Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 122 Nine Yang Returns 9, Legendary Realm

Chapter 122 Nine Suns Return to One, the Realm of Legends (Three Thousand Chapters)

"In that case, I don't seem to have a choice."

"System, specify the pill."

Yinhun Yangpo, Promise Elixir, Dragon Knot Grass, Dreaming Grass, Returning to the Heaven and Recreating Pill, Lingshi Fairy Milk.

Six magical medicines.

Yin soul and yang soul are a pair, one is the poison of yin, and the other is the poison of yang, the two poisons are mutually restraining, there is no other way to save it.

Of course, there may be other ways to solve this poison in Thunderbolt, but it is far from being easily solved by ordinary people or things.

However, it is useless to Yuan Wuji.

A bottle of Wuji elixir contains twelve pills, each of which can increase the skill of one Jiazi. If one can get this pill, even if the latter few pills are more difficult to condense and consume more real energy, they are still enough.

The thousand-year-old dragon-knot grass, taking it can increase the skill of the thousand-year-old, which is stronger than the Wuji elixir.

Although there is only one pill, it can only increase one's skill at most, but its real function is the same as the life-returning golden pill. As long as the body is not seriously broken, it can bring the dead back to life and quickly restore the full state.

Dreamwalking Grass is quite special. After eating this herb, one will fall into a state of half-asleep and half-awake, like a nocturnal sleepwalker, but his intelligence can reach a level that is far below the normal state.

If it is combined with other magic pills and telepathy methods for increasing cultivation, it can surpass others' 20-year achievements in three days. Years of hard work is the only way to quickly cultivate talents.

The last spirit stone fairy milk is also a miracle drug for increasing cultivation and prolonging life. It is said that a trace of it can equal a sixty-year-old cultivation base, but now it is displayed in the system as one, at least worth a thousand years.

There are six kinds of elixirs, except Yinhun Yangpo, others can be used.

Yuan Wuji said silently in his heart, "It's better to increase the skill!"

In this regard, Yuan Wuji is quite confident. Three of the six kinds of elixirs can increase his power. There is a one-half chance. Not good, need to avoid the limelight.

But this is all a matter of thought, although the Tianzi Wangqi technique can't discern the choice of the system, but there is a faint feeling that it is beneficial to him, Yuan Wuji no longer hesitates, and directly chooses to start.

The pointer rotated rapidly, and Yuan Wuji squinted slightly. As time went on, the speed of the pointer gradually slowed down, and finally...

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Promise Elixir."

Looking at the pill bottle in his hand, Yuan Wuji took it immediately without any hesitation. This was something he had been looking forward to for a long time.

Although it is said that he is not inferior to the legend with his indestructible golden body and the outbreak of Jiyang, but it is still not safe enough after all.

Especially the next ones to face are the Earth Underworld, the Ghost Qi Lord and even the Demon King, as well as the Eight Tribes and even the Baqi evil god.

The opponents are more powerful than the other.

"The Nine Suns I am practicing now focuses on the gentleness of the pure yang, like the rising sun, giving life to all things; and the next stage of the Nine Suns is like a scorching sun at noon, burning the sky and boiling the sea, drying up the earth, and extinction of vitality.

Both are nine suns, one governs life and the other governs death.

I have to balance the two forces, or I will explode myself to death.

Fortunately, I have now cultivated an indestructible golden body, which has reached the second-level jade bone state. I can withstand the self-explosion of the nine extreme yang with my body, completely dissipate the extreme yang power and integrate it into my body, and condense the nine-yang divine body, which is also called the true sun. body, so that both creation and destruction will be accommodated. "

In the past few months of traveling through adversity, Yuan Wuji has naturally made progress by integrating the martial arts concepts of his predecessor and practicing so many martial arts systems, and will not completely rely on the help of the systems.

Following the entrance of pills one by one, streams of pure power erupted in the body immediately. Yuan Wuji performed the Nine Suns Divine Art, and this power was instantly refined and condensed.

The seventh Jiyang consumes two Wuji elixir.

The eighth polar sun costs four.

The ninth pole sun costs six.

A bottle of Wuji elixir is just enough.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji's skin turned red, and an uncontrollable blazing temperature escaped from his body. Suddenly, the surrounding vegetation withered and turned yellow, and Fang Yuan's land became scorched black.

And inside his body, the nine small bright suns form a circle releasing unparalleled scorching heat.

Yuan Wuji's skin glowed with a golden light, and the bones in his body were like jade. Under this extremely scorching force, they still shone brightly, but his internal organs were gradually weakening.

The Impossible Golden Body is very strong, only the third level. Yuan Wuji has only reached the Diamond and Jade Bone Realm. If he can train to the Relic Realm, the whole body will be immortal from the inside to the outside, and he will no longer be afraid of these things. temperature.

However, even if he couldn't reach the Relic Realm, Yuan Wuji still had a way.

"Nine suns return to one!"

Yuan Wuji let out a low cry, nine fist-sized poles in his body exploded like rounds of small suns.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful and violent breath erupted from Yuan Wuji's body.

Hongchenxue, Manli and others in the manor a few miles away looked up in astonishment.

At a moment of awareness, Hong Chenxue gave an order, leaving behind Man Li with a worried face, who had disappeared.

The next moment, she appeared tens of feet behind Yuan Wuji.

At this moment, her eyes were full of surprise and shock.

The moment the nine suns burst in his body, the bones in Yuan Wuji's body released a mysterious light, blocking this extreme force.

But even so, the berserk force still tore through the viscera, Yuan Wuji spewed out streams of bright red blood, and his vitality was disappearing.

"what happened?"

Anxiety appeared in Hongchenxue's eyes, but at this moment, Yuan Wuji's whole body was shrouded in a fiery field, and Hongchenxue couldn't get close due to the strong resistance.

Just when Hong Chenxue was anxious, after the destructive force erupted, another gentle force full of vitality was born in Yuan Wuji's body.

Soon, Yuan Wuji's damaged viscera receded and became alive again.

"The Body of True Yang!"

Nine Yang Divine Body, also called True Yang Body, was finally practiced at this moment.

This is also the reason why Yuan Wuji did not rush to improve his cultivation before, but first practiced the body training method or the ultimate yin method.

The incorruptible golden body can resist the outbreak of nine yangs at the same time, and give birth to new vitality.

And Zhiyin Gongfa can reconcile the Yin and Yang in the body, and can offset part of the explosive power.

The two must occupy one side to break through. If there is no one, the only end for Yuan Wuji to explode Jiuyang is to turn into a pile of rotten meat, or even turn into fly ash.

As Yuan Wuji sucked in Yuan Yuan, Tianji Haori seemed to drop a blazing beam of light into Yuan Wuji's body, and soon, a powerful force was born in his body.

Immediately, the nine big acupoints in his body once again condensed nine scorching suns. These nine little suns in the body have broken through their own divisions and formed a cycle to become a whole. This is the state of nine anodes.

It can be transformed into nine yangs, or condensed into one, and turned into a big sun. This is the realm of ten yangs, and it is also the biggest change at this moment.

Yuan Wuji spent a cup of tea from the breakthrough to the end, and Hong Chenxue behind him breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that the aura in Yuan Wuji's body was stable.

Not long after, Yuan Wuji woke up from his cultivation. At this moment, he could clearly feel a great power in his body all the time.

That was the short-term power that only a few extreme suns erupted in succession could have in the past.

The mighty power that can move mountains and fill seas, destroy heaven and earth, as if the world is in his hands, and the sudden surge of power made Yuan Wuji lost in it for a moment.

Fortunately, the Bing Xin Jue operated automatically, instantly awakening Yuan Wuji from his illusion.

"It's so dangerous. It seems that a powerful force must have a strong mind to control it, otherwise it will become a slave of power. Fortunately, Bing Xin Jue seems ordinary, but it is a special skill that targets demons and desires. "

As Yuan Wuji comprehended through meditation, he gradually understood the changes in his body.

This power can be turned into nine and circulate endlessly, or it can be condensed into one and burst into extreme power.

"Finally stepped into this realm!"

Yuan Wuji slowly opened his eyes, and murmured, with an unconcealable joy in his eyes, "Finally, I have really stepped into the realm of legends, and I have a certain ability to protect myself in adversity."

"Heaven, earth, man, law, and even the devil, I can treat them equally. The next hurdle is to get close to the gods. I must reach this state before the birth of the bad god, otherwise it will still be dangerous."

As he said that, blue flames ignited all over Yuan Wuji's body. As the flames burned, the blue flames gradually turned purple. This is the second stage of the ten suns. It can boil iron and melt gold, and is the nemesis of all evil spirits.

In addition, there is Qingyan in the third stage and Baiyan in the final stage. However, this requires Yuan Wuji to continue to accumulate. The ability to reach Ziyan just after breaking through is due to his deep accumulation in the early stage.

"The body of the true yang has been condensed, but the golden body cannot be perfected if it is not damaged. Take this opportunity to reforge a stronger body."

"True Flame Body Refining!"

Yuan Wuji received the power of Haoyang, and the blue flame from the inside out wrapped Yuan Wuji's whole body in it.

At this scene, Hong Chenxue, who was paying attention, showed a little nervousness, but fortunately, she found that Yuan Wuji was not in danger, so she felt relieved.

But soon she realized that she was nervous, nervous about a man.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji has no time to pay attention to other matters. The Immortal Golden Body and the True Yang Body gradually merged, changing some characteristics, but it is more suitable for him at the moment.

The Buddha nature is obliterated, leaving only the purest power.

"The Unbroken Realm!"

The Nine Suns Divine Kung Fu can temper the body and mind, but now it has been integrated with the same level of unique knowledge, and it has become more perfect.

A golden glow appeared on Yuan Wuji's body, and this golden glow carried a fiery temperature, which not only enhanced his defense, but also ignited the vigor of the attack on his body, and hurt others, and even merged with Yin and Yang. Bounce attack.

"Second level realm—the realm of immortality!"

Yuan Wuji suddenly opened his eyes, his divine power was restrained, the bones in his body were burned by true flames, the impurities were burned, and became more pure and stable. This is a leap of life.

"Immortal and Immortal!"

A trace of satisfaction appeared in Yuan Wuji's eyes. These two levels corresponded to the Diamond and Jade Bone levels that were not bad for the golden body before. Although the power has not been greatly improved, they do not have the special requirement that a virgin can only be cultivated in the Relic level. Now , Yuan Wuji can achieve the third realm——the Immortal Realm as his cultivation level improves.

"According to speculation, the realm of immortality will greatly increase the level of life, complete qualitative evolution, and even reach the point of rebirth of severed limbs, but it is not easy to achieve it, and it will take time."

"But without the obstacle of virginity, everything is not a problem!"

At the same time, the system notification sounded again, "Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the legend, killing a master of the same rank, or changing the fate of a master of the same rank and a major plot, you can get a chance to draw immortal martial arts..."

"Congratulations to the host for getting one chance to randomly draw Xianwu; getting two chances to draw Gaowu's designation; automatically comprehend the unique skills of Jiuyang:
Nine Suns Thunderbolt, Nine Suns Excalibur, Yin and Yang Great Move, Fire Cloud Palm, Fierce Yang Knife, Transformation and Fist Yang Kung Fu, Two Yangs Thunderbolt Palm, Phantom Breaking Yang Fist, Variety Fierce Yang Kick, Five-way Yang Claw, Whirlwind Sun Strength, Fiery Fire Burning Yang Kung Fu, Eight-step Yang Piercing Finger, Lieyang Strength, etc. "

 Thank you: Gods, demons, and holy kings are all occupied, book friends 2018...^676 and other fellow daoists for their rewards, three thousand-character chapters, all kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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