Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 129 The Daily Life of the Immortal Gate

Chapter 129 The Daily Life of the Immortal Gate (This chapter does not affect the rest of the article)

Cloud Sea Immortal Gate.

The realm outside the sky, the divine tower above the clouds, the sea of ​​comprehension and the gate of ascending immortals according to ancient legends.

The realm of the sea of ​​clouds built above the nine heavens is a huge floating island in the shape of a whale, on which there is the fish "Kun" in the Northern Darkness, also known as the Pangu Cloud Whale.

It is the fourth largest sect that has emerged after the three religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

It was created by Jiutian Xuanzun, a big "tumor" in the education field.

In addition to the main Pangu Immortal Lineage, there are three other branches, namely Wahuang Immortal Lineage, Lieshan Immortal Lineage, and Cloud Beast Immortal Lineage.

The first generation of Yun Sheng includes: Senior Senior Brother Yu Xiaoyao, Second Senior Brother Jun Fengtian, Junior Junior Sister Yuxiao, Junior Junior Brother Mo Yunhui, Very Jun (private teaching), Doom Seventeen (secret teaching), and Yiqingtian.

Xuanzun has also nurtured countless outstanding people, including: Yunji Seven Sons, Jinghai Liutao, Liuzhuyi, Lian'emei, Kunlun, Yuqingjue, Yiqixing, etc.

The Xianmen has been passed down for seven generations. The head of the sect is Mo Yunhui, a younger brother of Yunsheng, and the current Jijun Yunhuizi.

The seven generations of Yunsheng under the family are: Yuxue, Qiushui, and the transfer student Yuxiao who came through the back door.

Originally, after the two major scourges of Xianmen, Fengtian Xiaoyao, left, Xianmen had returned to calm, but now, because of the arrival of the transfer student Yu Xiao, the peaceful Xianmen has undergone some changes, such as——

Near the meandering creek, there is little smoke, and a smell of meat drifts with the wind.

"Super perverted spicy grilled fish, this is my exclusive secret recipe, the unique delicacy in the whole miserable situation, today, you are lucky."

An eleven or twelve-year-old boy with red lips and white teeth, and two big eyes that were extremely agile sat beside the campfire without any image, turning the grilled fish on the wooden fork, and said proudly.

This is the skill he learned from that 'uncle'. Although we didn't get along for a long time, it was very warm and rewarding, especially in barbecue, which is the most exquisite.

"Yu Xiao, won't we be punished by Lord Ji for doing this?"

Xiao Yuxue at the side said with a disturbed expression.

"What are you afraid of? Later, we will take this reward cloud whale and find a chance to let it let us out. I will show you the colorful world of hardship."

Yu Xiao looks like an old driver. Although he seldom had contact with the outside world at the beginning, he has blown it out, so naturally he can't take it back. He still likes the admiring gazes of Yuxue and Qiushui.

"Is suffering really that fun?"

For Yu Xue and Qiu Shui, who are not deeply involved in the world and have stayed in Xianmen all the year round, they are naturally yearning for Yu Xiao talking about the outside world several times.

"That's for sure, it's fun, there are big sausages, roast chicken, candied haws, sugar people..."

blah blah blah!

As she spoke, Yu Xiao stroked her chin, and Zuoxue and Qiu Shui on the opposite side couldn't stop swallowing.

"Yu Xiao, if you want to go down, besides Yun Jing's consent, you must also be able to fly. As long as you take me with you, I promise to take you back and forth without hindrance."

The complaining crane didn't know when it would come back, and there was still a mysterious liquid hanging on its long beak.

"No, I can't take you with me. Your mouth is too long, and it's easy to slip up."

Yu Xiao shook her head like a rattle, with a resolute denial on her face.

Immortal Crane's eyes rolled, and he suddenly had an idea, threatening: "If you don't take me, I will go to Yun Zun to report and expose you, hum!"

Xian He raised his neck proudly, if Yu Xiao and the others agreed, he would choose to throw Yun Zun's resignation into the sky, if he was not taken...

Hehe...then I'm sorry.

Seeing the two little friends start to hesitate, Yu Xiao knew that the two of them were afraid of being punished and retreated, so she didn't hesitate anymore and quickly agreed.

In fact, he was also afraid of being punished, but if the three of them were punished together, there would be no problem.

"I promise, let's go then!"

Yu Xiao directly picked up the two little friends, pushed them both onto the crane's back without any explanation, and then the three of them and one bird flew towards the exit of the fairy gate.

At this moment, Yun Huizi was receiving the Furong Zhuke who had transferred from Emperor Wa's Yun Palace.

"Yun Huizi, I'll leave this to you, then I'll go and see Xiao'er first."

After talking with Yun Huizi for a while, Furong Zhuke couldn't wait to see his son.

Although he often teased and scolded Yu Xiao when he was at home, but after being separated for such a long time, Furong Caster still misses her a little.

"It's natural."

After Yun Huizi finished speaking, his face froze suddenly, "Wait."

Just when Furong Zhuke was puzzled, he suddenly saw a few screams coming from the sky.

Immediately, the dragon and phoenix in the sky turned into a man and a woman, and they were Yinglong Wuji and Linfeng Xuanji, the two guardian saints of the immortal gate.

And behind them, there are three people, one bird and four embarrassed figures.

"Mr. Ji, these three little fellows actually bribed Yunjing to sneak off, but we caught them back."

Ying Long Wuji said with a stern face, but Linfeng Xuanji beside her was smiling, and this scene reminded her of Fengtian Xiaoyao back then.

"Have you grown up?" Yun Huizi laughed angrily, and then looked at the crane with a straight face, "I asked you to bring them back and be punished. I didn't expect you to be in the same boat. Now you are punished to clean up the fairy forest. If you don't clean it up, you won't be allowed to come back. .”

"Gah! Got it..."

The crane hung its head and replied listlessly.

"And you three little guys, say, who's idea?"

Although Yun Huizi didn't take it seriously, but at this age, he was so bold and reckless, how could it be okay when he grew up?

So he pretended to be majestic and asked.

But his eyes had already fallen on Yu Xiao.


Zuoxue and Qiushui looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and stood up at the same time, "It's me..."

"Mr. Ji, it's me, it's nothing to do with Yuxue and Qiushui."

Seeing this, Yu Xiao hurried to the front.

"Well, you Yuxiao, my mother sent you to the fairy gate to let you learn skills, but you are so good that you are making trouble in the fairy gate."

"Ah? Mother, why are you here?"

At this time, Yu Xiao saw Furong Zhuke walking out from behind, and his expression changed suddenly, his little face was wrinkled together, bitter.

"Mr. Ji, you should punish him severely for this matter, and make him remember the lesson."

Furong Zhuke snorted coldly, and said to Yun Huizi, after all, Yu Xiao has already worshiped in Xianmen now, and Yun Huizi should punish him for making mistakes in Xianmen. Furong Zhuke is still clear about this, so There will be no further intervention.

"Mr. Ji, I know I was wrong. If you want to punish me, punish me. I lured Zhaoxue and Qiushui, and it's none of their business."

Yu Xiao lowered her head and said, but she was relieved in her heart, as long as mother is not sad, he is not afraid of being punished, but he is afraid of mother being sad. When he was young, he often saw mother get angry behind his back. He has remembered a name since he was a child - Mr. Yuan.

That's the chief culprit who made my mother feel sad. When he grows up, he must be arrested to make my mother vent her anger.

"Mr. Ji, we are also involved in this matter." Qiu Shuo and Zao Xue who were on the side also hurriedly stepped forward, raised their small heads and said seriously.

"Heh..." Yun Huizi chuckled, "Since we can share joys and sorrows, we must also share sorrows. Naturally, the two of you can't escape. Each of you should go to the hidden sky wall and copy the precepts a hundred times!"

"Yes, Master Ji."

After hearing the punishment, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It was just a commandment. They were used to copying it. Although it was a bit more this time, it was nothing.

"Qiao Tiangong, then you accompany Yu Xiao first, and I will take them away first." Yun Huizi turned around and said to Furong Zhuke.

"Thank you."

After thanking her, Furong Zhuke directly pinched Yu Xiao's ears, and slipped aside like a rabbit.

"Let you be naughty, and the end of time is gone, you are getting more and more capable..."

As the two walked away, Zuoxue and Qiushui could still vaguely hear a howl of misery, the two shuddered at the same time, looked at each other, and said in a low voice: "Women are so scary!"

 Thank you: As you wish, the rewards from Daoist monks and other Taoist friends, and the support of recommendation tickets from fellow Taoists.It was supposed to be on the shelves tomorrow, and today is an update, but I thought that some readers wanted to see the daily life of Furong Zhuke training a baby, but I am not very good at describing this kind of daily life, so I added this chapter temporarily, which is better than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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