Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 124 Raising Hands Without Rules

Chapter 124
After logging out of the system, Yuan Wuji took care of other things.

This day, he didn't see Hongchenxue appearing, obviously avoiding him, but it is also understandable, this time Yuan Wuji took advantage of others and finished it when Hongchenxue was most upset and helpless. A revolutionary hit.

Afterwards, as a man, Yuan Wuji naturally wouldn't have other thoughts, but Hong Chenxue inevitably had a complicated mood and needed to calm down.

It wasn't until the night sky was shining with stars and Yuan Wuji finished his work that he was ready to go to the seashore, "Take advantage of this time to deal with the hidden dangers of Manli!"

Yuan Wuji flashed and disappeared in the strange city of mountains and seas. At this moment, Manli had already arranged Yuan Zheng and the baby's legacy, and just returned to the room when Yuan Wuji appeared. He was so shocked that he couldn't help calling softly, "Young master... ..."

"Man carp."

Yuan Wuji took a step forward, hugged Manli, and said in a low voice, "You have worked hard."

Such gentle words brought joy to Man Li's face, "It's Man Li's honor to be able to help the young master."

She stuck it to Yuan Wuji's heart, showing a look of anticipation, "Man Li has not danced for the young master for a long time, today, can I invite the young master to appreciate the new dance I have composed for the young master?"

"Okay!" Yuan Wuji sat down and watched Man Li dance with a smile on his face.

Sighing in the clear sky, a few trees are floating with purple smoke, alone in the bright autumn.

The cloud is beautiful, the swallows are startled, green and reddish thick.

Since summer is abundant and flowers are in season, they bloom for a hundred days without a break.

But afraid of Magu's claws, shivering shyly.

Without the care of the spring shade, looking at the heavy makeup, the cold dew is difficult to collect.

Yixiang Feiyudian, Juyi sings poetry.

Even under Fanchuan and Zhongshu's doors, the solitary lamp boasted,

Actually, I missed my dream of Yangzhou several times.

The millennium has passed, the rain has bullied the frost, and it is difficult to hide the romance.

The dancing posture is swaying, and under the background of the lights, it looks like a peach, beautiful and delicious.

As Man Li approached, Yuan Wuji directly hugged Man Li to the bed amidst Man Li's exclamation, and at the same time kissed Man Li's cheek, and whispered in her ear, "Today I will help you restore life in your body." Yuan!"

The rain beats the loquats and rots the plantains, and the hatred of spring will be paid to the spring tide.


In the secluded realm, just after obtaining the power returned by Kui Yujiang, Jiuying was forcibly recalled, and the weak Jiuying fainted unexpectedly.

After intercepting Tianji's infinite vent of anger halfway, he was told by Tianji that the life of the Virgin was in danger, and hurried back with the elixir given by Tianji.

At the same time, Zonghengzi re-enters the village of Chutian, stepping on the heaven and earth to meet the ghost Qizhu.

Returning Shimolu details, Gui Qizhu also opened the Xuanmo Room for Zonghengzi, six chess pieces, a chance to regret.

Doubt: Do not believe in the right way, deviate from the truth, what is absolute, what is credible.

"Ni Sanjiao, from the original intention to the end, Zonghengzi, will you regret it?"

Ghost Qizhu's figure is blurred, looking coldly at Zonghengzi's choice.

Zonghengzi said nothing, and raised his hand to lift the second son.

Evil: Evil views and thoughts, evil karma arises, never going away, making mistakes again and again.

"Heart martial arts chess club, when chess friends become constraints, when being looked up to turns into doubts, do you regret it?"

Anger: Competing for victory, accompanied by anger and anger, good ties are cut short, water and fire are intolerable.

"Su Huanzhen, in the past, do you regret being an enemy of him?"

Crazy: Fascinated and forgotten, there is nothing else, where the ambition lies, not a blade of grass grows.

"Old friend..." Zonghengzi was in a trance for a moment when he saw the scenes of the past.

"If you give up your focus and pursuit of chess, what will happen to you and Tian Shisanjue? Do you—do you regret it?" Gui Qizhu asked playfully with a sinister smile on his mouth.

Zonghengzi fixed his eyes when he heard the words, and raised his hand again.

Slow: I am slow and tall, self-confident and conceited, and the strokes of the sky are hard to get rid of.

"Ignorance One Knife Fast..."

The strange voice of the ghost unicorn reappeared, with a kind of temptation, "At that time you thought you could control the overall situation, but unexpectedly, you missed Yidao Zhai's love for you. This sacrifice, do you—do you regret it?"

Zonghengzi snorted coldly, his grief and anger flared up again.

Greed: Greedy and greedy, chasing after desires, reluctance to give up, everything is lost.

"Sister Ling..." Zonghengzi clenched his palm unconsciously as the memories of the past struck.

The ghost unicorn's voice became sullen again. "When the siblings parted ways, the heart-to-heart became broken, Zonghengzi, this family relationship, you have gone a lot wrong, do you regret it?"

"I said, I'm here to make up for my mistake." The sound of 'regret' made Zonghengzi frowned.

"Ha!" Ghost Qizhu chuckled, and said disapprovingly: "The thing that surprises me is that the death of your best friend Yu Qingjue is not among the six pieces of chess that you regret."

"Friends are open-minded in the world, seek benevolence and get benevolence. On the other side, that is the best home. Zonghengzi has nothing to hate."


The ghost unicorn lightly shook the white bone fan, and continued: "Now that the six chess pieces are discovered, the next step is for you to rewrite the past choices. You have a chance to re-cover one of the chess pieces, erase the incompleteness you don't want, and make you a success." wish, but..."

Speaking of this, the Ghost Qi master paused, "You made up for your regrets, but at the same time reversed the number of days, allowing the other party's fate to start again, and became an unknowable variable. If you insist on having both, it will be you." Burying with the opponent at the same time is in the running of the number of days, that is to say, this is a choice that cannot be greedy."

Speaking of this, the voice of the ghost unicorn master also had a touch of dignity, "You have to turn back when you start, this step is in your hands."

The scene froze, and Zonghengzi's arms trembled slightly, revealing the complexity in his heart.

Greed, hatred and ignorance, slow suspicion and evil.

Once the cover is placed, the wish will come true, the incompleteness will be filled, the mistakes I don’t want to make, the people and feelings I don’t want to lose, this time, I want to be fulfilled!

"Zonghengzi, what is your choice?" The ghost Qizhu's strange voice sounded again.

Zonghengzi closed his eyes slightly and clenched his fists, as if making a decision, "My choice is..."

Suddenly, Zongheng opened his eyes and opened his mouth, "Attack - no return!"

At the exit of 'no return', Zonghengzi became calm for a moment.

"You gave up saving the mistake?" Gui Qizhu's voice trembled slightly, obviously his heart was not at peace.

"The regret I most want to make up for is that they are already stable, and Yi Dao Zhai is always in my heart. I don't want him to fall into love and hatred again. If I have achieved me, but let them fall into the unknown again, then let all the shortcomings Stop with me!"

Turning around quietly, Zonghengzi left without any regrets.

"Zonghengzi, should I say you are stupid, sentimental or smart?"

Looking at Zonghengzi's disappearing back, Gui Qizhu whispered, but his murderous intent became more intense, "No matter what choice you make, Zonghengzi, you can't escape from my palm!"

Regarding Zonghengzi's murderous intentions, he already had it when Zonghengzi asked "who are you?", and similarly, Zonghengzi's ending was already doomed.

"Chess against chess, Chess Player, you didn't completely injure the Demon Lord according to the agreement. I don't know what idea you have in mind? If that's the case, let's start another game. No matter who lives or dies, it will be in my favor." !"

One has guessed that he is not the real Ghost Qi Master.

One is likely to know his true identity.

Both of them are the targets he must kill, "Now that the details of Shi Molu have been obtained, and the magic sword and holy sword have been completed, it is time to eliminate the unstable factors, and, taking this opportunity, we can also find out his details. "


On the other side, the old site of the Forbidden City, in front of the Amber Tomb.

Master Tianzhi covered his lower abdomen with his hands and remained silent.

"Amber, did you do something wrong for your mother?"

The rain was falling, and the lightning illuminated the dark sky, reflecting the complex expression of Tianzhizhu.

In a few days, her body has recovered, but her mind has become more and more haggard.

"No, I did nothing wrong. The evil species shouldn't be alive. Besides, the human has been taken away. From then on, there will be nothing to do with it. I must fight for the elves, destroy the two races of humans and demons, and avenge you!"

Lord Tianzhi clenched his fists, determined, at this moment, a sound of muddy footsteps sounded from behind, "Poppy, Poppy."

Hearing this voice, Lord Tianzhi was furious, but the fire was quickly extinguished, with unparalleled complexity and pain on his face.

"What are you here for?"

After a long time, Master Tianzhi calmed down forcibly and asked.

"Amber is gone, Poppy, Poppy, I don't want you to leave one day, just follow me to retire!"

Leng Piaomiao had a sincere expression, and her eyes contained endless tenderness.

Seeing these eyes, Master Tianzhi became even more irritable, thinking that he had been humiliated repeatedly because of his insufficiency, his uncontrollable anger burst out, "If you want me to be safe, return the Blazing Thunder Saber!"

At the same time as he spoke, the master of Tianzhi stored his palm energy secretly, and decided to launch the ultimate move.

Leng Mimiao also felt the invisible pressure, he took a step forward, staring at the Heavenly Weaver Lord with burning eyes, which made the Heavenly Weaver Lord avoid it unconsciously.

"The Blazing Thunder Knife is sealed in my heart, if you want to take it away, kill me!"

"You think I don't dare?" Sky Weaver turned around and asked in a cold voice.

Leng Mimiao remained silent, looking at her with tender eyes.

"Since you insist on begging for death, then I'll give you a ride!" The demon seeds revived in Tianzhi's main body made her more extreme, and after a moment of influence, the ultimate move was released, directly targeting Leng Miu's heart, without mercy.


At this moment, there was an urgent sound, and then a powerful punch broke out, forcing the Heaven Weaver Lord back.

 Thanks: Changqin without flame, half-following the flowing water and half into poetry, gods, demons and holy kings are all taken up, etc. for the rewards from fellow Taoists!Thank you fellow Taoists for your votes and support, keep asking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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