Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 145 Nanlin Sword Head: Breaking the Sky

Chapter 145 Nanlin Sword Head: Breaking the Sky

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Fire Lin Sword!"


In a flash in Yuan Wuji's hand, there was already an extra red-hot long sword with a mysterious scale inlaid on the hilt.

Eclipse sword technique, fire lin sword, unicorn blood...

"Ha, is this a big package package for the system? Now the only thing missing is the treasures that can attune spiritual consciousness, but it seems that they can't get it for the time being."

Yuan Wuji let out a laugh, and then seemed to think of something, "I remember that in the "Thaumaturgy Record" that I obtained in the Wonders of Mountains and Seas, there is a spell that can be temporarily dealt with."

As he said that, Yuan Wuji took out the "Thaumaturgy Record" that had been pressed at the bottom of the box. There were originally seven pages on it. Because two pages were torn away by someone, the remaining five pages were: Distracting the Soul, Sending the Spirit Techniques, changing bones and changing faces, closing the yuan and closing the breath, stealing the sky and changing the sun.

Among them, "distracting the soul" was performed on Elai, and the soul belonging to the old man Tianjian was extracted.

'Fengyuan closed breath' was also performed on Zui Gufu, and it was handed over to Zonghengzi at the beginning, and Zonghengzi also used this to hide the truth from Kui Yujiang, so he successfully suspended animation.

"Spiritualization technique can separate a piece of spiritual consciousness, entrust it to another person temporarily, and even control its body. But if you want to control the other person's body, the other person must be willing and not resist. If the other party resists, this technique will not only fail, but also have a chance of making you The caster suffered a backlash."

"This technique is really tasteless, but if you have a body with no soul but powerful power..."

After carefully studying this secret technique several times, Yuan Wuji announced to the outside world that he would retreat, and stayed alone in the main hall of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

"With the help of the Qilin's blood, I believe that a complete body will be born soon."

"Although the spirit sending technique can only be manipulated temporarily, it cannot improve the foundation of the body's own strength, or even recover from injuries on its own, but it should be able to deal with it for a period of time."

Yuan Wuji murmured, and began to create according to the method of blood fetus.

Fist-sized blood clots floated in the air, and from time to time, a phantom of a unicorn would growl.

This is not ordinary unicorn blood, but unicorn blood essence, one drop can dissimilate ordinary plants, gold and iron, and it contains majestic energy. Wisdom, affected by the unicorn blood in the body, will also be prone to madness.

However, Yuan Wuji didn't care at the moment, he was very curious about what the creatures he created with his own hands looked like.

Yuan Wuji input the true energy with one hand, and operated the secret method of blood fetus with the other hand.

His Nine Yang True Essence originally contained the power of destruction and creation, so the secret method was extremely smooth.

Qilin's blood was diluted, and his blood became more and more powerful.

"The blood is not enough!"

Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered, and then he tapped his chest suddenly. The next moment, a stream of bright red blood spurted out from his chest and fell into the blood mist.

"Give me a match!"

With Yuan Wuji's vigorous urging, the Qilin blood and his essence blood collapsed and merged with each other immediately.

Yuan Wuji's kung fu is inherently yang, and Qilin also belongs to fire, so the rejection is not great.

The two kinds of blood essence come from the strong, so the blood energy is extremely majestic. Within the blood mist, a body is gradually forming, and the diffuse blood mist is also gradually condensing, turning into a blood fetus.

The continuation of this secret method took a full three hours. Yuan Wuji's true energy in his body was endless, but it was difficult to sustain it after such a long period of continuous consumption, not to mention that he had lost part of his blood. Therefore, his face was extremely pale at the moment.

After another moment, the blood fetus was completely congealed and slowly fell from midair. Yuan Wuji then withdrew his palm, sat on the ground and began to adjust his breath.

"The method of blood fetus is already so labor-intensive. If it is really using the blood element to create life, the consumption required will be terrible. It is also fortunate that I did not die and use the blood element to create life!"

After one night, Yuan Wuji basically recovered by relying on the Nine Suns Divine Art and the powerful recovery power of the True Yang Indestructible Physique.

And outside.

Ni Shenyang decided to give up the plan to exterminate humans and demons, and there was already an undercurrent surging inside Shuyu.

The Lord of Weavers and the Beastmaster also received the notification from the clown puppet, waiting for the opportunity to decide who is the real new leader who will lead the elves.

And Jitan said that he also came to Duyue Bridge, and saw Nongpipa who was tied to a wooden frame covered in blood, his legs were twisted, and unconscious.

"Play the pipa girl! Play the pipa girl!"

Following the infusion of pure Buddhist elements from Jitan's theory, the comatose Nongpipa woke up faintly.

"It's good that you're fine, what happened here?"

Chu Tianxing, who was on the side, was relieved when he saw that Nong Pipa was awake, and then he looked at the corpses all over the place and asked in doubt.

"Hmph! What's the matter?"

At this moment, Yue Qianxun appeared with a cold snort, followed by a group of angry people.

"As the judge of the Duyue Bridge, I wanted to invite you to explain the reason for everyone and make up for the mistakes. I never thought that you would send people to kill all the people here. It is really vicious."

"What nonsense, if it's what we did, I'll kill you first!" Chu Tianxing was dissatisfied at the side, he was already unhappy with this 'mere'.

"Up to now, you are still so arrogant. It seems that the disasters in this world are really caused by you. You are not dead enough to cause the common people to be angry." Yue Qianxun snorted and said with a bad face.

And some people behind him were equally angry, throwing stones at the two of them fiercely.

Chu Tianxing was about to get angry, but Ji Tan said that he raised his hand to stop him, but turned his back to everyone, protected the badly injured Nong Pipa, and let the stone fall on him.

"The Earthquake disaster was indeed caused by my mistake. Now that I have healed, the sins caused during this period will be borne by me alone, and the disaster will not be as good as others. I don't know who did it here, but the girl who played the pipa is now both. With a broken leg and heavy injuries, if we hadn’t come here, we would have died without a doubt, is this too much?”

Ji Tan said that he was not a fool, he just saw the injury on Nong Pipa, so he understood what happened.

This is all left by countless fists and feet, and some people are even murderous hands who rushed to kill Nong Pipa. One can imagine what kind of tragedy Nong Pipa has encountered before.

If someone hadn't come and beheaded the people here, Nong Pipa would have died at this moment.

He already owed the other party a lot, if she died because of this, the blame in his heart would be even heavier.

Ji Tan said that he gently picked up his broken legs, still playing the pipa in a drowsy manner, and left slowly, "After I sort out everything, I will give you an answer, but I hope you don't endanger others. "

"Old Tan, you just let them do this?" Chu Tianxing sighed, and quickly followed, and Chu Tianxing's voice could be heard from a distance, "If you let me know who is so happy to make a move, I will definitely fight with him Let's have a drink."

 Thanks to: Liuquan Xiaolong, Remnant Sword Returning to Life, Ye Yu Zangxiao, Xiao Ping, Zhang Genshuo, Self-drinking, Zixiaoyao and other Taoist friends for their rewards, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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