Chapter 139 Goodbye Ghost Qizhu

Coming to the Yin Ruins City again, Leng Mimiao fell into hesitation.

Before going to Shengtian Peak, he originally wanted to declare that he would join the Yinxu Alliance, guard the Heaven Weaver Lord at close range, and find out the conspiracy hidden in Yinxu City.

But now being disturbed by the chess player, Leng Piaomiao's heart is disturbed.

Although he didn't believe these words, the words of the chess player still lingered in his mind.

Come to think of it, even if the man was told that his wife had done something like this, even if he didn't believe it, it would inevitably leave some influence.

After closing her eyes and adjusting her breath for a while, Leng Miu suppressed the chaotic thoughts in her heart, and then she walked out.

"Huh? Is that you?"

Seeing Leng Mimiao appearing in front of his eyes, Master Tianzhi still had a bad face, and even had a hidden anger.

In the past, Leng Piaomiao always thought it was because she was blaming herself for taking away the Chi Lei Saber and indirectly killing Hu Po, but now, Leng Piaomiao had no choice but to think otherwise.

"Poppy, Poppy, I decided to help you take revenge together."

After several times of hesitation, Leng Piaomiao couldn't ask such a question after all, and decided to investigate the matter at close range, so she had to follow Tianzhizhu and protect her personally.


Lord Tianzhi turned his back, but his eyes were complicated, and he couldn't face it. He couldn't help but sneered, "Will you give up your belief so easily? Don't forget what you did to me before?"

"My belief is to keep you safe, and I have never given up on this thought!" Leng Mimiao said solemnly, staring at the back of Tianzhizhu with her eyes firmly fixed.

"Safe? Hahaha..."

Lord Tianzhi laughed, but there was a hint of desolation in the laughter, "My peace? You were not there when I needed you most, and now you came to me to ask for my peace, you..."

"That's it."

Speaking of this, Master Tianzhi was startled suddenly, and his voice changed, "Since you want to help me, then stay!"

Leng Mimiao nodded slightly, but her heart sank. Ever since she heard what the chess player said, now she always feels that Tianzhizhu's attitude is different, and there is something she is hiding from him.

However, he was quickly attracted by Liu Sha Haitang's mouth about the resurrection of amber by sacrificing Suzaku clothes and the sudden appearance of the clown puppet.

The clown puppet even bluntly stated that Ni Shenyang lost the qualification to be the leader of the extermination of humans and demons, and decided to choose another leader.


On the other hand, after being dissuaded by Jing Chusheng and Sheng Junshi, Hate Wufeng also promised not to work for the ghost unicorn anymore, but before Jing Chuyi fully recovered, he might not take action against the ghost unicorn.

Obviously, he had doubts about the goodwill released by Shanhai Qicheng, and now he just compromised temporarily because he couldn't take Jing Chuyi away.

"The recent Shengtian Peak is really lively!"

The assistant chess player sighed, and saw a black hole appear at the foot of the mountain, and a person walked out of the black hole, carrying Xi Duanhong who was unconscious for some reason on his back.

"Being an ally of the ghost, but also privately contacting Jun Fengtian, and exposing the whereabouts of the ghost, a chess player, what are you planning?"

At this time, the cold voice of Ghost Qi Master sounded out of thin air.

"Ha! Lord Guiqi, we all know what kind of people we are. You and I have mutual interests. The same is true with Faru. He brought me what I need, and I will naturally give it to him. There is a reward."

"Is your reward the information about betraying ghosts?" Ghost Qizhu coldly snorted and said unkindly.

"It's only a matter of time before your identity is exposed, and it is reasonable to use it to provide me with some benefits. Now, isn't it just to drag me into the water by bringing Xi Duanhong here?"

Chess Chess Player directly ignored Ghost Qizhu's anger, and he didn't really want to be a thug for Ghost Qizhu. He knew that Ghost Qizhu and him were using each other. There are as many benefits as there are benefits.

When the time is right, let's throw the pot away.

In the same way, the identity of Guan Jiuzhou is the same. Two bodies fight each other, kill each other's masters, destroy the plan of the master of the earth and the ghost, and there is no harm to him, but he can also gain system rewards.

"Haha! Since we want to cooperate, it is natural to be mutually beneficial. Jian Zhiji's identity is revealed by you, and now it is up to you to deal with the aftermath. Otherwise, our cooperation will end here."

"is it?"

The chess player was noncommittal, "I believe that this matter is not worthy of your serious discussion, let me just tell you your real reason for coming?"

"Since this is the case, the ghost wants you to get rid of Hate Wu Peak for me, and get back Prison Dragon Slash!"

Ghost Qizhu's words were full of murderous intent, his plan was disrupted, and now he can only make mistakes.

"So what are you going to give?"

A bright light flashed in the eyes of the chess player. He is not the subordinate of the ghost unicorn. If he wants to make a move, he needs to impress his interests. After all, his strength is not inferior to the current ghost unicorn.

"As long as you can kill Hate Wufeng and get back Prison Dragon Slash, I can give you the space transfer secret technique you want."

Ghost Qizhu snorted coldly. When the chess player asked him to exchange for 'one soul and two bodies', he mentioned that he wanted to exchange for 'space transfer', but he didn't agree, but now he has to hand it over.

Of course, this also made the ghost unicorn master's murderous intent more intense. After all, he ghost qizhu is not a person who makes wedding dresses for others.

"Hmm..." The chess player was silent for a while, then nodded slightly, "I can promise this."

After all, the secret technique of space transfer is very useful, and he has been coveting it for a long time. Since there is an opportunity, he cannot miss it.

"The ghost is waiting for your good news!"

Accompanied by the sound of ghost laughter, the peak fell into silence again, and soon after, Jian Zhiji and the unconscious Xi Duanhong stayed in the thatched hut under Shengtian Peak.

Looking at the figure of Jian Zhizhi, the chess player's expression moved slightly, and he murmured: "It seems that Hate Wufeng has suddenly lost control, which makes the ghost Qi master's control over Jian Zhizhi even deeper. Otherwise, Jian Zhizhi will never be in the strange place to stay."

"However, what does this have to do with me?" As he spoke, a strange smile appeared on the corner of the Chess Master's mouth. He is not the Holy Mother. If he can avoid a tragedy within his power, he will do it. If it makes things develop in a worse direction, then He may not be able to remedy it.

Moreover, he felt that he had exhausted his benevolence, at least their mother and son had recognized each other, didn't they?

As Jitan said that he retrieved the cloudy soil and gas dust in the center of the earth from Shouyu, and found Tianji again, the layout of restoring the influence of the Shenzhou Earth Fissure was also implemented in the hands of Tianji.

But at Duyue Bridge, under the instigation of those with a heart, the people condemned Ji Tanshuo, and wanted Jitan Shuo to come here to give an explanation, but Ji Tanshuo had no time to go there in order to restore the land of Shenzhou.

By his side, Nong Pipa, who had a hatred for killing her father and the clan with the father of Kua Huan, following these days made her understand that Ji Tan said that he is not the father of Kua Huan, but a good person who really does things for the common people, and she does not want to send her Tan Shuo was framed by this, and decided to go to Duyue Bridge alone to defend Ji Tan Shuo.

(End of this chapter)

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