Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 137 Profound Vein Treasures

Chapter 137 Profound Vein Treasures (seeking order and ticket)
"Chu Yi?"

Inside the strange city of mountains and seas, Hate Wufeng saw Jing Chuyi again, with an excited expression, "Why is Chu Yi unconscious?"

"She is already dying, and the elixir given to you by the ghost unicorn is just a reflection of the body caused by stimulating the body. Now, I have taken Tianxiang Cardamom for her, so that she can stay in this moment forever until she finds out The real solution, wake up again."

"Is that so?"

Hate Wufeng personally experienced Jing Chuyi's physical condition, and felt that Jing Chuyi seemed to be asleep. Although his physical condition did not improve, it did not deteriorate any more.

"Don't worry, I don't even bother to lie about this kind of thing. Besides, you are just an available help to me, not irreplaceable. Don't take yourself too seriously."


Breaking through the sword prison, passing the path of ice and fire, and breaking the heart of purgatory.

Jun Fengtian came to the Nine Heavens Holy Land as he wished.

The fairy air is fluttering, the clouds and smoke are misty, the mysterious wonders above the nine heavens, and the colorful neon is the bridge, opening the door of mystery and mystery.

"Execute the law of the sky, open the holy chapter!"

Jun Fengtian slowly walked up the Shenqiao, his whole body filled with energy, and the unique skills of the immortal sect reappeared.

Afterwards, the clouds opened up and the sky lighted up, reflecting a rare tome - the Profound Vein Treasure Book.

With the flipping of Jun Fengtian's fingers, the huge tome containing five-color brilliance in the air was opened.

Profound Vein Treasure Chapter 3——The method of recovering the veins in Shenzhou...

"Huh? It's actually the same as what the chess player said."

Seeing the above, Jun Fengtian murmured.

Soon, Jun Fengtian sensed an evil spirit, and then opened it, and the content of this page was - one soul, two bodies.

"Could it be that Ghost Qizhu just flipped through this page?"

While Jun Fengtian was puzzled, he turned to another page, but this page was full of holy energy.

Profound Vein Treasures Chapter 7——Blood Element Creates Life.

This method is to take the blood of the man of destiny, take his blood energy, absorb the essence of the heavens and the earth, and combine with the god of the fairyland of the sea of ​​clouds, so that miracles can be born early.

"Blood element creates life,'s the secret method that chess players seek."

Jun Feng Tianmulu pondered, "These two pages of the Xuanmai Baojian have been read many times, and chess players also need the method of blood energy to create life. Why? What's the secret?"

Thinking in his heart, Jun Fengtian closed the treasure mirror of the profound veins, and in an instant, the clouds covered the sky, and the treasure mirror of the profound veins disappeared, and the holy realm of the nine heavens was like nothingness.

"First tell Tianji Shenzhou the method of recovering the pulse, and then find the chess player to completely solve the mastermind behind the calculation of Confucianism."


After staying with Tianji in front of Yuxiao's tomb for a while, Jun Fengtian suddenly felt the signal from the Confucian school and left in a hurry.

At this time, Jing Yanfu, the representative of Buddhism, and Sheng Daotian, the representative of Taoism, came with people from the two religions to question their sins.

"Master Yu, before you said that Xi Duanhong was in custody, you should take back the holy sword first, and clear up your doubts. We agreed, but now, Xi Duanhong was rescued in your Confucian school, and it is even more harmful to my Taoist and Buddhist guards. The disciple suffered heavy casualties, should you give us an explanation for this matter?"

Sheng Daotian shook the floating dust and asked angrily.


Yu Lijing raised his brows slightly, and then said: "This matter is the responsibility of the Confucian sect. The Confucian sect will not evade it. They must return to retrieve the holy sword in person, find out the culprit, and seek justice for those who died in vain."

"This is the second time you have said this, and now I doubt your purpose."

"Does the Confucian sect want to swallow the holy sword alone!"

Taoism and Buddhism were outraged, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

At this moment, a proud figure stepped into the hall of pure heart, "Justify what is wrong with heaven and earth, what is not judged by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, what is not broken by breaking the sun and the moon. Confucianism, ruthless, law of Confucianism, selflessness."

"See the respected Faru!"

When Faru came in person, everyone in the Confucian sect was overjoyed and bowed to greet him.

"Three days, within three days of this matter, Jun Fengtian will sort out everything and give the two religions a satisfactory answer!"

The two religions of Taoism and Buddhism have been persecuted several times, and disasters and catastrophes frequently occur in Shenzhou. Jun Fengtian is already angry.


Feeling the strong pressure, Sheng Daotian and Master Jing Yanfu looked at each other, a strange light flashed in their eyes, and then nodded slightly, "Since Faru came forward, we will give Confucianism another three days."

"After three days, if Confucianism still hasn't explained anything, then from now on, Confucianism will be the enemy of Taoism and Buddhism! Let's go!"

As the Taoists and Buddhists left, Yuli Sutra waved away the crowd, and then he took a step forward and asked respectfully, "Yafu, should I personally investigate?"

"No, just keep an eye on the inside of the door!"

Jun Fengtian responded with a solemn expression, and then disappeared in the Hall of Cuixin, heading towards Shengtian Peak.

After Jun Fengtian left, Mo Qingchi, Sui Wudu and others also entered again.

"Master, this matter is my fault, and I am willing to go out to investigate this matter myself for no reason."

Xi Wudu never thought that this matter would bring such a disaster to Confucianism, and the three religions were divided, which made Xi Wudu feel uneasy, so he begged for his life.

"The boss can't do it, the relationship between Xi Wuyuan and Xi Duanhong and Shan Feng criminals is too deep, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake..."

Before Shu Dao could finish his sentence, Mo Qingchi took a step forward and said directly: "I will investigate together with Wu You, and I will definitely give an explanation."

"Okay, vice-principal, it's inevitable that Faru will not be able to get distracted by one person, so let them share their worries for Faru. I believe that Sui Wuyuan will make the right choice!"

"This..." Shu Daozhu looked hesitant, but Yu Lijing just raised his arm and said calmly: "This matter ends here, I have made up my mind."


"Three days?"

The ghost unicorn sits in the world, but he is familiar with the situation in the world. He received a report from Confucian Anzi, and couldn't help sneering, "Jun Fengtian, how could this matter be so easy, the hatred between you and me has just begun!"

With the re-arrangement, a killing game was also set up again.

At the same time, there was an undercurrent in the hunting universe, and Ji Tanshuo set foot on Xiheding in order to ask for the cloudy earth in the center of the earth. After explaining his intention, Ji Tanshuo proposed to exchange his life for earth.

And Leng Mimiao, who has been paying attention to the sudden appearance of Yin Ruins City, also received a flying letter. The above-mentioned content shocked him, and he could only suppress the idea of ​​showing up to see Lord Tianzhi again.

Victory Tianfeng!
Shengtian Peak, which had already been shattered, connected the shattered boulders closely with the silk of sword energy, and stood upright again.

Today, a majestic and majestic figure stepped forward.

"What is wrong with the heavens and the earth is not judged by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken. Confucianism, ruthlessness, Confucianism and selflessness."

"Jun Fengtian, have you thought it through?"

The assistant chess player turned around slowly, suppressed the joy in his eyes, and asked seemingly calmly.

"Tell me the mastermind behind the scenes, and Blood Origin will give it to you."

Jun Fengtian still said with a serious face.

"Okay!" The chess player stroked his palm lightly and said with a smile, "You must be familiar with this name?"

As the chess player speaks, the atmosphere in the arena is suddenly solemn.

"Ghost Qi Master Fu Zixi!"


Jun Fengtian's face darkened, majestic.

"The ghost unicorn master has already died in the Battle of Blood River, and it is impossible to survive!"

For his own strength, Jun Fengtian is very confident, and the ghost unicorn master was killed by him, so he is so sure.


The chess player chuckled, "Didn't Faru see the mysterious magic in the treasured mirror of the profound veins? Perhaps Faru also has doubts in his heart. , Jing Yanfu of Buddhism and Taoism and Sheng Daotian are both his pawns.

Moreover, the ghost unicorn has a deep hatred with your mother, so you are also his target to kill. "

"Nonsense." Hearing the word mother, Jun Fengtian frowned and shouted directly.

He knew from a young age that his mother died of dystocia when giving birth to him, and Xuanzun chose to protect him, so the relationship between him and Xuanzun has never been as harmonious as that of an ordinary father and son.

"I know what Faru is thinking, but is this the truth? You have never known Xuanzun Jiutian, and he doesn't want you to know your biological mother, but that's all I have to say. If you want to know, We can only go to Jiuchongtai!"

"Jiuzhongtai... Mother..." Jun Fengtian's eyes froze, and then he threw a secret page to the chess player, "This is the secret technique you want, as for other things, I will find out by myself!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Fengtian turned around and left without hesitation.

 Thank you for letting me seal the sword, the sword shadow is nameless, and the wind?The focus is on the calmness in the pleasure, me who can't answer, recalling Mengmengxue, Guhong Huangyu, Wuhentian, Tianxiang xtt, book friend 160^393 and other friends for rewards, there are many other friends, but there are too many , I won’t write them down one by one, thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets, thank you!Keep asking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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