Chapter 132 Wutu Meteor

On the Tianfan Cross Peak, the fierce battle is in full swing.

Fingers and palms shine together, and swords and palms compete for supremacy.

The strong air current rushes in all directions, creating a turbulent situation.

"It's a pity that Ni Shenyang is here, I can't make a move..." In the dark, Le Xunyuan glanced at Ni Shenyang in front of him, a gloomy look appeared in his eyes, thinking of what the clown said the day before, he had already made up his mind a determination.

"Master Yuan's strength has become stronger!" Mo Qingchi also frowned, and said in a low voice.

In the Yunhan Immortal Pavilion, Tianji also showed the magic of immortality. In front of him, an illusory light curtain showed the fierce battle of the Tianfan Cross Peak.

And he was holding a big chicken leg, looking at Erlang's leg with relish.

At the decisive moment, the ghost unicorn's movement of shaking the bone fan could not help but slow down.

Those who watched the battle waited with bated breath.

"There is no trace of the world forever if you are virtuous."

Zonghengzi let out a soft shout, crossed his swords, and swung them simultaneously, blocking Yuan Wuji's retreat with unrivaled sword energy.

"Reverse - floating hand!"

Yuan Wuji suddenly pressed down with both palms, and the strong pressure caused Zonghengzi's feet to sink deep into the ground, and his body became stagnant. In an instant, Yuan Wuji approached suddenly, and a palm was printed on Zonghengzi's heart. At the same time, the two swords also passed through Yuan Wuji's body. On Wuji's shoulders, two bouquets of blood splashed.

Accompanied by a roar, Zongheng's body was thrown out, Yuan Wuji's wounds flowed out bright red blood, and the gorgeous robes were soaked.

"Young Master Yuan has won!"

Just at the moment when the outcome is decided, the sudden murderous intent makes people horrified.

The flame illusion reappeared, and with a hoarse roar, the holy sword appeared behind Yuan Wuji.

"It's a single-edged criminal!" Mo Qingchi was taken aback, and rushed to the battlefield.

"It's him!" On the other side, Su Wuyuan also showed a complicated face, but his actions did not hesitate.

Finally seeing Jian Zhichi again, although Mo Qingchi and Sui Wudu had their own reasons, they were unwilling to put Jian Zhiji away again.

Now Buddhism and Taoism are being persecuted more and more. If they cannot be clarified, the three religions will split again. This responsibility cannot be shouldered by Confucianism.


"The first change of the floating hand - surrounded by clouds, mountains and fog!"

Sensing the murderous intent approaching from behind, Yuan Wuji slapped his backhand, and the entire beacon illusion was suddenly covered by thick fog.

But in the dense fog, there are many shadows of the mountains, and mirages appear together, charming the eyes.

Yuan Wuji's figure also disappeared.

"Scale solution!"

At this time, another icy voice appeared, and the next moment, the magic dragon took off, and its powerful and violent power directly emptied the fog.

But at this time, Yuan Wuji's palm was already imprinted on Jian Zhichi's body, Jian Zhizhi was suppressed by gravity, and his figure flew out involuntarily, Mo Qingchi and Sui Wuyuan shot at the same time, blocking Jian Zhizhi.

But at this time, the knife in the back has already killed him.

"In an instant, use the annihilation of Indra's slash!"

The powerful and tyrannical sword entered his body, Yuan Wuji vomited blood and fell off the cliff.

"Today I present a great gift to my good junior brother!"

At this moment, a chuckle came from the bottom of the cliff, and then a sky-reaching sword energy pierced through Yuan Wuji.

Yuan Wuji was blasted to the top of the peak, staggered, and blood gushed out of his mouth unstoppably.

The successive changes have already caused Yuan Wuji to suffer "heavy injuries".

"You are so expensive that people can't come freely, and the dragon and the phoenix (zhu) are hard to catch. The house is full of flowers and drunk, and three thousand guests are drunk, and the sword is frosty and cold in nineteen states."

Following the call of Ao Ran's poem, a celestial and handsome figure in white clothes and white hair flew up to the top of Tianfan Peak.

In the distance, Zonghengzi staggered to his feet, and suddenly changed, which he did not expect, his eyes focused on the magic knife and holy sword.

He is too familiar with these two magical weapons. In the past few days, his mind has been full of images of Dao Ji being cut off by the magic knife and holy sword.

"Sure enough, it's the Ghost Qi Lord!"

"It seems that all of this is his calculation."

Zonghengzi's gaze was fixed, Gu Qiaotian introduced it into his hand, and Yuan Gong condensed his sword, pointing at exactly——

Chess player!
"Zonghengzi, it's fine if you don't thank me, why did you point the arrow at me?"

The smile on the chess player's face remained unchanged, and he calmly looked at Zonghengzi.

"Mr. Yuan's life can only be decided by me. I will take him to Lingmei to redeem himself!" Zonghengzi said firmly, only staring at the chess player.

In just a few breaths, the situation on the court changed several times, making people dazzled.

"It's such a scene where the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. Guan Kyushu, if you don't show up, do you want to catch them all? Or..."

In the Eternal Night Theater, Di Ming sat in front of the piano, and in front of it, the screen like a water mirror also reflected the situation of the entire Tianfan Cross Peak.

"Zonghengzi, since you know the destiny, you shouldn't stop me. This will only make your killing come earlier."

As soon as the words fell, the chess player pointed out, and the condensed sword energy shot straight at Zonghengzi.

"Zonghengzi's favorite thing to do is to change his fate against the sky!"

Zonghengzi laughed wildly, and the arrow of Yuan Gong shot out.

The arrow and the sword met, and in the explosion, Zonghengzi was thrown into the air again, falling into the rocks and struggling.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Immediately, the chess player suddenly turned his head, and with his sword energy spontaneously, he charged at Yuan Wuji again.


At this moment, a voice of coquettish anger came from a distance, but it was Hong Chenxue who arrived.

But the sword energy is already killing at this moment.

Yuan Wuji flipped his palm to block it, and took three steps back. Hate Wufeng hesitated behind him, but when he thought of Chu Yi, his eyes became firm, and Yulong Zhan struck Yuan Wuji's body in an instant, opening a hideous wound , and with the simultaneous impact of sword energy, Yuan Wuji's injuries exploded in an instant, and he was on the verge of death.


With a mournful roar, Hong Chenxue fell to the top of the peak, hugged Yuan Wuji who was lying in a pool of blood, and tears rolled down to the ground.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

It wasn't until this moment that Hong Chenxue realized that her feelings for Yuan Wuji had already become extraordinary without her knowing it.

She knew Yuan Wuji's strength very well, but she also felt the strength of those who besieged Yuan Wuji.

In addition to witnessing it with my own eyes, although I was extremely shocked in my heart, I didn't doubt it.

"Hong... Snow..."

Yuan Wuji stretched out his blood-stained palm, and tremblingly caressed Hong Chenxue's cheek. His always lonely eyes had now dimmed, "Sorry..."

Apologizing, Yuan Wuji's arm suddenly became weak and fell to the ground.

"Do not……"

Hong Chenxue let out a mournful roar, and hugged Yuan Wuji's body tightly. No matter how complicated her feelings were, it seemed that they were no longer important at this moment.

And the moment Yuan Wuji died, a figure appeared out of nowhere dozens of miles away, it was Yuan Wuji who was lying in a pool of blood.

He has used the 'substitute doll' drawn by Xianwu, and the doll has endured all his injuries and can remain unchanged for a day.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Wuji is able to use this method.

It is believed that this scene can temporarily let both Ghost Qizhu and Di Ming put aside their doubts about whether his secondary body is Guan Jiuzhou.

Especially the ghost unicorn master, who is one good and one evil, he is the most suspicious of the chess player and Kyushu being the same person.

In addition to the relationship between Master Yuan and Guan Jiuzhou, Di Ming has always suspected that Master Yuan and Guan Jiuzhou are always the same person.

But now, with today's battle, everything will change.

Afterwards, Yuan Wuji changed into the appearance of looking at the Kyushu, stepping on the sword energy, and suddenly appeared on the Tianfan Cross Peak.

"Chess player, you've offended me!"

Guan Jiuzhou suddenly appeared, and at the same time, he was furious, and the six sword qi were emitted from his fingertips at the same time.

"My good junior brother, you finally got rid of my formation? Unfortunately, it's too late! Hahaha..."

The chess player laughed out loud, pointing his sword at the same time, "Junior brother, I was your subordinate before, now it's your turn"

Chess Master and Guan Jiuzhou faced each other with their swords pointing at each other, each retreated a few steps with their powerful kung fu.

"Sword of Necromancer!"

The chess player then used the innate body-breaking invisible sword energy, and suddenly a sword of death containing various negative emotions condensed, and then broke through the air to kill Guan Kyushu.

"Nine Suns Excalibur!"

Watch Kyushu first, Nine Suns and Five Absolutes second, the Nine Suns sword energy is condensed into one strand, as if it could split the stars, and cut it down with a bang.

The sudden decisive battle shocked the audience.

But at this moment, the two of them seemed to be at odds with each other, trying to force their luck, the whole mountain was in turmoil, and rocks poured down like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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