Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 143 Unreasonable help-seeking

Chapter 143 Unreasonable help-seeking
"Hmph, the exposed chess pieces should be eradicated as soon as possible. If they can entangle the Confucian sect, they can be regarded as waste utilization."

In the heaven and earth, the ghost unicorn master is rarely bored, and since the chess pieces are disrupted one by one, his plan has become more and more difficult to implement. Now, it is nothing more than making things as chaotic as possible by using the wrong piece to the wrong piece.

If he can't achieve his goal, he will definitely not let these chess pieces become someone else's chess pieces to deal with him. He would rather mess up the whole chessboard and rearrange it.

"The chess player has not interfered with the matter of a page of the book, and has not revealed my true identity. What is he planning?"

"Hmph! Let's find out Zonghengzi's whereabouts and condition first, and we can't leave this hidden danger behind."


On the other hand, after the restoration of the Shenzhou ley line was successful, Yuan Wuji had no need to entangle, and retreated directly.

After returning to the strange city of mountains and seas, he continued to study the creation of blood elements.

It wasn't until one night later that Yuan Wuji put down his hands, but his expression was extremely ugly, "It's really not easy to create life with blood elements. Ming may not be able to fully use it."

"In previous dramas, there were only two people created with blood, and they were used by Xuanzun and his wife. Jiutian Xuanzun created the earth with his own powerful cultivation base, the god of the cloud sea fairyland, and the blood of the sky. Ming; and the Tianxia created Emperor Longyin with the ancient dragon ball, which is the rarest treasure in the world."

"Both Diming and Dilongyin are powerful and have a deep foundation, and correspondingly, it is extremely difficult to create.

Diming couldn't do like Xuanzun Jiutian and didn't have such treasures as Pangu Dragon Ball, so he could only weaken and improve the blood element to create life, and combined the power of blood darkness to create the method of blood fetus, thus having the current Xiefan twins. "

"And with my strength and what I have, I can't really use the blood element to create life. It seems that I also need to retreat. However, it takes too much time to perfect it. It seems that I can only find it in exchange for it." It's a mature method of blood fetus."

Thinking in his mind, Yuan Wuji also temporarily put down the blood element to create life, and began to think about how to obtain the method of the earth's blood fetus.

But at this moment, the door of wonders opened, and Mo Qingchi entered first.

Yuan Wuji transformed into the appearance of Emperor Ziwei. After learning about the incident, he opened the gate and let Xi Duanhong and Xi Duanhong, who was seriously injured on his back and unconscious, enter.

"I already know why you came here, Xi Duanhong, if you stay, I can keep her life safe."

Yuan Wuji took a few steps forward, using the real yang creation power of the Nine Suns Divine Art, the evil energy entrenched in Xi Duanhong's body was instantly defeated.

This evil energy was temporarily placed by the Ghost Qi Lord, and its strength had been exhausted before, so it couldn't be compared with the evil energy in Jian Zhizhi's body, so it was easy to eliminate.

As for the sword that Xi Duanhong pierced through his chest, under the power of creation, the surface has been restored.

"The evil energy in her body has been expelled. As for the sword wound that has pierced through the heart, the beacon fire sword energy has destroyed her vitality. It will not be possible to cure her in a short while. I can only maintain her vitality first and leave her behind. Heal slowly!"

Yuan Wuji removed the hand that was pressing on Xi Duanhong's chest. At this moment, Xi Duanhong's surface injuries have been repaired, and his face is much better than before, but the internal organs have only slightly improved. Needs to be slowly fixed.

Of course, if you use the life-returning golden pill, this injury is nothing, but this is a life-saving elixir, and it was announced that this elixir has already been taken by Mr. Yuan.

In addition, if he is willing to pay some price, he can recover Xi Duanhong's injury as soon as possible with a large amount of power of creation. However, the power of creation and the power of destruction are the extremely changing power of the Nine Suns Divine Art. After consumption, The recovery speed will be very slow, so Yuan Wuji is unwilling to call too many at once.

Sui checked his mother's condition for no reason, and felt that his mother's physical condition had stabilized for the time being, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of gratitude on his face, "Thank you sir for saving my mother!"

Sui bowed for no reason, and said earnestly.

Yuan Wuji just smiled, "This matter is nothing to me. As for who is behind the scheming Confucian sect, I know, but I promised to save Xi Duanhong as a kindness. If you want to know more, you can also You should pay the price you deserve.”

"If you have any request, please speak up."

Mo Qingchi was not surprised. After all, when he joined Shanhai Qicheng, the other party had already made it very clear that everyone gathered because of profit.

"Very good." Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth under the mask, "Skills, treasures, rare treasures, or accomplishing something for me, it all depends on what you are willing to pay for?"


The two looked at each other, they naturally have unique knowledge, but some of them are Confucian secrets, they can't disclose them to outsiders, and their own creations are also based on Confucian unique knowledge, so they can't help but hesitate.

After a long time, it was Mo Qingchi who spoke first, "What do you need me to do?"

"and many more!"

At this moment, Sui Wudu suddenly stepped forward to stop Mo Qingchi, and then he said to Yuan Wuji, "I wonder if my single-edged sword technique is acceptable?"

The unprovoked single-edge swordsmanship was created by himself, so there is no need to avoid Confucianism and pass it on to others.

Yuan Wuji thought for a while, and although the single striker broke the rules in the later stage, he was still at the high level of martial arts, which can be exchanged for a good level of martial arts. In addition, with the return of Faru, many things are no longer secrets, so he nodded slightly. "Can!"

"No reason, you..."

Mo Qingchi intends to stop it, but Sui Wudu has made up his mind, "Sage, you have paid a lot for me, and sword skills are not a secret, please let me decide on this matter."

"This..." Mo Qingchi paused before sighing, "Okay!"

Yuan Wuji soon got the Shanfeng sword manual that belonged to Wuduan and the ancestor of Shanfeng. Yuan Wuji never thought about learning it, so he threw it directly to the system. Soon the system gave the due value and lowered it by one level. It can be exchanged for a superior technique.

"The behind-the-scenes manipulator of the Confucian sect is the ghost Qizhu. In addition to the two traitors of the Confucian sect that I told you before, Jing Yanfu, the abbot of the Benjue Chan Forest in Guigu Mountain, and the Daoist Sheng Daotian are all his secret hands. The chess player is also his ally, as for the truth of what I said, you can check it yourself, please!"

"What? There are also people who have been planted by him in Buddhism and Taoism?"

Shen Wuyuan was extremely surprised by this news, but Mo Qingchi's expression on the side remained unchanged. For such a thing, he was obviously far more able to bear it than Sui Wuyuan. It's just for the unity of the three religions, Confucianism is at a disadvantage, so it will not interfere with the affairs of the two religions.

"Okay, there is no reason, let's go back and report to Li Jing to make arrangements."

Mo Qingchi said calmly.

"Understood." Sui Wuyuan nodded thoughtfully, and then bowed to Yuan Wuji, "Thank you sir, then I will have Mr. Lao to treat my mother."

"When Xi Duanhong wakes up, I will inform you about the matter of being entrusted with loyalty!"

After sending the two away, Yuan Wuji called for hasty and took the unconscious Xi Duanhong away.

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(End of this chapter)

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