Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 140 5 masters [1 update at noon]

Chapter 140 Five Experts 【Update at Noon】

Fenglin Xiaozhu, when Ren Ping was recovering from his injuries, a figure slowly appeared from the forest.

"It's you?"

When Ren Pingsheng saw the person who came, a complex look flashed across his eyes, and the person who came was the old man Tianjian——Ying Chaoyang.

"Ren Pingsheng, the grievances between you and me should be resolved."

Ying Chaoyang will never forgive the betrayal at the beginning, but now that his martial arts have recovered and his kendo attainments have improved to a higher level, he finally decided to liquidate.

"Everything has happened, and this battle seems inevitable."

Ren Pingsheng sighed, stood up slowly leaning on the emerald jade stick, and said helplessly.

"Back when you deliberately broke the appointment, you should have thought that this day would come." Ying Chaoyang said coldly: "Ying will not take advantage of others' danger. Ten days later, you and I will fight to the death."

After speaking, Ying Chaoyang waved his sleeve robe, turned and left.

Seeing Ying Chaoyang's receding back, Ren Pingsheng lost his mind for a moment, and after a long time, he smiled wryly, "Jianghu, that's how it is, grievances and grudges are always unclear, and you can't clean them up!"

Ren Pingsheng looked at the red jade maple leaf hanging on the emerald jade stick, it was originally a delicate object, but now it is full of cracks.

This is the result of being crushed by Kui Yujiang. Even though he has been recast, the sword is broken and it is difficult to restore it.

"It seems that we still have to support our old waist and go to Sheng Tianfeng and his party!"

Ren Pingsheng joked, looking at Jin Xiu who still had a worried face at the door of the thatched cottage, gradually put away his smile, turned his back, and his eyes became firm, "The left and right factions have been fighting for supremacy for hundreds of years, and now is the time to draw the end gone."


Jun Fengtian, who left Shengtian Peak, was in a heavy heart, and just when he was determined to find the ghost unicorn master, he got a message from Tianji to ask for help.

The strange city of mountains and seas.

Yuan Wuji also received a letter from Earth and Darkness.

"Do you want me to cooperate in stopping Ji Tanshuo and others' actions?"

Yuan Wuji murmured, then knocked on the table, and soon, the old man Tianjian who turned into Lord Lianzhen Xing came.

"Ten days later, I will have a life-and-death fight with Ren Pingsheng. I want to know what is in the Wanxiang Tiangong that can make me resist the sword of Jiuxiao Shahan and Frozen."

Ying Chaoyang's words were dignified. Although he had improved during this time, he did not dare to be careless in the face of Ren Pingsheng, especially since he also knew the power of Jiuxiao Xiaohan. With Ren Pingsheng's talent, this move was in his hands. The power will be even more terrifying.

Therefore, he does not have the confidence to win now, so he turned to Wanxiang Tiangong for help.

"Young Master Yuan should have told you that you can get everything you want in Wanxiang Tiangong, as long as you are willing to pay enough."

As Yuan Wuji said, there was something extra in his hand, "Red Flame Marrow, after taking it, it will fuse with your bone marrow, change your body, and let your moves have the power of extreme inflammation, as long as you play it properly , can resist the extremely freezing air."

"Then what do I need to pay?"

After feeling the power of Chi Yansui, Ying Chaoyang nodded slightly and asked in a concentrated voice.

"Eliminate the power around the chess player and avenge Master Yuan!"

A strange light flashed in Yuan Wuji's eyes under the mask of Emperor Ziwei, and his words were cold.

"Even if you don't tell me about this matter, I will do it. However, I hope that Hongxue will not be told about this matter."

Ying Chaoyang had seen Hong Chenxue's absent-minded state before, but he didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only help her with what he could.

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you, I hope you can win this battle!"

Yuan Wuji tossed it casually, and the red flame marrow fell into the hands of the old man Tianjian.


On the other side, Ren Pingsheng also came to Shengtian Peak again, but seeing the sword so close outside the thatched hut at the foot of Shengtian Peak, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

When he came to the peak, the assistant chess player had been waiting for a long time. On the stone table behind him, there were still two things, one was the elixir for healing injuries, and the other was a cold sword.

"It seems that you already know my purpose."

When Ren Pingsheng saw the two objects on the table, his expression moved slightly.

"This sword is called Baiyu Fuchen. It is forged from thousands of years of cold jade. It is not only stronger than fine steel, but also helps your swordsmanship to develop."

The chess player turned around slowly, with a mysterious smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth.

The White Jade Fuchen Sword was exchanged by the main body from the system. Although it is not as good as those magical weapons in the abyss, it is also refined from ten thousand years of cold jade, and its quality is not inferior to the famous swords in the affliction.

Ren Pingsheng slowly drew out the cold sword, and the moment the sword was released, the three feet around it was covered with frost, like the body of the jade sword, reflecting a pair of eyes like stars.

"It is indeed a good sword!"

Putting the sword back into its sheath, Ren Pingsheng flicked his hand again, and the sword and the elixir disappeared at the same time. His eyes fell on the thatched hut at the foot of the mountain, and he said quietly: "You have taken in the single-edged sinner and Xi Duanhong, what will your next step be?" Are you going to target the Confucian sect?"

"Ha! You don't need to pay attention to this matter, I have my own intentions." The chess player said noncommittally, he was waiting for the next move of the ghost unicorn.

"In that case, see you in ten days."

Ren Pingsheng didn't say anything else, because taking this sword means that he has accepted the favor of the chess player again. As long as he can return this battle, he will naturally pay the due price or reward.

Not long after Ren Pingsheng left, Yan Qiqi who received the subpoena also came later.

The moment he saw the sword so close, the sword intent erupted instantly.

"It's really a 'destiny'!"

Tan Qiqi already showed an expression of eagerness to try.

"Chess Player, did you call me to take revenge?"

Facing Tan Qiqi's provocation, Jian Zhiji stood up in front of the thatched hut, holding the hilt of the sword in front of his chest with one hand, and let out a hoarse roar.

"There are opportunities for revenge."

There was a clear voice from the top of the peak, and then a long silver sword was stuck in front of Tan Qiqi, "This sword is for you, and I hope you can return to Confucianism."


Tan Xiqi withdrew his erupting sword intent, raised his head slightly, glanced at the chess player on the peak, and said: "I have also joined the Confucian sect after all, if I attack the Confucian sect, I am afraid..."

"You are wrong. I didn't ask you to deal with Confucianism. I just hope that you can return to Confucianism and play your own role."

"Besides, aren't you also curious about Shan Feng and the mastermind behind all the Confucian murders? Now, I will give you a chance to participate in it."

After being silent for a while, Tan Xiqi pulled out Tanlang Sword, looked at the sword and said: "Then after finishing this matter, I will fight him again."


As Tan Qiqi left, Sheng Tianfeng fell into silence again.

Jian Zhiji at the foot of the mountain fell into a dazed state again, but relying on instinct, he knew that the person in the thatched cottage was the most important person in his life, so he continued to sit cross-legged at the door of the thatched cottage, not letting anyone approach him.

"Master Ghost Qi, are you arranging Jian Zhiji and Xi Duanhong here to make Faru and Confucianism against me? Or do you want to play a game of thieves and put blame on me so that I will completely stand by your side?" Woolen cloth?"

"No matter how you plan, it will not do me any harm."

 Regarding the update time: There are more supporters for the nightly update, so starting tomorrow, the evening update will officially start.

  Thanks: who let me seal the sword to become the rudder master; thanks to: Jinxi Liaoyufeng, *922.qdcn, Unpredictable Leyouyou, Annihilation Life Gate, Evil Emperor Holy Venerable, Four Non-Middlemen, Gods and Demons Saint King Capital Accounted for, book friends 2019...^441 and other fellow daoist rewards, thank you fellow daoists for your recommendation votes, the weekly tweets have reached [-]; thank you fellow daoists for your monthly tickets, maybe you have a chance to be on the martial arts monthly ticket list!

(End of this chapter)

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