and there was a transparent round bead in his hand, "There is a pure essence in this bead, if you absorb it, it will not only restore all the injuries in your body, return to the peak state, but also make your cultivation to go further."

Looking at the round bead in Yuan Wuji's palm, Master Tianzhi hesitated for a moment, then took it, and after a short inspection, he felt the pure aura inside.

"Huh? This is the source of life? It is similar to the power of the elf forbidden element."

"You're right." Yuan Wuji nodded slightly and admitted directly.

"very good!"

The Heavenly Weaver Lord didn't notice anything unusual, and immediately crushed the bead, and the source of life in the bead was suddenly incorporated into the main body of the Heavenly Weaver.


Lord Tianzhi let out a low cry, and the energy in his body was running at a high speed, quickly refining this source of life, and immediately healed the hidden dangers left by several fierce battles in his body and the severe injury he had just received from a sudden blow.

On the opposite side, Yuan Wuji squinted his eyes slightly, and the Son of Heaven's Watching Qi was running, and he could clearly feel that in the belly of the Lord of Weaving Heaven, a life that was originally extremely weak was gradually becoming stronger.

After all, this source of life comes from the anode source of life and the righteousness of the universe in the body of the life trainee, and it comes from the same source as the child in the belly of the master of weaving. The master of heaven has refined this source of life, which will undoubtedly become the child who is about to take shape the best nourishment.

But at this moment, Tianzhizhu is refining the source of life, and his body is full of life energy, so he didn't notice it. In addition, in the source of life, there is a wave of all-natural energy hidden, which hides this wave, and Tianzhizhu can't perception.

But in a few days, as the baby in his belly is fully formed, Master Tianzhi's belly will grow rapidly, and at that time, he will no longer be able to hide it.

And when that time came, it would be too late for Tianzhizhu to have an abortion.

Yuan Wuji had a strange smile on his mouth, and then he left the dense forest.

Not long after, the Beastmaster, who hadn't waited for a long time to return to Lord Tianzhi, went into the forest to investigate, and at this time, Lord Tianzhi finally refined this source of life, and in an instant, the momentum was three times stronger than before. point.


At the same time, in the Netherworld, Zonghengzi took out the letter, and after reading the contents clearly, Zonghengzi couldn't calm down.

"Jiuqianqiu's identity has already been known. If Kui Yujiang finds out, the plan will not only be impossible to continue, but my life and Infinity will also be in danger!"

Zonghengzi walked back and forth, and after a long time, his footsteps stopped, "Notify Jiuqianqiu first, we must find a way to hold Kuiyu Jiang, or, first strike first."

Just as Zonghengzi was meditating, another person was ushered in on Shengtian Peak.

"The calamity spreads all over the world, and the decree brings six misfortunes and seven killings; disasters permeate the past and present, and dominates the eight disasters and nine evils alone. The one demon of all ages is the master against the sky."

Accompanied by the overbearing poem, Kui Yujiang descended from the sky, and the entire Shengtian Peak shook suddenly.

The Nine-Five Box was originally the plan of the ghost unicorn master. The holy sword and the devil knife failed, but when the chess player was weakest, it also provoked the arrival of the ghost lord.

Kui Yujiang's gaze directly passed Xi Duanhong, and landed on the chess player, "Hand over the secret about Youjie, and I will give you a chance to survive."

"Hahaha!" Hearing this sentence, the chess player couldn't help laughing, "Kui Yujiang, who gave you the confidence to dare to act presumptuously in front of me."

Behind the hands of the chess player, a majestic aura comes again, sometimes as towering as a mountain, sometimes like a majestic sea, and sometimes into an invisible abyss. There is no jerky in the changes of the aura, but it is even more unpredictable.

Xi Duanhong, who was between the two, was suddenly hit by the two strong forces, and his internal organs were in turmoil, so he couldn't help but retreat a few steps to avoid the sharp edge.

Although Xi Duanhong was once hailed as the chief female swordsman of Confucianism, and her swordsmanship can be described as first-rate, but compared with Kui Yujiang, a god-like chess player, the gap is too big.

"You have to see how much strength you still have after the previous battle!"

Kui Yujiang snorted coldly, not wanting to procrastinate, he made an extreme move, "Burning Stars! Forbidden Moon!"

The body of the nine limit demons showed the power of the most rigid and the most yang, and suddenly the earth seemed to be in purgatory.

"Kui Yujiang, you want to know the secrets of the Youjie, but if you can go to the Jiuzhongtai and attack me, it will only show your ignorance!"

The chess player raised his sword finger, and suddenly Fang Yuan's hundreds of miles of energy gathered again, and instantly transformed into thousands of swords, which shot down like arrows.

Boom boom boom!
The head of the entire Shengtian Peak was cut off, and Kui Yujiang shouted angrily, but he did not break the demon's body, and the demon flames rose all over his body, completely blocking the infinite sword energy.

Obviously, during this period of time, Kui Yujiang's strength has improved again.

"Kui Yujiang, if you want to deal with me, then you have to settle the hatred with someone first!"

As the chess player's voice fell, he saw a cold sword energy piercing down from the sky.

"Let's look to the mountains and rivers for scenery, why bother to fight for fame? Bamboo sticks and straw sandals are lighter than horses, and the sky and the earth are boundless. Let me go."

As the title of the poem fell, a figure wearing a bamboo hat and holding a jade stick appeared, "Kui Yujiang, let's end the old hatred today!"

With a shout, the emerald jade staff disappeared, the Danfeng sword reappeared, and Ren Pingsheng, who had recovered from his injuries, reappeared in the rivers and lakes. The extremely freezing air urges, and the silver frost is all over the place, "Jiuxiao is cold, fighting like nothing to hide in the green mountains!"

The freezing and cold air is fused with the extremely sword energy, and the moment the figure disappears, it forcibly breaks the most yang and rigid demon body.

"This is—Single Front!" Xi Duanhong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes showed surprise. Obviously, Ren Pingsheng's single front made her admire, and even to a certain extent, he was no less inferior to the single front criminal or his own. The son was captured with no reason.

"Restrain your body, and you, who have not recovered from the battle with Ni Shenyang, can this unbreakable demon body be able to resist!"

In a flash, Yuan Wuji appeared beside Xi Duanhong, and retreated aside with the injured Xi Duanhong, watching the battle situation coldly.

His cultivation level is comparable to that of Kui Yujiang, but the rigid and yang demon body that Kui Yujiang cultivated is hard to break. The last time the main body had the characteristics of floating hands, this made Kui Yujiang who was caught off guard by it. Wounded from within.

This time, of course, the auxiliary body can also forcibly destroy the demon body, but at this moment he is already seriously worn out, and he has to beware of other methods of the ghost unicorn master, so he cannot take advantage of it. Therefore, Ren Pingsheng is a part of his stay here. Backhand.

And facing Kui Yujiang, Ren Pingsheng would not hold back even more. After all, he was almost killed at the hands of Kui Yujiang in the battle of the Taishang Mansion, so how could he not avenge his revenge.

"You are defeated, how can you talk about being brave, today, I will let you die completely!"

Kui Yujiang snorted coldly, his eyes flickered for a while, he knew that there was such a master as Ren Pingsheng, and today's goal would be difficult to achieve, but if he wanted him to leave just like this, it would be too simple for him.

With a roar of anger, Kui Yujiang performed the extreme posture again, his claws held up to the sky, and a huge magic ball condensed, "Slash the sun's forbidden limit!"

"The rivers and lakes are cold, life and death are ruthless, and thousands of snow and mountains will not be left behind!"

Ren Pingsheng held the Danfeng sword tightly, and the extremely freezing air enveloped the entire messy Shengtian Peak. Immediately, his figure dissipated, and the next moment he was approaching Kuiyujiang.

With a strong move to hedge, Ren Pingsheng looked up to the sky and swallowed vermilion. Although his cultivation base has been strengthened today, there is still a gap compared to Kui Yujiang's foundation.

Fortunately, although Kui Yujiang is strong today, his skills have not fully recovered after the battle with Ni Shenyang.


Fire wings appeared behind Kui Yujiang, and the next moment, countless fireballs bombarded down, and the land of silver frost was destroyed immediately, and the entire Shengtian Peak was also broken by the majestic blow. Break the rainbow and avoid the fireball attack.

"Jiuxiao Shahan Hanshan wishing to return to the world of mortals!"

Although he was severely injured, Ren Pingsheng was still tenacious, he laughed loudly, and reproduced the ultimate ultimate move.

The man is gone, the sword is gone.

Hidden single front!Hidden single front!
The hidden single front who has improved to a higher level!

The point of the sword pierced through the chest, and the devil's body, which had just reached the sun, was finally broken, and the bright green devil's blood oozed from the wound, staining the clothes.

Here is the place where the Moliu sword was injured. It was not serious at that time, and it has been repaired by Kui Yujiang, but now it is injured by the sword of restraint, and it is difficult to complete.

Feeling this, Kui Yujiang let out an angry roar, the magic elements gathered, and with a powerful palm, the Danfeng sword broke on the spot, and then another palm blasted Ren Pingsheng's body.

"Chess player, Kui Yujiang will remember this revenge!"

As Kui Yujiang fled, the assistant chess player appeared behind Ren Pingsheng's back, and landed a palm on his vest to stabilize the injury.

After a long time, Ren Pingsheng slowly opened his eyes, looked at the Danfeng sword in his hand that had been with him for hundreds of years, but now it was broken, and couldn't help laughing bitterly, "The grievances and enmities in the world are over, let's think about the leisurely scenery of the mountains and rivers again. Cough cough ...Looks like it's time for me to retire."

"Being able to see through fame and fortune, retirement is also the best choice." At this time, Xi Duanhong, who was at the side, left the chess player without a trace, and said with emotion, the battle of the peak swordsmen I saw today was extremely exciting.

"Heh..." The chess player chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "Once entering the rivers and lakes, how many people will be able to retire safely after being entangled in grievances and hatreds?"

As he said that, he handed Ren Pingsheng a bottle of small redemption pill, which he exchanged from the system for a pill, "This pill can suppress your injuries. If you need help one day, you can find me."

"I hope this day won't happen!"

Ren Pingsheng put away the broken Danfeng sword, stood up slowly, and headed down the mountain, "Let's look for the scenery in the mountains and rivers, why bother to fight for fame in the rivers and lakes? With a sword and a straw shoe, you can lightly beat a horse. The world is boundless and let me go."

Seeing Ren Pingsheng disappear, Xi Duanhong sighed, "With such a swordsmanship, it is a good state of mind to let go of the desire to win and retire."

After finishing speaking, Xi Duanhong watched the chess player's eyes move slightly, but did not say much, and then left, hurried to the Golden Villa, looking for the single-handed criminal, to verify whether the opponent is really his eldest son, and won .

 2018-word chapter + a new week + the end of the month = votes!Big request!Thanks to: All gods, demons and holy kings are occupied, book friend 6676^[-] and other Taoist friends for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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