Chapter 118

"Without the magic fire, Kui Yujiang, what other means do you have!" Ji Tan said that the Buddha's essence was condensed, and blasted out with a palm.

"Without the help of Tianhuo, this seat is not something you can match!"

Kui Yujiang yelled angrily, and the demon energy in his body was condensed into a blow. He was first attacked by Ren Pingsheng and broke his demon body, and then he was blocked by Ni Shenyang and his internal organs were injured, unable to recover from his injuries. .

Although his mouth showed disdain and confidence in winning, Kui Yujiang didn't dare to be careless, and he used the extreme style as soon as he got started, "The heaven and the earth are restricted."

"Don't care about life and death, stay in Zen with one sword!" Ji Tan said with a shuddering look, facing the devil who wreaks havoc in the world, the only way is to kill King Kong.

When the strong blows converged, Kui Yujiang flew back upside down, a mouthful of bright green demonic blood overflowed from his mouth, and the demonic energy in his body was turbulent.

"Yi Tian Floating Cloud Hand." Kui Yujiang stepped back for a moment, and Chu Tianxing made a move at the same time behind him, and the two forces attacked, Kui Yujiang suddenly lost the wind.

Without the unbreakable demon body, Kui Yujiang soon saw blood all over his body, Ji Tan said that in order to quell the evil disaster, he resorted to extremes and strongly suppressed Kui Yujiang.

Kui Yujiang's eyes flickered for a while, he forcibly suppressed the wound on his chest, and gathered the magic energy in his body, "Nine Great Limits Breaking the Limits of Heaven!"

With a shout, Kui Yujiang performed his extreme form again, the mighty magic energy covered the whole field, the wind and thunder rushed, and the death haze shrouded.

"No Covering Holy Seal!"

Aware of the danger of this move, Ji Tan said to come forward, in the same way as a reminder.

When the extreme moves met, the ground suddenly cracked, and the smoke and dust rose nine thousand feet. Taking this opportunity, Kui Yujiang retreated.

Soon, Kui Yujiang rushed to the entrance of Youjie, where the battle was fierce. Facing the invading enemy, Kui Yujiang slaughtered a large number of chivalrous and demon characters.

"The demon lord is back, kill him!"

"Kill the human race!"

The return of Kui Yujiang caused the low morale of Youjie to explode again.

But soon, another powerful breath descended.

"Floating Hand Ending Style: Prophetic Rain Destroys Life!"

Yuan Wuji, who suddenly appeared, made a killer move, not targeting Kui Yujiang, but the demons in the Nether Realm. It might as well be that the already dangerous Wu Jianghou burst out in an instant, and all kinds of monsters around him and even Wudu The same person turned into a handful of blood rain.

The brutal scene made everyone look sideways on him.

"Kui Yujiang and Emperor Yuliang have been persecuted several times. Today, my son has a blood revenge!"

Yuan Wuji snorted coldly, ignoring the crowd, and attacked and killed Kui Yujiang with one palm, the two palms intersected, immediately blasting Fang Yuan, the powerful aura made people take a few steps back, away from the two of them.

"Yuan Wuji!"

Seeing the fall of the demon general under his command, Kui Yujiang's eyes were red, and he let out a roar, "You are forcing me, now I will release all the demons!"

The moment he returned to the Nether Realm, Kui Yujiang suppressed the strength of the floating hand in his body, and then recited the incantation. The next moment, he had already been transferred by him, and the ready-to-go demon condensed into a cloud of fire and enveloped the place.

"The Nether Realm is the territory of this seat. As long as you are in the Nether Realm, with the help of the devil, this seat will be invincible."

The moment he returned to Youjie, even if the situation was in danger, Kui Yujiang, who had already prepared well, was not afraid, "You have missed the best time to kill me, now, feel the anger of me!"

Kui Yujiang activated the magic stick, and countless fireballs fell down immediately. In an instant, the people who talked about chivalry suffered heavy casualties.

"Kui Yujiang, you are not the only one who can mobilize the devil."

At this moment, the voice of the cocoon suddenly came.

"Huh! But I mobilized the magic stalk first, unless I die, you will never be able to mobilize the magic scorpion."

Kui Yujiang snorted coldly and said with disdain.

"I can't mobilize the devil, but I can make the devil not obey your orders."

At this moment, Di Cocoon's voice became extremely cold. Before Kui Yujiang returned to Youjie, he had a way to kill Kui Yujiang, but his purpose was to resurrect the Virgin. If Kui Yujiang died in the outside world, the variable If it is too big, if the source of life is lost, the Virgin will also lose the last chance of resurrection, which is not allowed by the earth cocoon.

The current situation, when he couldn't find the whereabouts of the demon, he had already expected it.

But for the resurrection of the Virgin, even if the follow-up cost is high, Di Cocoon will still choose this way.

Afterwards, everyone saw the demons in the sky suddenly disperse and fly away into a miserable environment, where fire and rain invaded immediately, causing countless people to suffer another catastrophe.

"Infinity, you..."

The faces of Dongmen Xuande and other people who talk about chivalry suddenly changed. They did not expect that Di Yu would resort to such a way of harming both sides. Moreover, it was the poor people who were hurt.

"Instead of talking nonsense here, it's better to work together to kill the demon cocoon. As long as the demon cocoon dies and the Virgin is resurrected, the scattered demon cocoons will naturally be recalled."

Di Cocoon's tone was incomparably calm to the shock and anger of the chivalrous people. For the sake of the Holy Mother, no matter how many people die in adversity, it has nothing to do with him.

"Kill Kui Yujiang!"

Dongmen Xuande had no choice but to accept the facts, and only hoped to kill the enemy as soon as possible to minimize the loss.

The scuffle resumed, and Yuan Wuji's body was able to take advantage of it, picking up the dark magic cocoon.

But at this moment, the Emperor Yuliang transformed into the auxiliary body suddenly struck back and killed the unsuspecting Nightmare Cocoon with one shot.

"Heavenly Devil Cocoon, the lonely emperor thought that you only cooperated with you because you wanted to dominate the difficult situation. I didn't expect you to think of turning the difficult situation into a scorched earth purgatory. How could the lonely emperor allow you to do such evil!"

'Emperor Yuliang' roared righteously, waved the Underworld Emperor's spear, and at the same time said to the Wudu soldiers behind him: "All the troops follow me to destroy the Nether Realm, kill!"

Mr. Butterfly and the others curled their lips, even if they are not ashamed of what Emperor Yuliang did, but at this moment, their goal is only one, and that is to kill Kui Yujiang.

In a blink of an eye, Kui Yujiang was deeply trapped in the enemy's camp, isolated and helpless.


The situation changed so quickly that people were caught off guard, and the entire periphery of Youjie fell into a big melee.

Kui Yujiang's two fists were no match for the strong, and with injuries on his body, he soon sprayed demonic blood all over the place.

"How could I die in the hands of you Xiao Xiaoxiao!"

Kui Yujiang yelled angrily, and forced everyone to retreat with his palm, because the way of life ahead was blocked, so he could only flee to the Nether Realm at this moment, "When I return, I will kill you all!"

As the smoke and dust dispersed, Kui Yujiang's figure had long since disappeared without a trace.

The voice of the ground cocoon also sounded at this time, "Don't worry, everyone, Kui Yujiang is doomed to die today, and now is the time for Infinite to take care of himself!"


Dongmen Xuande hesitated for a while.

Di Cocoon knew what Dongmen Xuande wanted to say, so he spoke again, "Kui Yujiang will be more vigilant after this defeat. , this battle will also fall short.

And if I catch up alone, he will definitely not let go of this opportunity to fight with me. At that time, I will kill Kui Yujiang and resurrect the Holy Mother. Please ask the Holy Mother to recall the devil. Now you may go to resist a burst of fire and rain. It will make the loss of misery smaller. "

After finishing speaking, Di Cocoon's voice disappeared, leaving only Lun Xia Xing Dao and everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.

"This person is right, and now we can only believe him!"

Dongmen Xuande thought for a while, and said decisively, everyone could only exit the cave after hearing the words, and soon they found countless fire clouds covering all places, and the miserable situation was invaded by fire rain again, and the suffering was unspeakable.

The heroes of the righteous way are fighting fires everywhere, waiting for good news from Youjie.

During this period, the Yuliang Emperor transformed by the auxiliary body has disappeared, and Yuan Wuji also left with an excuse.

 Thank you: wuming001, gyffj, and the gods and demons have all been taken up and other Taoist friends for their rewards. It's the last day of the long vacation, so I'm asking for tickets!It's been two months since the book was released, and it's off the new book list today, and there's one less exposure position, sad!All kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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