Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 109 Heavenly Trace VS Heavenly Weaver Lord

Chapter 109 Heavenly Trace VS Heavenly Weaver Lord

And after Xi Duanhong left, Tan Qiqi suddenly appeared, and asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to leave Kui Yujiang?"

The chess player shook his head slightly and looked towards the sky, "His destiny is not yet finished, and it is not yet time."

While saying this, the chess player looked in the direction of Tian Di Qi, "Ghost Qi Master, is it your move again? But let's see which of us can have the last laugh."

On Tiandiqi, the ghost lord sneered, and murmured: "Xi Duanhong, the ghost is giving you a chance, as long as you can survive in the hands of Jian Zhiji, you deserve to die.

Your death will help me completely ignite the brotherly dispute between Jian Zhiji and Xi Wu.

Your work will help me stir up civil strife among the three religions. "

"And Jun Fengtian!"

Speaking of this, the ghost unicorn master's eyes turned cold, first let the story told by the chess player and him exchange the secret technique, the influence is not small.

"Confucianism, chess players, ghosts will give you a big gift!"

He and the chess player are enemies, not friends, and now they are just holding each other back, restraining each other, although they have not fought each other, but it is something that both sides want to do to sabotage the other's plan.

"The Twelve Gods and Panic Scrolls, the ghosts want to see it!" The ghost unicorn stared, and finally decided to go to the Nine Stages. If there are really secrets he wants to see in the Twelve Gods and Panic Scrolls, the rewards will be great. , then he will expose this lie and make the plan of the chess player come to nothing.

After Kui Yujiang returned to Youjie, his anger was burning, and his revenge was completely vented on the miserable situation. The fire and rain that Moyuan Jiuxiu passed all the way filled the sky and burned the sky.

Faced with the inextinguishable fire cloud, Shouyu couldn't disperse it when he hit it. Everyone could only resist with all their strength. After a few hours, Ni Shenyang finally came out and scattered the fire cloud with one blow.

Just after the blood-dark enchantment was gone, there was another disaster of fire and fire, and everyone gathered together to discuss how to solve the affliction and disaster.

In the Golden Villa, Xi Duanhong had already returned, and he searched everywhere, but he still couldn't see the sword.


And in Bifang Mountain, Jiu Qianqiu and the self-awakened life trainee came back here again, and then Jiu Qianqiu performed the technique of transforming life from gods and demons, leading to the aura of the demon king in the trainee.

Just when the secret technique was at its last moment, when both sides had only [-]% of their skills left, a palm wind swept across, and Jiu Qianqiu immediately vomited blood.

"Mojun, I found you!"

"Pay for the six taboos!"

At this moment, the Beastmaster and Skyweaver Lord appeared behind.

Saying goodbye to the life trainees, Tianzhizhu was even more angry, because she was not only defiled by the life trainees, but may even be defiled by the reincarnation of the demon king.

He was originally an enemy of life and death, but now with this layer of hatred, the Lord of Heaven Weaver was furious, burning with hatred, and killed him with one palm.


But at this time.

The night turned into a clear sky, golden clouds surged, and a golden dragon soared among the clouds.

"finally come."

Just as Tianzhizhu and Beastmaster were stunned, Jiuqianqiu continued to attack, channeling the spirit of the demon king.

"God wears six baht robes, Yuyu hides the truth, God's road is sealed in the clouds, and Ziwei descends to heaven."

The golden dragon galloped down, and said to Lord Tianzhi and the Beastmaster, "My friend, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"Hmph, who are you?" The Beastmaster snorted angrily, fully alert.

"Don't you know the six baht clothes of Yutianhuangshen?"

Once the name was placed, in an instant, the scene was silent and the atmosphere was cold.

"Six Zhuyi? I haven't heard of it." The Beastmaster snorted and was about to strike again.

But seeing Jin Long startled, "What?"

Tianji appeared with a stagger.

"Sorry, let me introduce it again, just once."

After finishing speaking, Tianji trotted and disappeared in the astonishment of Sky Weaver and Beastmaster.

Then I heard the voiceless voice again, "Strike the dark sky, clear the clear sky, and ride the clouds and waves for thousands of miles; the sky has movement, but the earth has no trace, how can thousands of years be swept away by a sword, and the light is at ease."

"Okay, whoever you are, today, no one can save him!"

Master Tianzhi suddenly turned around, the killing palm came in an instant, Tianji's figure flickered, and he had already appeared in front of Master Tianzhi. When he first clapped his hands, Tianji took a step back, full of astonishment.

The Heavenly Weaver Lord was covered by a mysterious aura in his abdomen, so he didn't notice the abnormality in his body, but this cover could not stop him. After all, the life trainee was created by him by combining the righteous energy of the universe and the yin and yang bipolar life source of the Netherworld.

No one is more familiar with these two entangled breaths than him.

Now, he felt the same breath in the body of Lord Tianzhi, what does this mean?
Am I going to be a grandfather now?
Such thoughts appeared in Tianji's mind, with a strange face, and secretly slandered, "The trainee is really a kind of love. Although there is no heroine, I didn't expect it to be more fierce this time. Let him hug the grandson directly."

"What are you looking at?"

Tianji's strange gaze made Lord Tianji feel uncomfortable, especially when the other party was always aiming at her belly, like an old hooligan, this touched Tianji's sensitive nerves, and he slapped Tianji.

"So manic?"

Tianji let out a strange cry, resisting it carefully, for fear of hitting too hard, and at the same time muttering in a low voice, "That's right, the book says it's called pregnancy mania."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Lord Tianzhi didn't hear what Tianji was saying, but from Tianji's wretched expression, he could tell that it must not be a good word, so he stepped forward.

The beast king on the side also made moves, making fierce moves, but they were easily resolved by Tianji.

At this moment, Tianji shook his head secretly, "The attack is so vicious, it's far worse than a heroine, and I'm already worried about my unborn grandson."

"It seems that I need to leave him a guarantee, drink..."

With a soft shout, Tianji broke through the defense of the main body of the weaving sky with a palm, and then a stream of fresh air poured into the main body of the weaving sky.

The sudden change made Master Tianzhi take a few steps back and carefully sensed the situation in his body, but the clear qi melted into his body and disappeared long ago.

"Dare to play me!"

Realizing that he might be tricked, Lord Tianzhi raised his head suddenly, and during this period, Jiuqianqiu had already finished his work, apparently completing the secret technique, Tianji slapped the ground with a palm, and immediately filled the sky with dust, and the three of them also disappeared .

"Damn, let them escape!"

Master Tianzhi snorted angrily, his eyes were full of murderous intent, but he could only leave reluctantly.


In the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji has returned.

Mo Qingchi and Sui Wuyuan finally saw Ying Chaoyang who had been waiting for a long time on Defeng Ancient Road.

Mo Qingchi opened the letter brought by Ying Chaoyang, and seeing the contents of the letter, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Senior, what happened?"

At this time, Suiwu who was beside him noticed something strange and asked suspiciously.

Mo Qingchi didn't speak, just passed the letter over, and after seeing the contents of the letter clearly, he was stunned for no reason, "Sage, the contents of this letter..."

"This matter is important, I need to discuss with Li Jing, you wait a moment."

Mo Qingchi put away the letter, and rushed to Quenxin Hall with a serious expression on his face.

On the other hand, there is no reason to worry about it.

Following Mo Qingchi's departure, Ying Chaoyang also asked for a fight with Sui Wuyuan, who calmed down and agreed.

In the Quenxin Hall, Mo Qingchi and Yu Lijing discussed with each other, and after receiving the letter, Yu Lijing was silent for a while, and then asked: "Shengsi, how credible do you think the contents of the letter are?"

"I have never trusted Shu Daozhu, and I have no position on this matter." Mo Qingchi said calmly. Although he said this, the meaning of his words was self-evident.

Yu Lijing chuckled, shook his head and said: "It seems that Shengsi trusts the person who sent the letter quite a lot! Such a strange person, if he is lucky, Yu Lijing would also like to meet him."

"Trust can't be talked about, and I can't see what he wants to do, but I shouldn't cheat on this matter."

Mo Qingchi shook his head slightly. He has always been vigilant about Guan Jiuzhou. If he can know the other party's thoughts or goals, it is easy to say, but he does not understand what the other party wants. Such a person must be cautious.

"I will arrange this matter. Confucian traitors are nothing, but the people behind the traitors must be vigilant. Maybe I should go to Jiuchongtai."

"I've also heard about this matter. Could it be that the so-called Twelve Gods Panic Scroll on the Jiuchongtai really recorded these secrets?"

Mo Qingchi was a little curious, but at that time he was helping people for no reason, and these days, he had been chasing down single criminals, but he had no time to understand.

"Why don't you try it!" Yu Lijing said with a chuckle and disapproval.

 Thank you for the reward from 'Min Mie Sheng Men', and thank you fellow Taoists for your recommendation tickets. In the new week, continue to ask for tickets!All kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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