Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 123 Love in the Red Dust

Chapter 123 Love in the Red Dust (Ask for Tickets!)

"The breakthrough in the realm of legends has indeed yielded a lot of rewards!"

The Nine Suns Absolute Art is a follow-up move that he automatically comprehended based on the Nine Suns Divine Art, and the system's three chances to draw, as well as being able to get the chance to draw the Immortal Martial Arts, are the real surprises.

If one day he breaks through to get close to the gods, he may be able to obtain the god-killing moves of the martial arts level.

However, relying on the Nine Suns Divine Art alone can no longer help him climb to a higher level. Even if he condenses the follow-up Qingyan and Baiyan, it is nothing but the accumulation of cultivation, and it is just the enhancement of the same level.

But killing a master of the same level can directly extract the level of immortal martial arts, which may be the key to his promotion.

Before I could continue to check the results, a voice came from behind, "Congratulations on your breakthrough!"

At this moment, the powerful aura around her has dissipated, and Hong Chenxue slowly approached with complicated eyes.

Hong Chenxue's strength, after all, still belongs to the power of warriors in the world.

But Yuan Wuji's current realm has already surpassed her, and has become an existence that people look up to. It is the kind of mighty power that is almost like a fairy, comparable to Xuanhuang Sancheng.

"It's just a lucky breakthrough." Yuan Wuji stood up slowly, his expression calmed down again, "With your aptitude, as long as you accumulate enough, you will also have the opportunity to climb to a higher level in the future."

Hongchenxue shook her head slightly, her voice was lonely, "I'm a little tired, Yuanyangjing and Lingboying have all gone, the murder case of the Tianshu family has also been settled, and now the life trainees have fulfilled their own destiny, I I am going to go back to hiding after finding my father."

"Retiring is indeed a good choice, and the plight of the future will be even more chaotic."

Yuan Wuji's eyes gradually became tender, "But I don't feel at ease when you are outside, how about staying in the strange city of mountains and seas?"

Their eyes met, and Hong Chenxue dodged the scorching gaze.

"This..." Hong Chenxue showed hesitation, thinking of Man Li and Yuan Zheng, she didn't want to destroy other people's families, and then shook her head, "I'd better go back to Jiangshan Tower, after all, I have been there for many years..."

Before Hong Chenxue could finish her words, Yuan Wuji interrupted, "If you leave, Yi Yu will lose a good teacher."

Hearing this, Hong Chenxue hesitated again, and the next moment, Yuan Wuji appeared in front of her, his eyes met, full of affection, "Besides, I don't want you to take risks outside."


No longer giving Hong Chenxue a chance to react, Yuan Wuji hugged Hong Chenxue suddenly, lips touching.

Hongchenxue wanted to resist, but his feelings for Yuan Wuji were extremely complicated, he had a good impression, and he had a heartbeat, but the other party had a wife and son, which made Hongchenxue retreat.

But at this moment, Yuan Wuji once again showed his domineering side, covering Hongchenxue with powerful power, not giving Hongchenxue a chance to resist at all.

When the love was strong, Yuan Wuji no longer suppressed, hugged Hong Chenxue, and the next moment he appeared in the room of the strange city of mountains and seas.

Yuan Wuji is actually more used to being direct than talking about love and talking about love.

YouQi has mastered a powerful force for a moment, even with the suppression of Bing Xin Jue, but there are still some unknown changes in his mind.

Moreover, he is a modern person, and he is far inferior to a cultivator in affliction in suppressing his own desires.

At this moment, he also ignored Hong Chenxue's complex and willing or not questions, and went directly to the topic.

The scattered robes, scattered hair, snow-white skin, and delicate face make people feel pity.

Yin and Yang blend at this moment.

Yuan Wuji's Nine Suns Divine Art works on its own, and Hong Chenxue's true energy is already affected by the Nine Suns Divine Art, and now it resonates at the same time.

The extreme changes of the Nine Suns Divine Art have made Yuan Wuji's sun-like creative power far stronger than before. Even if he cannot regenerate a broken limb, at least it can repair the broken viscera. Life can be restored.

With the combination of the two, Hong Chenxue's energy and life energy that were devoured by the devil at the beginning gradually recovered in the cycle, and the few strands of gray hair became pitch black again, and even Hong Chenxue's cultivation base was restored again. Enhanced to a certain extent, the skin becomes more supple and crystal clear.

And this is the hidden attribute of Nine Suns Divine Art, but the beneficiary is not Yuan Wuji, but the other party.

On the wooden bed, Hongchenxue's eyes were closed tightly, the sudden warmth pouring into her body made the emotionally chaotic Hongchenxue almost lost.

[Recently, Harmony is very powerful, for the sake of safety, it has been changed...]


The next day dawn.

Yuan Wuji opened his eyes, Hong Chenxue was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

The long eyelashes flutter occasionally, and the delicate face is breathtaking.

Yuan Wuji felt that a certain part became hard again.

But last night's madness had already exhausted Hongchenxue, Yuan Wuji glanced at the bright red on the bed sheet under him, quietly looked at the sleeping Hongchenxue for a while, kissed her between the eyebrows lightly, then put on his robe and left the room.

It wasn't until Yuan Wuji left that Hong Chenxue slowly opened her eyes. At this moment, her face was full of complexity.

Even she herself didn't know what state of mind she was in at the moment.

Whether it's love, love, hate or something else, maybe it doesn't matter anymore.

Yuan Wuji naturally knew that Hong Chenxue had already woken up, and knew that she might not be able to face it at this moment, so he left.

"Now that the Nine Suns have achieved great success, with the power of the rising sun to create life, they can restore the life energy lost by others. At the beginning, Man Li lived for Yuan Zheng, and lost part of the life source. Now he finally has the opportunity to make up for it."

"Well... this matter will be resolved after I finish sorting out the system harvest."

With a decision, Yuan Wuji entered the system again, ready to use the breakthrough reward.

In particular, he once again had a chance to draw a fairy martial arts.

Because it was random, Yuan Wuji used the Tianzi Wangqi Technique, and immediately began to draw at the moment when he felt that he was in the most perfect state.

As the pointer rotated, it landed on the treasure again.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the stand-in doll (Note: After using the doll, the doll will bear all the host's injuries in the host's appearance, and transfer the host's body a hundred miles away)."

"Huh? This thing..."

Yuan Wuji looked at the palm-sized puppet in his hand, his eyes flickered for a while, and then he put it away. He hadn't thought about the use of this thing, but after all, it was a treasure of immortal martial arts level. Not to mention other things, even mortal wounds could be borne instead. This is equivalent to an extra life.

"There are still two chances to draw designated high martial arts, choose the weapon first!"

Peerless Sword, Xueyin Kuangdao, Huolin Sword, Wushuang Sword, Defeated Sword, Sky Blade/Greedy Wolf Sword.

"Huh? They are all weapons in Fengyun, and there are also a pair of swords..."

It stops shortly after the pointer rotates.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Blade Saber and Tanlang Sword."

Buy one get two free?
Yuan Wuji looked at the purple gold sword in his hand, and the martial art of killing the wolf, shook his head and put it away.

Sha Po Lang is just a high martial artist, he is not attractive to him, so he is not ready to learn, even if this pair of swords, Yuan Wuji can only give them to suitable people in the future, for example, the saints only have a precious sword.

"Now that my cultivation base has greatly increased, I have a true yang indestructible body, and I don't lack the skills of fist and palm. What should I choose?"

"Forget it, let's save this opportunity first, stay a few days at the beginning of the month, and draw together."

 Thanks: Recalling Meng Mengxue, who let me seal the sword for a thousand rewards, thanks to: Xiaowu Biaoxue, Changing posts, Lin Deguang, Shuyou 2018^6676 and other Taoist friends for their rewards.Novice on the road, a lot of care!

(End of this chapter)

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