Chapter 150 Willow Zhe (seeking order)
"Fengdu Tiandeng hears ghosts singing, the origin of the idiot fire shines on idiots!"

Black clothes and black hair, blending with the night.

Sighing sadly, there are already many murderous intentions.

"You're still here after all!"

Zui Gufu's brows were furrowed as always, as if he had a sorrow that could never be resolved. In his hands, the Seven Killing Bow had already been opened.

"Do you know? What I hate most is the traitor. I saved your life and saved Xiao Nanguan's death. And you, is this how you repay me now?"

"Does it still make sense to say that now?"

Zui Gufu's eyes moved slightly, and at the same time as he spoke, Liu Jing reappeared, killing arrows at the same time, proving his choice with actions.

"There are always people in the world who don't cherish life."

Yuan Wuji sighed, and raised his hand a little, the Emperor Bow Rainbow Arrow was bounced away immediately, and the next moment, Yuan Wuji's body was moving like the wind, and he appeared in front of Zui Gufu with a swift and fierce posture.

Nine Suns Excalibur, the sword energy of Zhiyang erupts from the fingertips, like a rainbow.

Zui Gufu stepped back and raised his fist to block.

The result was——

Zui Gufu's arm seemed to be cut by countless blades, covered with scorched marks, and his green robe was already soaked in blood.

Zui Gufu was originally a bowman, suitable for long-distance battles. After being approached by someone, he already lost half of the battle. However, if he was approached by someone who was far superior to him, he didn't die with one move, and the opponent kept his hand.

"Tell me who is behind the scenes, and I will give you a happy time!"

Yuan Wuji waved his sleeve robe, and the strong wind swept across. The drunken man vomited blood again and flew out, smashing three big trees in a row, and then he slowly got up from the ground.

"Hey..." Zui Gufu's mouth overflowed with bright red blood, soaking the clothes on his chest. He smiled miserably, "With your ability, you already knew it, so why bother to ask."

"Still laughing at Nanguan?"

Yuan Wuji stared at Zui Gufu, and said quietly: "Perhaps it would be better for me to help you get rid of Xiao Nanguan's worries at the beginning, that's all, since you cherish this friendship so much, I will send him to reunite with you."

After finishing the words, Yuan Wuji condensed his two fingers, and the Shuangyang sword came out, directly passing through Zui Gufu's throat.

With a sword of impermanence, he was sent into reincarnation, blood poured into the earth, and he also cut off the words of prayer he wanted to say.

"I originally wanted to bind a group of masters by my side with benefits and kindness, but it seems that kindness is really illusory, and benefits can't guarantee that the other party will not go against others. It seems that after all, you still have to rely on yourself. You should laugh at me like a Pleiadian, and directly control it."

"Forget it, let's talk about the future later, it's a pity Zui Gufu, as the first betrayer, you must die!"

"It's just, why does Zui Gufu only have three Emperor Bow Rainbows in his hands, and the other three..."

Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered for a while, the emperor's bow twelve rainbows, he gave six of them to Zui Gufu, one of them was destroyed, and the other five were placed in the treasure house of Wanxiang Tiangong, but now, they are lost three.

"It seems that the other three are likely to have fallen into the hands of the Ghost Qi Lord."

Back in the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji left behind the body of the drunken old man, and even sent someone to announce the fate of the traitors in the rivers and lakes.

Beside Ghost Qizhu, Xiao Nanguan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of anger.

"Did you see it? This is the ruthless view of Kyushu!"

Ghost Qizhu sneered, and his words were seductive, "Drunk Gufu went through life and death for him, and in the end, he didn't even give him a chance to explain. His death is not worth it!"

"Ghost Qi Master, you can't get rid of your guilt for this matter." Xiao Nanguan snorted angrily and said.

"This matter is indeed related to ghosts, but after all, Guan Jiuzhou's heart is cold. These three arrows were given to you by Zui Gufu before his departure. Tonight, in the dark, Guan Jiuzhou's ally Di Ming It will appear, and how to choose in the end depends on yourself!"


Lazy mind.

Heaven, earth, man, and law gather together, and there are 'ghosts' peeping in the dark.

Because, tonight is the day when heaven and earth heal each other's wounds.

Just at the most critical juncture between Heaven and Earth, suddenly, the flames of war reappeared.

"It's a one-sided sinner!" Renjue called softly, and Jun Fengtian took a step aside, and said indifferently: "I will take responsibility."

At the same time as Tian Keming attacked and killed, a cold rainbow, like a thunderbolt, shot from a distant hill at high speed, aiming directly at Di Ming, who was still recovering from his wounds.

"There are people."

Renjue stretched out his palm, and the Emperor Bow and Rainbow Arrow spun extremely fast, blasting Fang Yuan, but in the end it was hard to stop the power of the legend.

"Beacon Fire Light Day·Fast Flame!"

On the top of the mountain, Xiao Nanguan yelled angrily, stretched the Seven Killing Fist to its limit, and the orange rainbow was wound like a blazing flame. The moment the arrow came out, it was like lighting a beacon, and the night sky was reflected in a fiery red.

"Huanyang One Finger!"

Realizing that the power of this arrow is far greater than before, one feels that one finger gathers strength, and then one's cultivation is unpredictable.

While Faru and Renjue were being entangled, on the other side, the ghost unicorn master walked out of the black hole, Gui Yuan raised his hand, and praised Hongtian again, "Burning the sky and the blue dragon seal!"

The killing palm came instantly, just when Tianji and Diming were about to be hit hard, the two of them actually moved at the same time.

"Unparalleled in heaven and earth!"

The sky and the earth worked together, and the mighty palm of the ghost qi master exploded on the spot.

"Blinding method!" Looking at the ghost Qi Lord reappearing on the distant peak, Tian Ji couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Ordinary sorcery, why make a fuss over a molehill!" Di Ming sneered, with a look of disapproval.

But at this moment, a blazing sword energy like the sun descended from the sky, and the target was the Ghost Qi Lord.

"Lie Que Unbounded Taihuang Ghost Strike."

The sudden change made the ghost unicorn master stunned for a moment, but the instinct of the strong has already come out with the ultimate move.

The impact of ghost energy and true flame suddenly caused the peak collapsed under the feet of Ghost Qizhu.

"Counting all the people, this move, the ghosts have recorded it!"

With a cold snort from the ghost unicorn master, the ghost unicorn master has disappeared into the black hole.

The sword is close and the unwilling Xiao Nanguan in the distance also leaves.

"Dare to plot against me, Ghost Qi Master, you have caused big trouble!"

Yuan Wuji snorted angrily, pressed down with his palm, and the giant mountain was smashed into pieces.

"What makes you so angry?"

Di Ming waved the ghost scepter in his hand to clear away the smoke, and asked with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Wuji descended slowly from the sky, his eyes swept over the sky, earth, people, and law, and now he regained his composure, "Ghost Qi Lord's hand is too long, I will solve it myself."

"Huh? Do you know each other?" Very Jun looked at Di Ming curiously, and asked with 'doubt'.

"Ha!" Di Ming chuckled, raised his hand, and said, "Let me introduce formally, this is the ally of Dazzler."

"The ally of the earth and the underworld, this makes Mr. Fei very curious. I don't know if I am lucky enough to be invited to Juehai Mijin for a glimpse of the scenery."

The people on the side felt surprised, and suddenly said.

"I've heard of the name of Ren Jue before, so I'm lucky enough to be invited." Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, although he didn't know what Ren Jue was planning, but being able to get in touch with him at a close distance was also beneficial.

"Those friends, we will leave first, please!"

Watching the two disappear, Tian Ji's eyes froze, and he snorted and said, "Di Ming, you're also looking for help?"

"Why not?" Di Ming turned around, glanced at Jun Fengtian, and said with a chuckle, "We are now an alliance of interests, Tianji, are you afraid?"

"Cut..." Tianji raised his middle finger, shook at Diming, with a look of contempt on his face, "It doesn't matter what alliance you have, as long as you are doing harm to the common people, Tianji can take care of you together."

"Tianji, Dazzler thinks that you should correct your bragging habits, otherwise, if you can't do it, wouldn't it be embarrassing, hahaha..."

Accompanied by the sound of laughter, Di Ming has turned into nothingness, leaving only the reverberating sound.

 Thank you: Little Five Bleeding Blood, Don't Hit My Brother Afraid, Infinite Darkness Emperor, Who Let Me Seal the Sword, Liuying Life, You Yuanteng, God, Demon and Saint King are all taken up and other rewards from fellow Taoists.Originally, I would continue to save the manuscript today, and it would explode tomorrow, but everyone knows that I talked about the condition of my eyes yesterday, and today there was an extra white spot. I went to buy eye drops, and slowly squeezed it out in the afternoon, but the sight disappeared after a while. It will be blurry, and the eyes are very astringent. It feels like there is a foreign object in the eyeball, which seriously affects the code words. I didn’t write much, and the update is late. I am very sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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