Chapter 126 Undercurrent (Thank you everyone!)

"Hahaha! The ghost once said that as long as you don't intervene, Furong Zhuke will be alive. Now that everything has been proven to be the case, how can you blame the ghost?"

The ghost unicorn let out a sly smile, and his words were playful.

"Sister Ling, it's my brother's fault." Zonghengzi clenched his fists tightly and said in a harsh voice, "Your hatred, your resentment, all the humiliation and injustice you suffered, I will take it back for you with my own hands!"

Furong Zhuke is his only remaining relative in the world, and he missed it once before. This time, he will not make another mistake!
No return!

This time too.

"Mr. Yuan, Zonghengzi swears to avenge this!"

Now, Xie Fengdi is missing, Kua Huan's father has also transformed into Zen Jianyiru, and among the three enemies, Yuan Wuji is the only one left on the surface.

"Zonghengzi, you have perfectly completed the mission of the ghost, and the ghost will still reward you. The Tianfan Cross Peak, the place where Mr. Yuan became famous, is also the burial place that the ghost found for you. Are you satisfied? "

After a while of silence, Zonghengzi said solemnly, "Yes, I will end all this here!"

This time, he was not going to play tricks and calculations, he wanted to take revenge openly, to wash away the unbearable and humiliation for his sister.

"Very good, the ghost will help you, hahaha..."

A strange laugh was left behind, and the voice of the ghost unicorn finally disappeared.


On the other side, on Shengtian Peak, the treacherous voice of the ghost unicorn master sounded again, "Chess master, it seems that your agreement with the ghost has not been completed!"

The assistant body slowly opened his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking into the void, playing with taste: "I did help you delay the resurrection of the demon king, so how can it be considered a missed appointment?"

"Delay? What the ghost said was to stop it!" The voice of the ghost unicorn became gloomy.

"Hehe...cooperation is mutual benefit, so I also want to see your sincerity!"

The chess player directly ignored the "angry" of the ghost unicorn master, he knew that all of this was just an act of the ghost unicorn master's faking.

"You want sincerity? The ghost will give you sincerity, so let Mr. Yuan's life be the witness of our cooperation!"

"Oh? Are you going to kill Mr. Yuan for me?" The chess player pretended to meditate, and said after a long time: "This is indeed feasible, and the lackeys of Kyushu can't stay!"

"In order to show the sincerity of the ghost, the ghost has arranged for you to help you, Tianfan Cross Peak, and whether you can seize the opportunity to kill Yuan Gongzi depends on your own ability."

Although Zonghengzi said that he wanted to kill Mr. Yuan, the ghost unicorn master was not sure. He felt that Zonghengzi would capture Mr. Yuan alive and let Furong Zhuke decide, so he found a chess player again.

Of course, this is also a conspiracy to judge the relationship between the chess player and the Kyushu.

Moreover, the chess player cannot refuse.


The strange city of mountains and seas.

Not long after, a letter of challenge was hastily submitted.

"Tianfan Cross Peak! Zongzi!"

Seeing the content clearly, Yuan Wuji changed his mind and realized that this must be the master ghost's plan, "It seems that Zonghengzi already knows what happened between me and Zhuke Furong."

"It can make Zonghengzi stop calculating and challenge directly. This time, he was obviously really angry. Otherwise, with his character, he should first join Wanxiang Tiangong Xu and Wei Snake, and then find a chance to kill me. Now..."

Yuan Wuji laughed lightly, and murmured: "It is impossible for Zonghengzi to join Wanxiang Tiangong for the time being, if this is the case, then I will use my plan!"

Yuan Wuji already had an idea in mind when he thought of the 'Stand-in Doll', the treasure of immortal martial arts extracted from the system.

"With the character of the ghost unicorn, it is impossible for the assistant body and Zonghengzi to stay. He may mobilize Hengwu Peak and Jianzhiji, contact Mo Qingchi first, and then notify the saints to act."

"With such an opportunity, Diming may also start to make arrangements, first bring Manli and the others back to the strange city of mountains and seas, just in case."

"Perhaps, this is also an opportunity for Mr. Yuan to retreat behind the scenes."


In Yunhan Fairy Pavilion and Yongye Theater, Tianji and Diming also received news.

"It's a great show, I hope it will be even more exciting, and Dazzling is looking forward to your performance."

Di Ming looked at the fate planning book in his hand, with the corners of his lips slightly curled up, revealing a mysterious smile, "Go and inform the Sky Weaver and the Beastmaster."

The traces of heaven on the Yunhan Immortal Pavilion also showed doubts, but they were not prepared to participate in it, but showed curiosity, "I want to see, whose handwriting is this round?"


The fact that Zonghengzi invited Master Fang to fight at Tianfan Cross Peak soon spread throughout the martial arts world.

Ever since Gu Yuan fought for hegemony, the infamous Mr. Yuan once again became the top of the world, attracting the attention of martial arts people.

Because of this, Ji Tan Shuo's actions went more smoothly, and he soon obtained the fire dragon saliva and the invisible string from the unlisted mayor, Ban Perfect, and now only the core of the earth is left.

On the Defeng Ancient Road, Mo Qingchi also received a message from Yuan Wuji.

It is the manifestation of the Qi of Vientiane.

"In the battle of the Tianfan Cross Peak, may the single-blade sinner appear?"

Mo Qingchi's eyes lit up, and since the last fierce battle, the single criminal has disappeared, and they have not found any trace after several searches.

The two religions of Buddhism and Taoism have been exerting pressure, which has doubled the pressure on Confucianism. Now, they have finally found a breakthrough.

"Perhaps as long as we find him, we can trace him to the person behind the scenes."

Having made a decision, Mo Qingchi immediately notified Yu Lijing and Sui Wudu, and then he and Sui Wudu left first.

And in Kuigu Mountain, the sages were also notified by Yuan Wuji.

"Do you want me to take the Mahatma's wife back to Shanhai Qicheng after Mahatma leaves?"

"This..." Shengjun hesitated, he had always done things aboveboard, and he really couldn't do such a thing of abducting women and children.

But soon another message came, "Bringing Jing Chuyi back can help her recover and help Hate Wufeng get out of control."

The holy gentleman showed his intentions, "The Mahatma has committed countless killings in vain, and we really can't just sink here. Perhaps, this will be an opportunity. In this case, Mahatma, offend!"

With the decision made, Shengjunshi lurks again with peace of mind, waiting for the chance of Heng Wufeng to leave.

At the same time, Yuan Wuji also notified the old man Tianjian who had retreated to return.

When the main body starts to be arranged, the auxiliary body also starts to act.

In order to clarify the relationship between the two, Yuan Wuji ordered to hate and sigh strangely to attack Shanhai Qicheng at that time, delaying Shanhai Qicheng's helper.

And he went to Tianfan Cross Peak, ready to "kill" the main body himself.

In just three days, the entire martial arts world was boiling.

After being unable to take the stage, the martial artists gathered near Jiuchongtai also rushed to Tianfan Cross Peak to witness the summit battle.

Zonghengzi is a famous person, the former master of the three religions, the strange man who is on the same side as Yu Qingjue, and the winner of the ancient hegemony, the strongman who has fought with Su and is still stable.

This will be another battle between dragons and tigers.

 Thanks to: Xiaowu Biaoxue, Book Friends 150^7589, Fa Confucian Overlord, Adding Wings to Tigers, Storm 1987, Gods, Demons and Kings Are All Occupied, Ye Dynasty, Book Friends 2018^6676 and other Taoist friends for their rewards, Thank you for your votes, thank you for your support, thank you!Recently, the plot is really flat, and it will explode when it is on the shelves; I communicated with the editor today, and it will be on the shelves this Friday, which is estimated to be around 1:[-] noon on Friday. I hope everyone will support it. After all, it is only [-] cents to subscribe to a chapter, and the author can only get [-] cents. For a penny, if it is an early V and a high V, it will cost less!Today is the last day of the starting point recharge event, and the discount is relatively large!

(End of this chapter)

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