Chapter 130
I have been in the pit since the ninth round. The first time I saw Thunderbolt was a video I accidentally saw on Youku a few years ago. I still remember that Buwu Donghuang Qi Taizu appeared on the stage to read poems. He was very imposing. He was still with Yuyu Tianjiao Waiting for a battle.

That one was supposed to be about the Demon Prince. Although it was in Hokkien, I couldn’t understand it, but it was very attractive with the subtitles and special effects, and it suited my taste. It opened the door to a whole new world for me.

For the first time, the gate of the new world is the Internet, especially Dong Ge's "Immortal", which made me chase Dong Ge's books until now.

The second time was Pili, because the first time I met him, I felt that the corners of my mouth were too obvious at the beginning, and I felt awkward. I tried to persuade him to dismiss him several times, but he was really attractive. I picked him up several times, and I got used to it after watching more. , Later, I saw Jiulun, and it was in Mandarin. Compared with Hokkien, the only advantage is that I can understand it, and the dubbing is also good.

Later, because I was busy with work, I didn’t finish chasing it, and then I watched Gu Yuan’s Hegemony. This is the first time I have watched it in its entirety. Later, when I came to Xianmo, I also paid a monthly subscription when Youku charged, but at the end Duan was still busy because of work, and it has been intermittent. During the period, I also read the book "The God of Shepherd". It started from Sanyang Tongtian, and it helped me make up for some old dramas. In addition, I am curious, so I often check Thunderbolt. I know a lot of characters.

Last year, Pili remade Dao Shuo, plus Jingtao and other dramas, and I deliberately opened a membership at station B, which has continued until now, because I have a handicap, and I code during the day, only occasionally chasing after midnight. Recently, the magic village Also caught up to 11 episodes.

Then I was talking about storytelling, Guyuan Zhenghe had finished reading it a long time ago. When the year was approaching last year, I suddenly had such an urge to write about Thunderbolt. Maybe it was because I was ugly and wanted to be handsome, so I told Mr. Yuan This character was very emotional, and then I wrote the beginning impulsively. From afternoon to night, I wrote nearly 1 words, which gave me a great refreshment. The next day I continued to write more than [-] words before I started to slow down.

During the Chinese New Year, I was still writing from New Year’s Eve to the fourth day of the new year. I went back to my hometown on the fifth day of the new year. I stopped writing for half a month. Start uploading on .

Now, after more than two months, the day is finally ushered in the shelves.

First of all, I would like to thank "Thunderbolt" for more than 30 years of serialization, building a vast world of hardships, and allowing me to see these wonderful episodes; I would also like to thank all fellow Taoists for their support, rewards, and recommendation tickets.

There have never been so many rewards from fellow daoists, and there are several fellow daoists who have given rewards. Sometimes I feel ashamed of receiving them, but I am really grateful!Excited!
Again, I would like to thank [Editor Xing Chen Da], there are many recommendations that I should have, and I have the opportunity to put it on the shelves.

thank you all!

Tomorrow (Friday), my non-existent Sipu Street will finally be on the shelves.

According to the usual practice, there must be testimonials on the shelves, especially remember to sell badly, but I think I am already miserable enough and don't need to exaggerate.

My personality is relatively introverted, even now I am not good at interpersonal communication. I have been busy at work for several years, and I have lost contact with my classmates in the past few months. Now I am alone. As for my girlfriend, I am so old , I never know what kind of girlfriend is (crying...), after all, I don't even have friends now, and I don't know how to communicate with girls, and I deserve to be single.

Now I can only be more active on the Internet. Sometimes even in the author group, no one speaks. I often talk to myself. Although I am used to being alone, it is quite sad to think about it occasionally.

Well, farther away.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I hope that fellow Taoists will support it. Subscribing, especially the first subscription, is of great benefit to a book.

Now the classification of martial arts is relatively cool, and there are very few fire books that can make money. A subscription from fellow Taoists warms the heart of me, a single dog who is on the street.

As for pirated readers, if I have one, there is nothing I can do if I don’t have enough money. If I have money, I can play games and buy skins, but if I don’t watch the genuine version and don’t subscribe, then I can’t say much, I can only hope everyone If you have the ability, you still have to support the original version.

And subscribing to a chapter is not expensive, the average is only a dime. If you subscribe to a chapter, the author can also get five cents, and this chapter is likely to be spent several hours by me, and the hair I scratched fell out. I just wrote it.

Let's talk about updates.

I am handicapped, and my brain speed is not fast. After it is put on the shelves, I guarantee two updates. I will try my best to update three times.Everyone thinks that it is better to post one at noon and one in the evening, or both at night.

Regarding adding more, I dare not say that it is too low because my hand is disabled. One chapter will be added for the ten thousand rewards (including accumulation). .

It will be put on the shelves at 12:[-] noon tomorrow, with a minimum guarantee of five changes, and it may be developed separately.

I am not very good at writing testimonials, although they are a bit messy, they are all my sincere words.

Thank you again for your support.

 After looking at the word count, I didn’t expect that I could babble quite well, maybe I can only babble on the Internet now, and I can’t say a hundred words a day in my life, haha...

(End of this chapter)

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