Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 128 The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 128 The Calm Before the Storm
It is different from the turmoil in the outside world.

However, within the strange city of mountains and seas, it seemed calm as usual.

Yuan Wuji sat in the garden sipping tea.

Manli performed another wonderful dance.

The graceful dance is intoxicating.

The only pity is that Hong Chenxue is not here to play the piano, otherwise it will be more perfect.

"My lord, is Manli's dancing posture unfamiliar?" After dancing, Manli slowly walked forward a few steps, bowed and asked expectantly.

"Manli's dance has always been pleasing to the eye, come on!"

Yuan Wuji stretched out his arm, Man Li walked a few steps closer, and gently placed his tender little hand on Yuan Wuji's palm. Even though he had already had sex with each other, his pretty face was still slightly red, like a peach shy and apricot, glamorous moving.

Seeing Man Li's appearance, Yuan Wuji pulled Man Li into his arms with a little force.

The warm and fragrant nephrite in his bosom made Yuan Wuji want to pamper him again.

The lips meet, and soon get lost in it.

"Cough cough!"

Just as Yuan Wuji's claws were climbing the mountain, a slightly awkward cough sounded from behind.

Hearing someone, Man Li hurriedly got rid of Yuan Wuji's clutches, and ran away blushing.

Seeing Man Li's disappearing back, Yuan Wuji sighed, turned his head to look at Hong Chenxue who suddenly appeared, and teased, "You are finally willing to come out to see me."

Hong Chenxue avoided Yuan Wuji's playful gaze, tried to calm down, and said, "I just didn't expect you to be so carefree at this time."

"Don't you believe in my strength?"

Yuan Wuji tidied up his messy clothes and said disapprovingly.

"Things have spread so widely, I'm afraid there must be someone with a heart behind it. Although you are powerful, but..."

"You're worried about me!" Yuan Wuji interrupted before Hong Chenxue finished speaking.

He stood up and walked towards Hongchenxue slowly, "Don't worry, I will return safely."

"It's good that you understand." Seeing Yuan Wuji approaching, Hongchenxue took a few steps back, avoiding Yuan Wuji's scorching gaze, and stammered, "I'll go and see the Yiyu."

"and many more!"

Yuan Wuji hugged Hong Chenxue from behind, and whispered in her ear: "I'm a little tired, stay with me for a while..."


Hong Chenxue deliberately refused, but thinking that tomorrow would be the day of the decisive battle, seeing Yuan Wuji pressing her temple, Hong Chenxue couldn't help but sighed secretly, "Sit down, I'll rub it for you."

When Hong Chenxue holds a gun, she is heroic, and she does not give way to a woman. She is usually dignified and elegant, and when she dances a sword, she looks like a fairy descending to the mortal world. Today, she is even more graceful and luxurious with a white dress.

The two sat on the ground, Yuan Wuji's head was resting on Hong Chenxue's legs, the fragrance from the tip of his nose was like the fragrance of a lotus blossom, which made people intoxicated.

The soft and smooth hair ran across Yuan Wuji's cheeks from time to time, making it itchy.

Yuan Wuji closed his eyes, and soon felt a pair of cold little hands pressing on his temples.

The cooling feeling spread, making Yuan Wuji's mind clear, and the trace of dirty thoughts in his heart also dissipated.

Insects chirping, birds chirping echoed in my ears.

Before he knew it, Yuan Wuji fell asleep.

Yuan Wuji didn't wake up until the night covered the earth and the stars were shining brightly.

He still maintained the original movements, while Hongchenxue leaned against the big tree behind him, looked up at the night sky, her pair of crystal eyes were as bright as the stars.

"Sorry to make you tired."

Yuan Wuji sat up slowly, leaning against the big tree, took Hong Chenxue into his arms, and said softly, "What are you thinking?"

"Huh? You're awake..."

Hong Chenxue came back to her senses, and shook her head slightly, "It's nothing, I'm just a little emotional and a little dazed."

"At a loss..."

Yuan Wuji murmured, hugged Hongchenxue even tighter, and said in a low voice: "With me here, no matter what happens in the future, I will solve it for you."

Hongchenxue's eyes moved slightly, feeling the strong and powerful arms, and secretly sighed in her heart, without resisting.

Just like this, the two felt each other's heartbeat and temperature.

Since we met, we have never been able to get along so peacefully.

Today's scene is especially rare.

In the future, I don't know if there is still a chance.


On the other side, Zonghengzi came to the beach, with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

On the other side is Yu Linling's hermitage.

"Sister Ling, I missed it once for my brother, but this time I will never make a mistake. Tomorrow, I will definitely bring Mr. Yuan to you and let you dispose of me!"

At this moment, Zonghengziyou thinks of the mutual support when he was young, and the most sincere brother-sister relationship is one of the few good memories in his life.

Everything changed until he met the father of boasting and fantasy, and greed caused troubles.

Brothers and sisters turned against each other, and close relatives became enemies.

He thought he could bear all of this, but later, it became an indelible regret, making him suffer all the time.

I thought that she would be safe, and that my elder brother would also be safe, but I never thought that the pain and suffering she suffered was far more than what I imagined.

How insulting it is to be counted and lost, and to have a child alone in desolation.

Zonghengzi is mad with hatred.

Hatred is constantly climbing and piling up, waiting for the moment to erupt.

On the other side, in a secluded courtyard, the sound of iron hammering gradually slowed down.

Furong Zhuke wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand, and looked at the magic weapon in his hand, which looked like a knife and a sword.

"With the help of this magical weapon, Xiao'er will be even more powerful in the future. My son, in the future, will definitely surpass that hypocritical, violent, hateful and damned guy, and my hateful brother."

"Hmph! When Xiao'er grows up, I will let him take back all the evil things you have done to me. He must beat you violently and make you kneel in front of me to repent and beg for mercy, hahaha..."

Thinking of Mr. Yuan and Zonghengzi kneeling in front of her, weeping and confessing their heinous crimes, Furong Zhuke felt a burst of relief and couldn't help laughing.

After a long time, Furong Zhuke woke up from the fantasy, "Well... it's time to find the stepmother, and also visit Xiao'er to see how she is doing."

After all, there is a backer in the fairy gate, so things like visiting his son can be easily done.

What she didn't know was that in the fairy gate, Yu Xiao, who had escaped from the claws of the rotten girl's mother, let herself go, and was led by him, together with Yuxue and Qiushui, touching fish in class and touching real fish for barbecue after class.

This barbecue kung fu was entrusted to him by Yuan Wuji at the beginning, and now it has become his special skill. With the bath snow and autumn water, which is not familiar with the world, he makes the peaceful fairy gate dance like a phoenix and a dragon, which is very similar to the legend. Fengtian Xiaoyao is studying.

This made Yun Huizi sigh again and again, but he didn't control it. Since the two senior brothers left the fairy gate, the fairy gate has become lifeless. It is a good thing that it is rare to have such an atmosphere now.

"Ji-jun! Ji-jun, I want to sue."

At this moment, a crane flew over and shouted from a distance: "Yu Xiao and the others actually ate all the fish in the fairy pond..."

"Hey!" Yun Huizi shook his head and joked, "Don't you often steal food yourself?"

"But they didn't keep my share." Xianhe said aggrievedly, and felt that it was not enough, and said: "The most important thing is that they secretly bribed Yunjing with my share..."

"Huh? Dare to bribe Yunjing!" Yun Huizi was 'furious', which made him feel strangely familiar, "Go and bring these three little guys back to the classroom and punish them for copying the precepts a hundred times!"


The crane roared excitedly, and flew into the distance triumphantly.

 Thanks to: Jianying Wuming, Xiao Wu Biaoxue, Memories of Dream Snow, Tianya Jianchen, Want to Travel, Book Friends 150^1101, Gods and Demons and Kings Are All Taken up, etc. Support, thank you!

  It will be on the shelves at noon tomorrow, so I can only update it today.And this plot is still not straightened out, and the head of writing is about to explode; I am going to go out for a stroll, calmly find the feeling, stay up late in the afternoon and night to write him as satisfied as possible, I hope everyone will subscribe and support tomorrow; tomorrow will be on the shelves It broke out, at least five more!

(End of this chapter)

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