Chapter 141 Shenzhou Fumai

Above the peak of the sea of ​​clouds, Tianji came in person, preparing a plan to repair the land of China.

"The main star Qilin is assigned to Ji Tan Shuo and Chu Tian Xing."

"The position of Beixuanwu is handed over to Jian Suifeng."

"The position of Southern Suzaku is handed over to Mr. Butterfly."

"The position of the Western White Tiger will be handed over to the Desert Goshawk."

"The position of Dong Qinglong is handed over to Gu Xinglei."

"As for those above the peak, it will be handed over to the most powerful master, that is, me, Tianji—Shen Yu Xiaoyao!"

After finishing speaking, Tianji once again used the immortal sect's unique technique, specifically targeting the creation of the earth, "the stigmata of the sky!"

At the same time, Ji Tan said that he was holding the qi dust in his hand, and immediately exploded, the qi dust spread instantly, penetrated into the cracks in the ground, and began to quickly repair the cracks in the earth.

Immediately, the earth veins were turbulent again, Chu Tianxing shot at the same time, stabilizing the earth qi with strong internal strength and extraordinary speed, on the other side, other masters from all directions also moved together to prevent the earth qi from dispersing and losing.

Just when the situation was pressing, a grand palm swept towards Ji Tan and said.

"Hmph, father of boasting fantasy, today is your death day!"

At this time, Lord Tianzhi and Leng Mimi appeared with the revived elves of the Forbidden City.

"This swordsman, is Puppet lucky enough to dance with you?"

Where the sword followed the wind, Puppet also appeared out of thin air.

"I haven't been on a mission for a long time, and I met a master as soon as I came out." The desert goshawk turned his back steadily, and behind him, the beast king arrived with the revived beast spirit.

"It's me again, Dumb Star!"

The evil emperor Ziye Jixie appeared behind Gu Xinglei.

"Diming, you really did intervene!" On the peak, Tianji snorted coldly.

"I said, as long as you interfere, I will definitely take action." Di Ming's strange tone sounded out of thin air, and immediately behind Tian Ji, a figure wearing a gorgeous robe and holding the scepter of Ghost Truth and Star Tribulation appeared. It's Di Ming, now he's called Di Ming·Atheism, or—Yong Ye Playwright.

Just as Earth Ming was walking towards the sky, a majestic voice suddenly sounded, "No one can touch him."

"Yu Ming Dan Xin Jun Feng Tian."

Di Ming was not surprised by this result, he pointed his index finger at Jun Fengtian, "Jun Fengtian, I see you have been upset for a long time!"

"To be honest, I am too!" Jun Fengtian said indifferently with his eyes terrified.

"Hehehe..." Di Ming chuckled lightly, "Very well, let's fight as much as we want!"

"The world is only me, the law and the Confucianism are selfless!" Jun Fengtian slightly raised the Zhiheng Law Code in his hand, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense.

And when the battle was about to start, on the other side, Ni Shenyang also brought Huang Yang Geng Ri and other hunting elves to the eerie Blood Nest Cave.


Just when Ji Tan said that he was forced to kill by Tian Zhizhu, Leng Miu and others, suddenly, golden dew fell from the sky, and a melodious poem sounded, and people felt that it was coming.

And at the place of Gu Xinglei, Qin Jiaxian also led his younger brother to block Zi Ye's illness.

On the other side, at the place of the Goshawk in the desert, just as the Beast King was relentlessly killing him, suddenly came with a palm and a sword, and it was Dongmen Xuande who led the chivalrous people to come here.

Where the sword followed the wind, the immortal practitioner came and blocked the clown puppet to buy time for Tianji.


"There are masters besieging, only Bendie is not, is this looking down on Mister Butterfly?"

Mr. Butterfly observes the atmosphere of the earth with C to Z butterflies, so he has time to complain.

"Since you're looking forward to it so much, I can't let you down!"

At this time, the fire cloud suddenly appeared, and then a figure wearing a fiery red robe and a Suzaku mask appeared, "The fire eclipses the sun and the world is miserable, and the Suzaku crows to mourn for all sentient beings!"

It was Yuan Wuji who came here in disguise.

Red robe to red robe.

The bright colors make the night more colorful.

"Huh? Suzaku? Your mask offends Mr. Butterfly."

Mr. Butterfly's daughter-in-law's face turned cold. He is one of the representatives of Motun Zodiac, and his comrades-in-arms Feng Zhihen and Bai Yi Jianshao are representatives of Suzaku. Acting, naturally aroused Mr. Butterfly's anger.

"Your unhappiness is exactly my happiness, Duan Tiandu, please move!"

Just when Yuan Wuji made a move, he suddenly saw the clouds frosting in the sky, and Xiang Wang's sword scabbard descended from the sky.

The jade catkins appear in the Taoist shadow, and the white snow condenses the Taoist lamp.The righteous way is vicissitudes, and the turbid waves are cleared with a sword.

"The sword is not the way, it's been a long time!"

Duan Tiantu transformed by Yuan Wuji appeared in the hand of a purple red long sword. This is the Suzaku sword he exchanged from the system. Although it is not a peerless sword, it is still considered a good sword.

The snow, fire and rain came together, and the fierce confrontation suddenly ignited.

The moment the two swords collided, Fangyuan exploded.

Yuan Wuji used the Nine Suns True Yuan to stimulate Huo Jin and a pair of swords that were not Dao icy cold swordsmanship.

Fortunately, both of them intended to procrastinate. The battle seemed fierce, but in fact they did not use extreme moves.

Although Jian Feidao was puzzled, he felt happy when he noticed his opponent's actions.

This is a doomed battle, and Yuan Wuji is just helping out at the invitation of Diming. At this moment, the assistant chess player is desperate to go to Duyue Bridge to save Nong Pipa.

This matter Yuan Wuji was neither aimed at the ghost unicorn master, nor was it for the purpose of expressing the truth or playing the pipa, it was purely because Yuan Wuji couldn't bear to see a bunch of villains venting their anger on a weak woman, so he would intervene in this trivial matter .

On the ancient road of Defeng, Yu Lijing, Mo Qingchi, Sui Wudu and others also received mysterious flying letters, and the whereabouts of Jian Zhiji and Xi Duanhong were found.

In addition, His Majesty Jing Yanfu and Sheng Daotian also led people from Buddhism and Taoism to Shengtian Peak. Today, they are determined to force Confucianism to express their views.

As Yu Lijing and others arrived, Jing Yanfu and Sheng Daotian also arrived together.

"Master Jade, now that the criminal is in sight, it's time for Confucianism to give an explanation!"

"Don't be impatient, you two, the Confucianism sect will give a reasonable explanation."

Yu Lijing finished talking to the people of Buddhism and Taoism, then looked at the chess player who descended from the sky, and asked in a concentrated voice: "The sword is right here, are you the one behind the mysterious case of the holy sword?"

"I have already told Faru, the black hand behind the blame on the Confucian sect, that Jian Zhiji just asked me for help because Xi Duanhong was injured and unconscious, right?"

The chess player looked at Jian Zhiji, but of course Jian Zhiji would not respond.

On the other hand, Sui Wudu looked eagerly, "What? Is your mother injured?"

As he spoke, he was about to rush into the hut, but only the cold sword faced him.

Because he lost the bargaining chip to blackmail Hate Wufeng, Lord Guiqi was particularly concerned about Jian Zhiji and strengthened his control methods. Although it is very likely that this method is only temporary, it is enough to accomplish many things.

Master Jing Yanfu looked at Sheng Daotian, suppressed the smile in his eyes, and watched the movements of the Confucianism.

"For no reason, if you want to save your Xi Duanhong, it seems that you can only catch Jian Zhichi first. As long as you can find traces of the mastermind behind the scenes from Jian Zhizhi, then Xi Duanhong will be safe after recovery."

At this time, Yu Lijing frowned slightly and said.

After a moment of silence, Sui Wuyuan nodded and said solemnly, "I understand!"

The three immediately surrounded the sword.

Following the order of the ghost unicorn master, the illusion of beacon fire reappeared, and the three masters of the Confucian sect besieged the sword.

 Starting tomorrow, the update will be at night.

  Thanks: All gods, gods, gods, stars, gods, demons, and saints have been rewarded by fellow daoists. Thank you fellow daoists for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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