Chapter 125 Troubled (data downturn)
"Beastmaster, why did you stop me?" Tianzhizhu snorted angrily, looked at the rushing Beastmaster, and asked.

"Master Tianzhi calm down, you can't kill her father in front of Amber, can you?"

Speaking of Amber, Master Tianzhi gradually calmed down, but still looked at Leng Mimi with angry eyes.

This cowardly man is really hateful!
Every time he thought of being treated like that by the reincarnation of the demon king, and seeing the man in front of him who didn't know anything, Tianzhizhu felt extra resentment.

"Poppy, it seems that you are determined."

Leng Mimiao stared blankly at Master Tian Weaver, the previous palm had already made him understand Master Tian Weaver's determination.

He shook his head in disappointment, "The Blazing Thunder Knife can be returned to you, but this knife is too lethal and will only destroy you forever, so you must use it with caution."

After finishing speaking, Leng Piaomiao unsealed the seal on her heart, and the Chi Lei Saber was inserted into the ground suddenly, and then the person disappeared.

"The Blazing Thunder Knife! I finally got the Blazing Thunder Knife back!"

The moment Master Tian Weaver's palm touched the Blazing Thunder Knife, there was a sudden flash of lightning, and Master Tian Weaver's body was strengthened by several percent.


The strange city of mountains and seas.

We have two special guests today.

"Looking at the world of mortals, there is no time for a moment, participating in the illusion of Tanhua. Asking about the magic pearl Xuanxuan, the square inch has changed, and listening to the silent sword talking about Zen."

"Chan Jianyi, please see Mr. Yuan if you need anything."

The huge golden door swiveled, and then a road was slowly revealed, and Jitan Shuo and Chu Tianxing walked in immediately.

Looking at the wonders of mountains and seas that have changed greatly, Jitan said that his expression was in a trance for a moment.

"The father of Kua Huan was smart all his life, but in the end he became someone else's wedding dress. Should I say this is the wisdom of Xie Fengdi? Or is it the misfortune of the father of Kua Huan?"

Yuan Wuji approached slowly, looked at Jitan with a smile and said.

"Everything is fate."

Ji Tan said it was calm.

"Fate? Buddhism talks about fate, but Mr. Yuan doesn't talk about it. Can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?"

Ji Tan said that he would return to become a one-page book in the end, and Yuan Wuji didn't want to get involved in the one-page book, but obviously, if he didn't provoke the other party, the other party still came.

In the arena, after all, you can't help yourself!
"I remember that there was a "Huiyuan Volume" and five dragons mending the sky stone in the mountain and sea wonders, which can reshape the dragon's veins and restore the earth burned by the sky fire. Do your best for the common people.”

"Oh? How did you know that these two things can restore the earth's veins?"

Yuan Wuji glanced at Chu Tianxing indiscriminately. He remembered that Ji Tan said in the previous drama that he didn't know about it, and he had never read it in the memory of the father of Kua Huan. Give these two things to Ji Tan said.

Originally, this method was indeed feasible, but one thing was missing, which caused the earth to crack and caused the appearance of the third disaster of blood darkness, which was also the beginning of the martial arts people's crusade against Ji Tan.

And all of this is driven by the ghost unicorn master behind the scenes, which not only helps the disaster of blood and darkness, but also promotes the emergence of the evil heart demon Buddha.

Now, an opportunity to significantly change the plot seems to have appeared in his hands.

Whether this disaster can be achieved or not is up to him to decide.

But will everything really go so smoothly?
Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had already begun to calculate gains and losses in his heart.

"I found out about this by accident, but according to the exaggerated memory in my mind, the Five Dragons Repairing the Sky Stone can indeed restore the dragon energy of the earth veins, so I found it."

Regarding Ji Tan's answer, Yuan Wuji was noncommittal, and just when he decided to tell Ji Tan something, an invisible cold murderous intent descended, making him feel a strong danger.

This murderous intent has no source, but it is extremely deadly. With his current strength, he can feel the danger.

Especially since he has the Tianzi Wangqi technique, he can clearly feel the ferocity of this murderous intent.

In other words, this murderous intent will also bring danger to the people around him.

Yuan Wuji is not alone after all, so he has to think carefully.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes. Now, his eyes have become cold, and he has made a decision in his heart. After all, the common people have nothing to do with him. You, I hope you make good use of it!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuji stretched out his hand, and the "Huiyuan Volume" and the wooden box containing the five dragons to mend the sky appeared. After handing it over to Ji Tanshuo, Yuan Wuji saw off the guests directly.

"Thank you!"

After getting the two things, Ji Tan said that he would not stay any longer, looking for other remedies.

After watching the two leave, Yuan Wuji couldn't help but frowned, and whispered to himself, "Where did this murderous intent come from? Is it human consciousness? Earth's darkness? Or a warning from this world? Or both..."

"I knew that these three guys were troublesome characters, especially Su Zhenzhen and Yiying Shu, no matter good or bad, they should not have anything to do with them."

After handing over the things to Ji Tanshuo, Yuan Wuji decided not to pay attention to this matter any more and get out of it.

Anyway, Ji Tan said that he took the initiative to find him, and what happened in the end has nothing to do with him, but he needs to pay attention to the person who instructed Ji Tan to come here.

"This matter must have something to do with the Ghost Qi Lord."

Although Ji Tan said he didn't say where he got it, it must still be the plot of the ghost Qi master or Renjue.


The departure of Tiandiqi and Zonghengzi made this mysterious and treacherous land quiet again.

After a long time, a stern laugh came out, "Chess players and cross-pieces are variables that should not exist. Now, your common enemy has appeared. I hope you will not disappoint the ghosts."

"Moreover, this can also verify a certain guess. If Master Yuan dies, then the relationship between the chess player and Guan Jiuzhou can be separated. If Master Yuan is not dead, then everything is self-evident."

The Ghost Lord's eyes flickered, he was already very curious about the side body of the chess player, the person on the table at present is one pretending to be the Emperor of Jade Liang, and the same is the mysterious Guan Kyushu.

Since he wants to kill the hidden danger of the chess player, he must find his other body to solve it together. After all, he gave the chess player one body and two souls, and he knows the special features of one body and two souls best.

If you don't die from beating a snake, the next chance will be even rarer.

The ghost unicorn will never leave a chance for the opponent.

At this moment, the earth and the ghost tacitly came to life.

When Ji Tan said that he was preparing to restore the things needed to restore the earth's veins, the Guan Kyushu conspiracy against Mr. Yuan or his "behind" had already appeared.

On the Zongheng Peak, Zonghengzi thought about what Guan Jiuzhou said that day, and then played chess.

Soon, the chess pieces were different, seeing the above content clearly, Zonghengzi was stunned.

"How could this be?"

"Not surprisingly!"

At this time, the voice of the ghost unicorn master suddenly sounded, "Back then, Zhuke Furong was imprisoned with all appearances, so it is no surprise that something happened."

"Why is it so sudden? I didn't come to this conclusion when I used Qi Zhan before, Lord Guiqi, you should give me an explanation for this matter."

Zonghengzi raised his head suddenly, his eyes were icy cold, the entire Zongheng Peak was instantly enveloped in murderous intent, and the atmosphere was solemn.

"Wrong, you have to explain, you should find the culprit in this matter, Mr. Yuan, or the father of Xie Fengdi and Kua Huan who indirectly caused this to happen, not the ghost."

"Hmph, I'll look for them myself, but I'm afraid you're also involved in this matter!"

Zonghengzi clenched his palms tightly, and a powerful aura came out from his body. As a calm and wise man, this was unimaginable. At the beginning, he could not shake his mind even after counting the eight catastrophes. However, the information divined today , but made him angry.

Because, his reverse scale was touched again.

 Today's data is so sluggish, the collection has increased by more than a dozen, and it disappeared in a short while, a few increased in a while, and then dropped again... The recommendation votes also increased very slowly, miserable... Are there any fellow Taoists?Seek comfort! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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