Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 138 Misty Green [Part 3]

Chapter 138 Misty Green [Third Update]

Started with the creation of blood elements.

Inside the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered, revealing a touch of excitement.

Since time travelling, he has obtained the second of the three secret arts that he desires the most, and the last one is Moshi's soul splitting and body turning.

"Ghost Realm!"

Yuan Wuji put his eyes on Youjie again, and murmured at the same time: "Moshi is not the time to tease, but first you can study the physique of the people in Youjie, and maybe you can find some other secrets, especially, the source of life. .”

Infinitely awakened the ancestral bloodline, thus creating the Six Killing Souls, which can be regarded as a weakened version of the split soul transformation, and Kui Yujiang, who absorbed the origin of the Nine Infants, also differentiated into the Three Demon Cocoons.

In previous dramas, many things were not mentioned, but Yuan Wuji believed that there must still be secrets hidden in Youjie.

After all, Youjie is Moshi's final experiment site, and it is also the most successful experiment.

"It's the beginning of the month, and with the draw chance left over from the previous breakthrough, I already have two single draw chances."

Yuan Wuji's eyes swept over the six items of exercises, fists, weapons, pills, weapons, and treasures.

Soon there will be a decision.

"Now that you have obtained the blood element to create life, it's time to experiment. Although you haven't obtained the soul splitting transformation yet, you may be able to see from the system what treasures can breed 'gods'."

"Specify treasures for extraction!"

Following Yuan Wuji's designation, the next moment, six items appeared on the roulette.

Dragon Yuan (one seventh), Steel Mother, Crane Black Jade, Qilin Blood (bottle), Red Flame Marrow, Frozen Soul Coffin.

"Long Yuan?"

Seeing Longyuan, Yuan Wuji's eyes widened. Longyuan is the condensed body essence of the dragon, and it is the most rigid and yang thing.After taking it, not only can you be immortal, but you can also keep your youth forever.

Yuan Wuji didn't expect that Longyuan would appear among the treasures of Gaowu, but he understood the reason after seeing that it was differentiated.

Even if this is only one-seventh, and it will be different when suppressed by the law of suffering, but after taking it, it can increase the foundation for an unknown number of years, plus other magical effects, it is a rare treasure.

"One-sixth probability is not safe enough!"

Yuan Wuji murmured, and then asked with a tentative heart: "System, can two opportunities be carried out at the same time?"

As Yuan Wuji finished speaking, the pointer in the middle split into two.


After realizing that it was possible, Yuan Wuji no longer hesitated, and immediately confirmed.

Both pointers rotate simultaneously in opposite directions.

Yuan Wuji felt that the time was very long, but in fact, after only a few breaths, the pointer began to slow down.

"Long Yuan! Long Yuan!"

Yuan Wuji prayed secretly in his heart, the first pointer finally fell, followed by the second.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Red Flame Marrow."

Note: After taking it, the red flaming marrow will be integrated into the bone marrow of the user, refining the bone marrow, changing the physique, and arousing the power of blazing fire when using moves.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining—Kirin blood."


"Depend on!"

Yuan Wuji was speechless, "What kind of luck am I? Could it be that the good luck of this period of time has been exhausted? There is a one-third chance of not being drawn..."

Faced with this situation, Yuan Wuji had no choice but to put away the two treasures casually, but at the next moment, Yuan Wuji had another ruby ​​vase in his hand, which contained Qilin blood.

"Kirin blood... blood element creates life..."

Yuan Wuji murmured, his eyes revealing deep thought.

After a long time, Yuan Wuji's eyes lit up, "Perhaps it can be like this, but I still need a huge true energy that can replace the spirit of the eight wildernesses and the most important 'God'."

With a new goal, Yuan Wuji solemnly put away the Qilin blood, and was going to look through the classics to find something to replace it.

And in Shengtian Peak, not long after Jun Fengtian left, a figure with yellowish hair and a sword bag on his back stepped up Shengtian Peak.

"Shengtian Banzi is a chess player? Why are you looking for me?"

"Leng Mimi, you are finally here!"

The chess player turned around slowly, looked at Leng Mimiao who was frowning slightly, and said quietly: "Do you know what Tianzhizhu has been through these days?"


Leng Mimiao gave a hesitant voice, "If you have something to say, you can say it directly."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the facts I'm going to say next!"

The chess player looked calm, but his heart was full of bad intentions. He was very curious about what would happen if Leng Miu knew that he had been greened.

"From the Jingyou war to now, there is nothing I can't bear!"

Although Leng Mimiao has always looked sad, her mentality has always been good and she has always been calm.

I just hope that your mentality can be maintained in the future!
The chess player said silently in his heart, then nodded slightly, "Master Tianzhi was severely injured by the original demon king, and died after returning to the Forbidden City, it was your daughter Hu Po who saved her life.

And Lord Tianzhi also lost his memory and turned into amber because he missed his daughter too much. Not long after, he was captured and insulted by the father of boasting, and was only revived by life trainees a few days ago, unexpectedly..."

Speaking of this, the chess player paused for a moment, and then listened again after seeing Leng Mimiao, and then continued: "Unexpectedly, the life trainee is the reincarnation of the original demon king, and forcibly defiled the Heaven Weaver Lord, making the Heaven Weaver Lord pregnant. I just gave birth to a daughter a few days ago!"


Leng Piaomiao's body flickered, and three heavy hammers fell in a row, making Leng Piaomiao stunned for a moment. After a while, Leng Piaomiao finally came to his senses, angrily scolded: "Nonsense, what is the purpose of you telling me these things?"

"It seems that Leng Mimiao, who has always been calm, has a side of losing his composure!"

The chess player showed a hint of playfulness at Leng Mimiao, "I told you this only because the original demon lord had a grudge against me. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You can find a chance to ask the master of weaving. I believe you can get it from her." Get the answers you want."

"Of course, if you can endure even this kind of thing, the chess player will have nothing but admiration!"

"Hmph! Telltale, Leng Mimiao will never believe your words, and I hope you don't insult my wife again, otherwise, Leng Mimiao will make you feel Leng Xue's wrath!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Mimiao tossed her robe and left angrily.

"Haha!" The chess player chuckled, "You should thank me for letting you know the truth in advance. As for your choice, it won't affect me much."

Regarding how Leng Mimiao and Tianzhizhu will develop in the future, the chess player has the mentality of watching a drama. He believes that when Leng Mimiao learns the truth, he will definitely enter the Netherworld.

After all, Leng Mimiao is a man.

As long as he is still a man, he will never be able to swallow this breath.

Of course, everything is hard to say, after all, Leng Mimiao is someone who can't even avenge his daughter's death, so he wants to see what Leng Mimiao will choose next.

Listening to the playful words of the chess player behind him, Leng Miu turned his back, clenched his fists in his sleeves, his body trembled undetectably, and murmured in a low voice: "How can this clumsy method shake my relationship with Poppy and Poppy?" ?”

"Chess player, no matter what conspiracy you have, I will not let you succeed!"

 On the second day after it was put on the shelves, three changes were guaranteed. Starting tomorrow, we will continue to guarantee two changes. Because some plots have to be changed now, it is more difficult to write. I will try to write as much as possible and break out occasionally.

  Thank you: Disappear without a trace, Don't beat my brother to be afraid, Time in the past, All gods and stars, Xinghua Qiankun, Zixia Yuntao now Daowei, Gods and demons and holy kings are all taken up and other rewards from fellow Taoists!As well as the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets of fellow Taoists, thank you, and continue to ask for it!
(End of this chapter)

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