Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 119 Can't Escape 1 Death

Chapter 119 I Can't Escape Death (Please vote!)
"Think across the seven dangers, touch the nine palaces, travel to the eight extremes, and cross the ten directions."

Just in the middle of Kui Yujiang's escape, suddenly, a poem sounded, and at the same time, the earth was like a chessboard, and Kui Yujiang fell into a chess formation.

"How is it possible? Zonghengzi, you are not dead?"

For this voice, Kui Yujiang was very familiar with it, and his face suddenly showed consternation.

Zonghengzi was poisoned by him himself, and it was he himself who made people throw him into Nibao Guanlan. With his cultivation level, he can certainly discern Zonghengzi's life and death. At that time, Zonghengzi was indeed lifeless. Now...

"Thanks to Guan Jiuzhou, he let me know that you have understood part of the calculation, and then I will use the scheme to let the life trainee expose his whereabouts, and then give you the opportunity to transfer away from the sky, leaving you with a life trainee devourer Your own opportunity.

And I use the medicine pill given to me by Guan Jiuzhou to detoxify me, and use the technique of 'sealing energy and closing breath' given by him to fake death and escape from life, making you think that I am really dead. "

After saying this, Zonghengzi snapped his fingers, and the chess player immediately rushed to Kuiyujiang, and at the same time said indifferently: "Now, you are desperate!"

"Impossible, I have already changed my fate against the sky, how could I die here!"

Kui Yujiang roared, ignoring the wounds in his body, and urged Moyuan strongly, the two sides fought again, after dozens of moves in the blink of an eye, the chess formation was broken, but Kui Yujiang's injuries became more serious.

Watching Kui Yujiang escape, Zonghengzi treated him indifferently. Today, Kui Yujiang is doomed to end.

The convenience before is his burial place.

"Kui Yujiang, the result is already doomed, why run away again." At this moment, a figure in white clothes and white hair, holding a white lamp descended from the sky, "Before infinity, there is only pity."


Not waiting for Kui Yujiang to be astonished, Xiandie Jiuqianqiu turned around slowly, and then his appearance and robes also changed at the same time.

"It's you? You've been by my side all the time!"

Kui Yujiang's face was extremely ugly. The moment Zonghengzi had a problem, he knew that Moye Tingjian and Jiuqianqiu pulled by Zonghengzi were unreliable. right by his side.

The enemy is by his side, but he didn't know it all the time, what a fool!
Swallowing Kui Yujiang's rationality in an instant, "If I die today, I want you to be buried with me!"

Kui Yujiang's eyes were bloodthirsty, and he was played by the cocoon like this. Now he is at the end of the road, and he wants to give it a go.

Kui Yujiang absorbs the devilish energy all over his body, disregarding the injuries in his body, and does not leave behind, wanting to return to the rest.

"Mad Devil Purgatory Chapter of Punishment!"

In the face of Kui Yujiang's desperate counterattack, the magic piano was transported infinitely, and the three magics of the devil king were reproduced.

As soon as this move came out, Kui Yujiang was horrified, "It's the three masters of the devil, could it be you!"

Fighting each other with strong moves, Kui Yujiang was severely injured and flew out, all Yuangong was lost.

Infinity also spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his breath weakened for a few minutes.


Kui Yujiang staggered up from the ground, "It turned out to be you. I always thought it was the Demon Lord. I didn't expect that you would also become the Demon Lord's Three Skills. The Twelve Divine Panic Scrolls can indeed spy on the future, hahaha..."

Kui Yujiang laughed desolately, laughing at himself thinking that he could spy on the future; laughing at himself being fooled and helpless in this life.

At this moment, the laughter suddenly stopped, black lines appeared on Kui Yujiang's face, and his vitality was completely extinguished.

After the primordial power was exhausted, without the power to suppress the injury, the mortal nature of the floating hand reappeared.

With the sudden death of Kui Yujiang, the source of life returned in an instant, and the bones of Jiuying sent back by Gu Xinglei came back to life again.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared, and Kui Yujiang's body was taken away immediately.

Infinity has no obstacles, and it is powerless to stop them. No matter who the visitor is or what their purpose is, they can no longer prevent the resurrection of the Virgin Mary, nor can they prevent the death of Kui Yujiang.

Soon after, Suzaku Yi, who was seriously injured by Kui Yujiang, also returned.

After Jiuying recovered, he heard what Wu Wuming and others said, and reluctantly cast a spell to recall the demons who had been scattered into a difficult situation, and the disaster of sky fire disintegrated.

On the chivalrous way, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Yuan Wuji also received a system prompt, and at his feet, Kui Yujiang's body appeared.

"Kui Yujiang is finally dead. Maybe his body is still useful. Take it back and put it away first. According to the agreement between the assistant chess player and the ghost unicorn, this time, it is necessary to prevent the resurrection of the demon king."

This time, he just made soy sauce, but he gained a lot, but thinking of the deal between the assistant body and the ghost unicorn, Yuan Wuji's smile became weird.

"The more arrogant son pretends to be the ghost unicorn master, he has to bear the convenience and disadvantages of the ghost unicorn master, but the ghost unicorn master brought two big green hats to the original demon king. If the original demon king is completely resurrected, the ghost unicorn master will be in trouble. But it's big."

"Hmm... But the original Demon Lord is indeed powerful. It would not be good for me to revive him completely, but it cannot fully fulfill the wish of the Ghost Qi Lord. In this case..."

Yuan Wuji lowered his eyes and whispered in his heart, "Then try to weaken the power of the original demon king as much as possible to maintain the balance of the situation. It just so happens that the source of life he possesses is also useful to me, so I can't let it go."

With a decision in mind, the auxiliary body began to act accordingly.

Vientiane Wuxiang can imitate martial arts, and it can also change breath or hide body shape.

It is the best choice for the vice body to do this kind of thing, and perhaps this is why the ghost qi master chose to entrust this matter to the chess player.


Above the peak, the earth and the sky are in opposition.

With the death of the demon cocoon, Di Ming also slowly turned around, and said to Tianji, "The drama of the demon cocoon is over, do you think the next game will be Nishenyang or Chess Player?"

"Compared to their play, I think it's more cost-effective to kill you!"

Behind Tianji, the oracle sword was out of its sheath, and the divine light was restrained, but the atmosphere was not tense.

"That's how you want to end the hatred between heaven and earth, you have insulted Dazzler's script!" Di Ming snorted coldly and said dissatisfied.

Tianji Jianfeng pointed at Diming, "It doesn't matter what your script is, it's a good show to kill you!"

"It's a good show, how can it be less people feel very gentleman!"

Accompanied by thunderbolts and golden rain, a handsome figure with an umbrella came slowly in the void, "When I feel like wandering in immortals and dreaming, let it be cold in bamboo and pines. Xuanyuan's affairs, ancient and modern, romantic rivers and mountains. Intoxicated and white headed , Shu Huai becomes a grand view. Waking up is also in the world; dreaming is also in the world.”

With the advent of human consciousness, this battle is destined not to arise.

However, this time the target in question is not only the Dao Li Prison Dragon, but also a chess player.

A person who claims to know the future, who leaves behind a scroll containing the future, will inevitably arouse the curiosity of Sanyana.

"I hope this is not your design!"

Tianji looked at Diming, his eyes were full of disbelief, the chess player's method was most similar to that of Diming.

"Then it will be a blessing to the heavens!"

Regarding Tianji's doubts, Di Ming never bothered to explain. Anyway, he has done many mysterious things and many evil things, so he doesn't care about adding one more.

 Thank you: Xiaowu Biaoxue, Four Extraordinary Middlemen, Book Friends 2018...^676 and other Taoist friends for their rewards. It's the last night of the holiday. Remember to vote when everyone is having fun!
(End of this chapter)

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