Chapter 136

Tiandiqi, Ghost Qizhu also noticed the changes in Xiao Suo's other courtyard.

Before, he paid all his attention to the battle of the sky fan, but he didn't expect the fire in the backyard, and the saint took the opportunity to take Jing Chuyi away, and lost the bargaining chip to threaten Hate Wufeng.

Even, this knife will point at him.

"It seems that Hate Wufeng has lost its use value, and we need to find a chance to get back Prison Dragon Slash!"

The ghost unicorn suddenly smiled, "Then continue to provoke the battle between Guan Jiuzhou and the chess player. No matter who dies between the two, it will be beneficial to me!"

"As for Confucianism, it's time to do something. The sword is so close, don't let me down!"

After Faru left Haozheng Wudao, Sui Wuduan and Mo Qingchi were on their way back, Defeng Gudao Fu Siyun's identity as a traitor was exposed, and Yu Lijing and others captured him.

A brilliant holy sword suddenly killed the Buddhist and Taoist who guarded Xi Duanhong. The swordsman lost his mind and broke through the prison cell, intending to take Xi Duanhong away.

"Huo'er, why are you here?"

Xi Duanhong's skill was temporarily sealed, so he didn't notice it in advance, but when he felt the frenzied sword energy and the irritable sword approaching, Xi Duanhong guessed something in an instant.

"Huo'er, did you kill people from the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism? No, I can't leave with you, otherwise the sewage from stealing the holy sword will be difficult to wash away."

At this moment, the people of the Confucianism School also noticed the change in the cell, and the disciples of the Confucianism School came to surround and kill them.

But the absent-minded swordsman ignored the obstruction and forcibly pulled Xi Duanhong away, and the holy sword created another murder.

Soon, Jian Zhiji rushed out of Defeng Ancient Road.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a cold voice, "From the knowledge of one's own, to the righteousness of all. Debate the thoughts of the past and the present, and aspire to the period of the sages."

"Today, you cannot leave this place!"

At the same time, Mo Qingchi and Sui Wudu finally arrived.

Jian Zhiji, who was under control again, drew his sword angrily, the holy sword was shining brightly, staring at everything.

Just when the three strong men joined forces and were about to capture Jianzhiji, Sui suddenly missed for no reason. Judging by the opportunity, Jianzhiji grabbed Xi Duanhong's arm, rushed out of the encirclement, and disappeared without a trace.

"No reason?"

Mo Qingchi raised his brows slightly, wanting to ask something, but when he saw Sui lowered his head for no reason, he understood all of this, sighed, and said: "Forget it, our goal is to find out who is behind the holy sword and the single-edged sinner. People, maybe, this is also an opportunity."

"Go back to Defeng Ancient Road first, interrogate the people behind Fu Siyun, and then inform Buddhism and Taoism!"

Yu Lijing also knew that Sui wanted her mother's safety for no reason, and they were not pedantic people, so they didn't force her to ask, and directly exposed the matter.

"Holy priest, principal, this time it was an unprovoked mistake!"

Sui Wuyuan looked ashamed, but his eyes were firm, obviously he did not regret what he had done.

"The Confucian sect owes a lot to your family. The most important thing for us now is to find out who is behind these things, and then get back the holy sword. Let's go!"


On the other side, the assistant chess player has appeared near the entrance of Hell and Impermanence.

If it weren't for the Xuanzun's key to open the Heaven of Hell's Impermanence, he would have already gone in to have a glimpse of the mysteries of the treasured mirror of the profound veins.

You know, on the Profound Vein Treasure Mirror, there are many secret techniques that even he covets.

The gloomy wild kudzu trees block out the sun, and the hanging snakes are like grapes.

Hell is impermanent, there is another cave, there is no life in a hundred miles, and then reincarnation.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across the valley filled with ghost atmosphere, and the ghost atmosphere scattered.

In the midst of the storm, a majestic figure proudly embarked on a journey of no return,

"What is wrong with the heavens and the earth is not judged by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken. Confucianism, ruthlessness, Confucianism and selflessness."

The person who came was Fengtian, the selfless king of Faru and Confucianism.

"It's been a long time, Jun Fengtian!"

At this moment, a figure with white clothes and white hair stood in front of Jun Fengtian.

"Why are you here?" Jun Fengtian asked in a concentrated voice with slightly closed eyes.

"I'm only here to make a deal with Faru!"

The chess player turned around slowly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, said.

"Speak up!"

Jun Fengtian looked cold and solemn, with no majesty like before.

"I would like to use the method of eradicating the influence of the earth fissure in exchange for a chance to enter the impermanent heaven of hell. I don't know what the law and Confucianism think?"

"Huh? Do you know what caused the Earthquake disaster?" Jun Fengtian narrowed his eyes and turned his body slightly, asking awe-inspiringly.

Obviously doubting whether the person who caused the earthquake was related to the chess player.

"There is nothing wrong with what Jitan said and others did, it's just that the earth's core and earth are divided into yin and yang, and the yang earth can only make up for the natural deficiency, and the follow-up of the ground cracking disaster is caused by the riot of the blood-dark air, and the yin earth must be obtained Qi dust can make up for the harm caused by different forces."

Speaking of this, the chess player showed regret, "I once invited you to climb the Nine Stages, which contained the whole story of the Seven Plagues of Blood and Darkness, but it is a pity that Faru did not appear on the stage, otherwise it might be possible to rewrite all this."

"Huh? Since you know, why don't you stop it, you can see the suffering of the common people?"

Hearing this, Jun Fengtian frowned and asked.

"Falu, what you see is only the present, but I will see more. Maybe when you know the whole story of the blood, it will change."

The chess player looked into the distance with his hands behind his back, his tone became serious.

"No matter what the reason is, if Faru knows, he will never sit back and watch the disaster happen!"

"Since you want to change, then Faru, you can only go on stage and give it a try."

The chess player calmly said that the attitude of Faru was expected by the chess player, because this is Jun Fengtian's own way, which is completely different from Jiutian Xuanzun's sacrifice of some people in exchange for more people's survival.

This is why Xuanzun Jiutian chose Diming to perform this task, not Tianji or Jun Fengtian.

Because Xuanzun knew very well that his son and disciples could not be so cruel.

"Jun Fengtian will go to Jiuchongtai, but I will verify the remedy for the earth cracking disaster myself."

The chess player knows that Jun Fengtian will not believe his words lightly in order to avoid more serious disasters, so he will definitely seek a solution to the disaster of the earth cracking, but shook his head helplessly and said:
"Okay, it seems that you have doubts about my solution, and that's okay, I will exchange my identity as the mastermind behind the Confucian sect and other secrets in exchange for the blood element creation technique in the Xuanmai Baojian. Got it, you can go to Shengtian Peak, please!"

Watching the chess player disappear, Jun Fengtian turned around and threw Xuanzun's order, "Open the way of impermanence, and step into the sky of no return."

The combination of Xuanzun's decree suddenly changed the space around him, and the sword mountain and sword prison suddenly appeared in front of him, and the heavy black rain fell, making this space more gloomy and treacherous.

"Jun Fengtian, do you have the ability to reach the summit of impermanence?"

Within the space, a strange question suddenly arises.

"The world is only me, and the law and Confucianism are selfless!"

Jun Fengtian frowned, and said indifferently, showing absolute confidence.

At the same time, the Eternal Night Theater opened for the third time.

The star explores the dragon, the father of fantasy and the secret of the elves.

Inviter: Ji Tan said that he was accompanied by Chu Tianxing and Nong Pipa.

Because Tianji has promised to find a solution to restore the earth's veins, Ji Tan said that he has time to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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