Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 131 Mr. Yuan vs. Zonghengzi 】

Chapter 131 Mr. Yuan vs. Zonghengzi 】

Tianfan Cross Peak, the heroes gather again.

Dicocoon Unlimited, Moye Tingjian, Desert Lone Eagle, Mr. Butterfly, Jian Suifeng, Dongmen Xuande and others are all fighting on the outside.

In the dark, Tianji, Diming, Gui Qizhu, Ni Shenyang and others are also paying attention.

These people have different minds and have their own goals.

However, Yuan Wuji had nothing to fear.

This time, he came alone, and the others were left behind in the strange city of mountains and seas.

"Save the left morning star with one torch, and swallow hundreds of fish, dragons, lights and monsters. Looking at the night of the Central Plains from afar, and there is Zhanlu sword leaning on the door."

Stepping up to the top of the peak step by step, the luxurious robe with a stand collar shook in the cold wind, making the sound of hunting.

"After a few months, I never thought I would set foot here again."

Yuan Wuji's eyes showed emotion, looking at the messy land, it was the imprint left by the battle with Zhe Tianchang, even after several months of wind and rain erosion, it was still particularly conspicuous.

"Today, this place will also be your burial place."

On the other side, the cross child with blue velvet on his shoulders gradually approached.

"At night, the wind and rain are flying wildly, and the eyes are bloody and bloody. The long sword is not a sealed wooden scabbard, and it will kill thousands of ghosts with a wave."

Black and white enter the Tao, Zhan Ran stays with the two swords, and the atmosphere is solemn for a moment.

"Young Master Yuan, pay for your crime!"

In a blink of an eye, there is no nonsense, and the two swords have killed ruthlessly.

"It seems that you finally know, but I have never regretted it!"

Yuan Wuji chuckled lightly, with a playful tone, although he was plotted by Furong Zhuke at the beginning, how could Yuan Wuji tell such a shameful truth and directly respond to this complaint.

"Since that's the case, pay with your life!"

Peerless two swords came out at the same time, with cold and fierce killing lights criss-crossing. In the instant of fighting, there were already several sword marks on Yuan Wuji's luxurious robe.

"You tore the clothes, but I still need Furong to sew them for me. You have increased the workload for her!"

"Die!" Yuan Wuji's ridicule made Zonghengzi more angry, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his sword moves became more and more fierce.

Yuan Wuji let out a wild laugh, his air shot through the sky, his palms overturned, rain and thunder instantly poured down, reappearing the long-lost thirteen toes, "Qingtian Waterfall!"

Although the cultivation base has been suppressed and the power has not been exhausted, the powerful and deep power still gushes out like a waterfall, like a galaxy falling down on the head, shaking the mountains and rivers.

"Absolute Eight Dangers · Pay a sigh of relief!"

Zonghengzi took a step back, and a little under his feet, the sword energy soared into the sky, shattering the sky.

"Chess player, let the ghost see your determination!"

Above the distant peak, the ghost unicorn lightly shook the bone fan and let out a cold laugh.

But at this moment, the situation on the field reached its peak again.

"Fengyun opens and closes to create Zixiao!"

Zonghengzi swung both swords together, the situation was turbulent, and a wave of extreme sword energy condensed on both fronts.

Yuan Wuji frowned, and performed the seventh form of the cloud-dispelling palm - tearing the sky and dispelling the clouds!
A palm that pierces through a thousand jun, seems to be able to tear apart the sky, a pair of peerless sharpness.

Yuan Wuji, who had suppressed his power, stepped back three steps, and two bloodstains appeared on his arm. This was the result of his forcibly suppressing the physical defense, otherwise it would not be enough to hurt him.

After all, he decided to fight not only with Zonghengzi, but also with a more important purpose.

"Don't you show your fundamental skills? Zonghengzi will not show mercy, kill him!"

With a sound of kill, Zonghengzi attacked again, killing with quick sword, without giving Yuan Wuji a chance to dodge, in an instant, blood stained his robe.

"In that case, let's see the power of the floating hand!"

Yuan Wuji's eyes turned cold, and he clasped his palms together on his chest, and his first hand was in the pole style, "Floating hand final style-predicting rain and life!"

The boulders around him suddenly floated up, Zonghengzi's figure flickered, his kung fu circulated, and he actually stepped on the ground steadily.

"Huh? It's the magic silk boots!"

Yuan Wuji glanced coldly, and then he understood the reason, the magic silk came from the Nether Realm, and Zong Hengzi had been a military strategist of the Nether Realm for so long, and with his relationship with Infinity, it was no surprise that he could get this thing.

"Your death is here!"

Zonghengzi ignored the gravitational force of the floating hand, and began to kill with two swords, with unparalleled sword energy flying across the ten directions.

"Heh..." With a disdainful smile, Yuan Wuji said indifferently: "This is not my weakness. At the beginning, Kui Yujiang was still defeated by relying on this boot, and you still couldn't kill me!"

"Floating hands finally change - move mountains and fill seas!"

With a low shout, Yuan Wuji stretched out his arms, and then suddenly closed them. The surrounding floating rocks collided with each other, turning into a majestic rock mountain. With Yuan Wuji's push with both hands, he slammed into Zonghengzi fiercely.


The moment Shi Shan approached, Dao Ji was pulled uncontrollably.

Zonghengzi's expression changed slightly, his moves changed, and the two swords suddenly plunged into the ground. Behind him, there was a yin and yang double magic piano at the same time.

"Qijue spreads vertically and horizontally!"

The two pianos played together, and the mysterious chess formation under his feet reappeared. Yuan Wuji felt the pressure on his body, and his feet couldn't help but sink.

At the same time, Zonghengzi's fingers were like swords, he condensed his unparalleled sharpness, and blasted the mountain of broken stones, killing Yuan Wuji.

The battle of holding swords is in full swing.

Chess players are unparalleled, and the son is lonely.

Reproduce the battle of the abnormal pinnacle.

"It seems that Zonghengzi really tried his best!"

At the peak in the dark, the ghost unicorn shook his bone fan, seeing that Zonghengzi even borrowed the yin and yang dual magic pianos of Infinity and Moye Tingjian again, and couldn't help nodding slightly.

But in the strange city of mountains and seas, sighs, surprises, and hatred appeared at the same time, and the powerful sword energy bombarded the towering golden gate.

This way, it made the strange city of mountains and seas only trapped, unable to rush to rescue Yuan Wuji.

"What about others?"

Hong Chenxue walked out of the room with her head covered, her face changed slightly when she saw the sky.

"Young master has already gone to the Tianfan Cross Peak, and now the city is surrounded by Tan Xiqi and others with formations." Hurriedly, he said anxiously, "Luo Shen, you won't be in danger, right?"

"Has he gone?"

Hong Chenxue frowned, her eyes sullen, "He said he would let me accompany him, but he actually lied to me..."

It was originally agreed last night, but she unexpectedly fell asleep, and she didn't know Yuan Wuji's departure, obviously Yuan Wuji shot her to sleep.

"You guard here, I will go now."

Although annoyed, Hong Chenxue couldn't help worrying that the life trainee was gone, and she didn't want Yuan Wuji to disappear like this.

With the startling sword in his hand, the person has disappeared in the strange city of mountains and seas.

"Lingbo is misty and steady, and the clouds are clear and cold, and the shadow of the moon is deep. The snowflakes turn into fragrant dust, fight for the beauties and drink, and be the master of Fangfei."

As Hong Chenxue stepped out of the strange city of mountains and seas, Tan Xiqi showed surprise, "I didn't expect you to be in the strange city of mountains and seas."

Back then when Tan Xiqi participated in Guyuan's hegemony, the two of them went together to the Eight Faces Linglong, but he didn't know when the relationship between Hong Chenxue and Mr. Yuan was so good.

"It's you!"

Although surprised, Hongchenxue's expression was slightly cold, "Leave here, otherwise, don't blame Hongchenxue for not being sympathetic."

"I can only say I'm sorry, you guys, you can't leave!" Tan Xiqi saw a purple long sword in his hand, pointing obliquely at the ground, "Today, Mr. Yuan must die!"

"In that case, Hong Chenxue can only kill!"

Because the imperial edict has already returned Gu Xinglei, this time, Hong Chenxue will show what Luoshen can do again.

With so many arrangements, Hong Chenxue became even more worried about Yuan Wuji's situation, so she made an extreme move.

"The Seven Stunning Flying Dragons Soaring Flying Flying Surprise."

"Then let me see how your left single front compares to Ying Wuqian!" Tan Xiqi softly shouted, and performed the unique posture together, "Kakong Tiandi Jian Wushuang!"

On the other side, Zui Gufu hated his superior endlessly, with the Seven Kills Fist and Bow in hand, the seemingly gentle person was full of murderous aura and vicious moves.

"The snow in the world is astonishing!"

Just when Hongchenxue was entangled by Tan Qiqi and couldn't escape, a flash of extremely fast sword suddenly blocked in front of him, and it was the old man Tianjian who came.

"Xue'er, you go first, this is for father to deal with!"

The old man Tianjian held the Ji Dao in his hand, and the Ji Shan Feng came out in response.

As a single front master, the existence that was once tied with Ren Pingsheng is really not weak.

With the recovery of his cultivation base and his comprehension from the battle with Xi Wuyuan, Shan Feng's attainment became more refined and he gained a new comprehension.

"Father, you have to be careful!"

After noticing the powerful aura around her father, Hong Chenxue already understood that her father must have recovered, so she didn't hesitate and retreated.

 First order
(End of this chapter)

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