Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 144 The deal with Earth Ming 【Please order】

Chapter 144 The deal with Earth Ming 【Please order】

Soon after, Yuan Wuji pulled out a card, "An invitation from Diming? I just want to find Diming in exchange for the technique of blood fetus, and cry to the devil."

The maple red is as picturesque as it is a poem, a melodious song sings in the wind, the Yongye Theater reopens, the playwright plays the piano melodiously, the melody flows out, and a magnificent chapter is transformed.

"You finally came."

Di Ming continued to snap his fingers to ease the song, and at the same time he said: "Although you are yin and yang in preventing Ji Tanshuo and others from taking actions, but Dazzler is a person who keeps promises, and I have prepared a gift for you, bring it !"

As Diming opened his mouth, the clown puppet who was standing by the side bowed slightly and left the hall. Not long after, a comatose person was brought in.

"He is a chess player!"

Yuan Wuji's heart froze, the person who was taken by the clown puppet was exactly the one who was ordered by him to go to Duyue Bridge to rescue the pipa-playing pipa.

"The dazzler knows that you have a deep hatred with the chess player. Seeing how considerate I am, I will leave this person to you to deal with. It is up to you to decide whether to live or die."

After Di Ming finished playing, a mysterious smile hung on the corner of his mouth, waiting for Yuan Wuji's reply.

Without much hesitation, Yuan Wuji chuckled, "You shouldn't keep the pawns of chess masters."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Wuji slapped him with a palm, and he wished he could die on the spot.

The prompt sound of the system also sounded in the mind, which also proved that this is real hatred, not a trick of the earth.

And Underworld Emperor Shanfeng has obviously fallen into the hands of Shadow. After all, Ming could not spare a shot to deal with Endless Hatred before, so Shadow could only do it.

Diming's slender fingers touched the corners of his lips, and Yuan Wuji's magnetic voice fell into Yuan Wuji's ears, "It seems that your hatred is really difficult to understand. I wonder if you are satisfied with the gift of the Dazzler? After all, you are an ally of the Dazzler. The dazzler can't let the allies suffer."

"As long as it can weaken the chess player, I will be satisfied."

Yuan Wuji said calmly, but he was more vigilant in his heart.

Although he knew Di Ming's abilities, he was conceited in his foresight and underestimated the other party, which led to the situation.

However, hating endlessly should be a person who died early, and being able to live until now is already a debt of gratitude to him. Therefore, Yuan Wuji has no other feelings about hating endlessly dying.

After all, he is a selfish person. Don't look at him as if he saved Jing Chuyi, Jing Chusheng, and Xi Duanhong, but the premise is that these people don't hinder his plan, so he doesn't mind extending a helping hand.

"As long as you are satisfied, can you give Dazzler an explanation?"

Yuan Wuji knew that what Di Ming was talking about was his dealing with Jian Feidao's paddling, but Di Ming didn't want to stop it, so he said calmly: "Isn't what I did exactly what you wanted to see?" ?”

"Ha ha!"

Di Ming chuckled, "Since the matter is in the past, everything is not important anymore, but our cooperation has just begun, I hope this kind of thing will not happen again next time."

"At least when it comes to dealing with chess masters, our front is the same." Yuan Wuji said without changing his face, and then changed his voice, "However, this time I came to make a deal with you, Di Ming .”

"Oh? What deal?"

Di Ming showed great interest.

"I want to exchange for the technique of blood fetus." Yuan Wuji said directly.

"Huh?" Di Ming's eyes flashed, and the clown puppet who was waiting at the side raised his head slightly. After all, he was created by Di Ming using the technique of blood fetus.

Di Ming didn't refuse, but asked instead: "The dazzler understands your intentions. If you want to use the method of blood fetus to create a living being, you need enough blood as the foundation. Can you do it?"

"This is not what you should care about from Diming." Yuan Wuji said indifferently to Diming's rhetorical question. Although he does not have the majestic blood energy of the power of blood darkness, he has Qilin blood, although Qilin blood is far inferior to it. The Pangu Dragon Ball is such a treasure, but it is also enough to conceive a living being.

"Since you are so confident that this method can be given to you, what price are you prepared to pay?"

Di Ming's voice was very alluring, he approached slowly, tilted his head to look at Yuan Wuji, and continued: "You know, ordinary things are useless to a dazzler."

"Then what about the Rao Li Prison Dragon Slash?"

"Tao Li Prison Dragon Slash... It seems that you have a deep research on dazzlers!"

Diming's eyes are closed, because the Taoli Prison Dragon Slash uses evil to control evil, and it will restrain his body. If it was in its heyday, Diming would certainly not be afraid of this restraint, but it does have a certain degree of restraint for his current situation. threat.

"How do you feel about that?"

Di Ming turned around slowly, and this time his words became extremely calm again, "It's not enough."


Yuan Wuji raised his head slightly, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

"The Dazzling wants you to get rid of disobedient people for me, for example—" Di Ming pointed the ghost scepter in his hand to the stage, and then hung a puppet with a holy wheel on his head on the stage, it was—Ni Shen Yang !
"Very difficult!"

"A challenge is a challenge!" Di Ming chuckled, "It depends on whether you want to challenge or not?"

Yuan Wuji pondered for a while, "I accept this challenge, but I need to get the method of blood fetus first."

"Yes, but Dazzler hopes to hear good news from you within half a month."

"make a deal!"

Yuan Wuji took a copy of the Scarlet Cheats, and then disappeared.

"God of the underworld, is this person trustworthy?"

Watching Yuan Wuji leave, the clown puppet took a step forward and asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter whether it's credible or not. The important thing is whether he can complete this matter for me. You go to inform the master of weaving, the beast king and others. The plan to besiege and kill Ni Shenyang will be fully implemented by Guan Jiuzhou. Dazzlers look forward to them performance."

"Follow the order of the divine oracle!"


After returning to the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji couldn't wait to open the 'method of blood fetus'.

It took a long time to put away the secret method.

"Earth Ming is really powerful. Although the blood element is strong, the cost is too high. And this method of blood fetus can be completed even with the blood energy of ordinary people, as long as the blood energy is sufficient."

"The only troublesome thing is Yunling. It took a long time for Diming to make the blood fetus give birth to self-awareness, and among the countless experimental physiques, only two were born, which made the Xiefan twins."

"But I don't have that much time to wait. It seems that I can only rely on the system. I hope I can get what I need from the system."

Yuan Wuji entered the system again, and now he has a chance to exchange, a chance to kill and hate endlessly, which is the chance to randomly draw that I got by laughing at me.

Yuan Wuji used the exchange opportunity first, which was an opportunity obtained by the unprovoked single-edge sword technique, allowing Yuan Wuji to exchange for the eclipse sword technique.

This sword technique is the martial art used by Fengyun Duanlang in the early stage, and it is also the martial art that Yuan Wuji will prepare for the success of the blood fetus in the future.

"System, use random chance."

 The two updates are completed, and I will save some manuscripts in the next few days, and try to make up for the missing updates this week.Thank you: Chaoguo Chaocai's pot, Xiaowu Biaoxue, Si Feifei Zhongren, Tian Muying hxg, God and Demon Saint King are all taken up and other fellow Taoists for their rewards.Keep asking for votes!All kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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