Chapter 110 Shadow Falling Dust
The strange city of mountains and seas.

Yuan Wuji's body has returned.

He went to visit Hong Chenxue, and after repeated blows, Hong Chenxue, whose meridians had recovered, started to practice again, wanting to go to a higher level, to avenge his shame.

After teasing a few words, Yuan Wuji came to the place where Man Li and Yuan Zheng lived in seclusion, and spent a few days of idle life.

And the fire cloud released by Kui Yujiang, after Ni Shenyang made a move, was pushed to talk about chivalry.

Everyone on Lun Xia Xing Dao struggled to support them, and finally found Ji Tan Shuo to rescue him. With a powerful palm, Huo Yun was pushed away again and drifted towards Defeng Gudao.

But when Huo Yu invaded the ancient road of Defeng, the Fa-rectification entered the world, riding on the force of the storm, showing the power of the universe at first glance, and along with the Jade Li Jing, Huo Yu was forcibly pushed to the coast of the East China Sea.

At the same time, Ji Tan Shuo and Ni Shen Yang attacked the Nether Realm at the same time in order to calm the fire in the sky.

However, when they met Kui Yujiang's killing array, they unleashed fire and rain, and the two were trapped in a tight siege.

Facing the predicament, Ji Tan said that he spoke first, and wanted to unite with Ni Shenyang, just to open up a way out.

Once an opponent, now an ally, trust has become the key to breaking the situation.

Both of them are the top powerhouses in the world, one defends and the other breaks, finally urging Huoyun, Chu Tianxing and Ju Longshou took the opportunity to rescue the two.

Regarding this result, Kui Yujiang laughed wildly, "With the help of Tianhuo, even if Ni Shenyang and Ji Tanshuo join forces, they are no longer my opponents. Who else can be the enemy?"

Kui Yujiang's eyes flashed faintly, and fell in the direction of Shengtian Peak and the strange city of mountains and seas, and a certain idea was about to move.

Zonghengzi and Jiuqianqiu looked puzzled, but they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Obviously, Kui Yujiang had already made enmity with that person, so even if they stood on the same front, their identities would not be exposed for the time being, and the plan could still be carried out .


Regarding the Battle of the Nether Realm, even though Yuan Wuji did not come in person, he still knew the outcome, and he also knew that Kui Yujiang, who had the bonus of Heavenly Fire, was so powerful at the moment that even he would not stand out.

But at this moment, Yuan Wuji has no time to pay attention to the outside world.

He is accompanying Manli to share the family relationship with his son.

During this period of time, Yuan Zheng has already cultivated the Nine Suns Divine Art to great success. Of course, the foundation is still far behind, but it is almost comparable to first-class masters, and can also condense extreme yang in the body.

Although it is far inferior to the cultivation of Diming in the previous drama, Yuan Wuji did not push the seedlings to encourage them. Now Yuan Zheng is still just an eight or nine-year-old child, and his growth rate has slowed down.

At such an age, with this level of cultivation, it is enough to show that his aptitude is terrifying.

And on the other side.

The Hibiscus caster showed his casting skills again, and a deformed weapon that looked like a knife but not a sword, like a sword but not a sword, was gradually taking shape.

Furong Zhuke is the second of the four famous wulin masters.

One person monopolizes the names of Beizhu and Donglian.

Casting the black and white Taoism with vertical and horizontal sons, life trainees Getian Sanfeng, Tiger Tail Spring Bing, Emperor Bow Twelve Rainbows, Three Quenching Key Fronts, New Lion Head Sword, Ultimate Underworld Emperor, Taixu Guizang, etc.

Naturally, she is not a person who has gained fame, especially, this time, she wants to forge a magic weapon for her son, so she is more cautious.

For this reason, he took out all his belongings and savings for many years, including the invisible magic iron left in the wooden box that Yuan Wuji entrusted Xie Fengdi to send, which made this magic weapon have a head similar to that of an evil spear. The same ability to change reality and reality.

In addition, she showed more concentration and enthusiasm than when she cast the Ultimate Underworld Emperor, and showed various methods to make this weapon not only sharp and hard, but also changeable in shape, which can be used as a sword or as a sword.

In Xianmen, Yu Xiao was also accepted by Yun Huizi and became the seventh generation Yunsheng of Yunhai Xianmen. He became classmates with Zuoxue and Qiushui, and started the journey of learning art in Xianmen.



Just when the deputy body was transformed into Emperor Jade Liang, suddenly, Ziming overwhelmed the sky, and in silence, a catastrophe suddenly appeared.

In an instant, the fire cloud scorched the sky, and the hundreds of miles were like burning, burning into a terrifying sky change. In the atmosphere of death, I was shocked to see the cracks in the sky crack and the beast descending.

As heavy as thunder, the louder the shock, the air of taboo, when covering the earth, within the crack of the sky, it is amazing...

"The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, follow me to gain grace—Genesis. The sun and moon sink, yin and yang overthrow, go against me and enter the way of extinction—End of the World."

Accompanied by the gloomy poem, a horrified figure first appeared in the world.

Judging by his posture, it was obvious that the visitor was not kind.

But it is also understandable, after all, part of Shadow's soul belongs to the Cambrian period, and he and Emperor Yuliang had a bloody feud.

Now, he pretended to be Emperor Yuliang, so he naturally took over the debt.

"Shadow!" The Emperor Yuliang, who had been transformed into a chess player in the auxiliary body, murmured, and then slowly got up, the spear of the Underworld Emperor was already in his hand.

"Perhaps it could also be the temptation of Earth Ming!" The 'Emperor Yuliang' narrowed his eyes slightly. The death of Emperor Yuliang could be concealed from others, but he could not be concealed from the Earth Earth that Emperor Yuliang believed in, and the shadows were also subordinates of Earth Earth. .

"Emperor Yuliang!"

A gloomy and hoarse voice came from under the half mask, and a pair of indifferent and dead eyes revealed the most extreme cruelty.

"Hmph! Who dares to act presumptuously in front of the lonely emperor!"

'Emperor Yuliang' is fearless, pointing at Emperor Underworld single-handedly, full of murderous intent.

"The one who killed you!"

As soon as the short words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became cold, and then the soldiers around Wudu burst into pieces.

"A person looking for death!"

'Emperor Yuliang' stared coldly, and then made another peerless spear move, "Ride the dragon soaring to the sky!"

'Roar! 'With a fierce roar, the golden dragon took off and rushed towards the shadow.

"Dark Rebellion!"

Seeing that the palm of the shadow shadow was turned over, the swooping dragon was actually taken into the palm of the palm, and then he pushed it loudly, turning into a magic dragon to kill the Emperor Yuliang.

"There's a little way, Ling Ling!"

With a shock, Emperor Yuliang took three steps back, and then a gust of gunfire swept across, and he saw a man with a gun coming from the nine heavens, like a shooting star.

"Lonely Star Tears." Emperor Yuliang swung the underworld single-pointed sword at extreme speed, and the two pinnacles of the gun world fought extremely fast, in less than an instant.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of shots have passed.

With the ability to see the enemy's weak point with the Tianzi Wangqi technique, even a chess player who can only exert [-]% to [-]% of his strength can block it.

"Hmm..." With a sound of hesitation, the shadow suddenly closed his eyes, and then disappeared.

The chess player narrowed his eyes slightly, perhaps the arrival of the shadow was just to confirm something, but no matter what the reason, the identity of Emperor Yuliang would not last long.

Even though he thought so, the Underworld Emperor's spear in his hand was still unparalleled.

"Lone Star Tears, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you can cast yourself. Since you want to die, then the lonely emperor will make you happy!"

"Jade Seal Forbidden Chapter Six Gods Chapter."

With a shout, he transformed into six shadows and killed them at the same time.

Lone Star Tears reappeared in the star door, the chess player had already seen the opportunity, but actually blocked it.

"You are not Emperor Yuliang."

Lone Xing tearing away the gun light, six characters appeared on the ground, and then the person disappeared.

"Ha! I didn't expect this identity to be seen through so quickly."

"It seems that Gu Xinglei is here to check for the traces of heaven."

The chess player shook his head, "If that's the case, it's okay to throw it away, but this Nine-Nine-Denglong Body is interesting, and it may be used to train a capable master."

In Yuan Wuji's view, if Emperor Yuliang can really cultivate the nine-nine-nine dragon body, he will also be promoted to the legendary realm, which can be compared with the nine-limit demon body in Kuiyujiang.

 Thanks: Fenglei Man Qiankun, Xiaowu Biaoxue, God Demon Saint King are all taken up and other rewards from fellow Taoists, on the last day of April, ask for votes and support!
(End of this chapter)

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