Chapter 121 Harvest
The aura of the chess player who had left from Youjie changed several times before he found a place to hide.

Taking out the bead containing the source of life, the chess player showed joy, "When I separate the pure source of life, the jade left in the Forbidden City will also grow rapidly."

The source of life is the origin of life in the Youjie, and non-youjie life cannot absorb it at all. However, the jade left in the Forbidden City is the blood of life trainees, and it naturally contains the blood of the Demon King, so it can naturally be absorbed.

At the beginning, Tianzhizhu was able to heal his injuries and strengthen his cultivation by relying on the little life in his belly. Now that the child is born, even if it is given to Tianzhizhu, she will not be able to refine it.

As he said that, the auxiliary body activated the phaseless true essence, gradually separating the two forces, and then imitated the breath of the demon king, condensing the life essence that had begun to dissipate into beads again.

After doing this, the deity also appeared to take the things away. Even if the source of life is temporarily isolated with the formless essence, it will still dissipate if it takes a long time, so it can only be integrated into the body of the Forbidden City Relict Jade as soon as possible.

After Yuan Wuji left, the vice body also returned to Wudu as Emperor Yuliang, and threatened to retreat, so that Baishihou, Wanhuhou and others could shrink their strength.

Back in the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji approached Hong Chenxue and told her about the death of the life trainee.

The sudden news of her death made Hong Chenxue stunned.

Although she and the life trainee did not become a couple in the end, they had a good impression of each other after all. Even if they didn't mention these things, they were still good friends. Such news was a great blow to Hong Chenxue.

"How could this be? What happened?" Hong Chenxue staggered back a few steps, with an expression of disbelief, how could so many things have happened in just half a month.

Yuan Wuji sighed, "Destiny is hard to break. He is the reincarnation of the primordial demon lord of the Youjie. The source of life dissipates in his body. If he cannot return to his body, he will die completely. Therefore, he can only return to the body of the original demon lord. Maybe it will be reborn one day."

Looking at Hong Chenxue's pale face, Yuan Wuji's eyes moved slightly, and then he said: "However, I have already brought back his son."

"What heir?"

Hong Chenxue raised her head in astonishment, her face full of doubts and incomprehension.

"He is the daughter of Tianzhizhu, but Tianzhizhu has an undying hatred for the original demon king, so after the child was born, I brought him back, and now he is being raised by Manli."

After a long time, Hong Chenxue suppressed her messy thoughts, raised her head and said, "I want to go and see!"

"Let's go together!"

Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, and came to Manli's hermitage together with Hongchenxue.

Here is close to the sea, connected to a long passage of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, and the two of them arrived in an instant.

At this time, Manli was teasing with the jade left over from the Forbidden City.

"Is this the life trainee's child? What's his name?"

Looking at the baby in swaddling clothes, Hong Chenxue also touched the baby's face and asked softly.

"Young master named him Yiyu, Forbidden City Yuyu."

Manli handed the child to Hongchenxue and said at the same time.

"The legacy jade..."

Hongchenxue murmured, but didn't say much.

At this time, Yuan Wuji also integrated the source of life into the body of the Forbidden City Jade, and said at the same time: "He is the son of the Forbidden City, and he has inherited the martial arts of a life trainee. I am going to let him continue to practice gun skills when he grows up. What do you think? how?"

Yuan Wuji turned his head and looked at Hong Chenxue.

This was already decided by him. At the beginning, he wanted her to cultivate the Nine-Nine Dragon Body, but she didn't expect it to be a girl, so he could only make some changes, but the main thing was to use the gun and the sword. the right teacher.

Coupled with his cultivation of systematic martial arts, his future is limitless.

Confucianists like to raise children, Yuan Wuji thinks this is really a good way.

With so many martial arts in the system, only by spreading them can it be considered that the system has truly played a role.

He can't cultivate everything by himself, and it's meaningless to practice alone.

Sometimes it is quite interesting to be a teacher and watch the saplings I planted grow up.

After Hong Chenxue and Man Li stayed together, Yuan Wuji found a secluded place, turned on the system, and checked the results of the trip.

The last blow to grab Kuiyujiang is the biggest gain of this trip.

Kui Yujiang's strength has reached the early stage of the legend, which also gave Yuan Wuji a chance to choose a single item. In addition, the incarnation of Kui Yujiang, the Queen of Infernal Ghost and others killed by the auxiliary body barely made up enough random selection One chance.

"System, conduct a random draw."

Don't hesitate, go straight to the point.

Techniques, fists, weapons, pills, weapons, treasures.

As the pointer rotated, shortly after, the pointer stayed on the fist and foot.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining - Fengshen legs (comprehensible: Shenfengdong)."

Fengshen Leg is Nie Feng's famous martial art, and its essence is just a kind of Xiongba three-point return to vitality, but after Nie Feng's practice, this martial art has already been innovated in his hands, surpassing the realm of Xiongba, and it is well-deserved among high-level martial arts.

What's more, the last Shenfengdong is more powerful, similar to Bu Jingyun's "Ten Cloud Palm" sublimated from Paiyun Palm, but Yuan Wuji has not comprehended the "Ten Cloud Palm" so far, so he wants to comprehend it. The follow-up of Fengshen's legs, Shenfengdong, also takes a lot of time.

Generally speaking, this kind of business is sure to make a profit without losing money, buy one get one free, but the part of giving away needs to be understood by himself.

After obtaining the Fengshen leg, Yuan Wuji began to think about which category to choose for the two single-item draws.

Soon, Yuan Wuji had a goal.

Now that he has practiced the indestructible golden body body training method, his body has become extremely strong, and no one has asked him to use his full strength so far.

Of course, more importantly, it also allows him to condense more extreme yangs and reach the realm of ten yangs as soon as possible.

But the only thing restricting him is that condensing anodes consumes real energy. With his strength, without the help of external forces, it will take more than half a month to complete.

In Yuan Wuji's opinion, such a waste of time is not worth the candle. Although these days, he has dispatched his subordinates enough for a lot of pills or herbs that enhance the true essence, but so far he has only condensed six extreme yangs, and he wants to break through to At the Ten Sun Realm, at least three or even four are needed.

But, he couldn't wait any longer.

The death of Kui Yujiang represents the upcoming martial arts, Tianji, Diming and others will officially appear on the stage.

People feel that Yuejiaozi, Diming, and Tianji have all focused their attention on the auxiliary body, and even the identity of Guan Jiuzhou has received attention. If the strength of the main body is not strengthened, then the next matter will be difficult to solve.

Although he is not afraid of masters such as Ni Shenyang with his indestructible golden body at the second level and the six extreme yangs in his body, but he has provoked quite a few masters, and if he is tricked, he may suffer a big somersault.

But suffering losses is not Yuan Wuji's hobby. Even if the auxiliary body dies, it is for him to achieve a certain goal, not passive.

 Thank you fellow daoists of 'I Can't Answer' for your rewards, thank you fellow daoists for your recommendation tickets, keep asking, all kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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