Chapter 151

On the other side, Le Xunyuan, Tianzhizhu, God of War and others also entered the blood nest.

At this time, Clown Puppet also appeared in front of everyone.

"Duantiantu and the people behind it are the gods of the underworld who came to cut off Ni Shenyang's power. You don't need to worry about how he does it. As long as one of you can complete this disaster, when Duantiantu has no use value , whoever is the league coach."

The clown puppet glanced at several people one by one, finally landed on Le Xunyuan, and asked, "Which of you is willing to take on this important task."

"This..." Le Xunyuan's eyes flickered for a while, and various thoughts emerged in his mind, considering the pros and cons.

"As long as the plan to exterminate humans and demons can be completed, I don't care who is the coach."

God of War Ni looked at Tianzhizhu next to him, "Tianzhizhu, what do you think?"

"Hmph! Humans and devils are despicable, since that's the case, then I will do my part!"

Master Tian Weaver snorted coldly, and stepped forward, at this moment, Leng Miu stretched out his hand to grab Master Tian Weaver's arm, "Poppy, Poppy, do you really want to do this?"

"Huh?" Tianzhizhu turned around in doubt, but at this moment he no longer had the previous tenderness, "Leng Mimiao, you once said that you came to help me, what do you mean now?"

Speaking of this, Master Tianzhi's voice became even colder.

The sudden change made Leng Mimiao full of astonishment, and his heart was even more puzzled, "It is clear that Poppy and Poppy's mood was calm before, why is it now?"

Although thinking like this, but in order to find out the root cause, Leng Mimiao has already let go, and said with concern: "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side, you have to be careful!"

"rest assured."

The Lord of Heaven Weaver replied confidently, and then activated the blood-dark power bestowed by the underworld, gradually attracting the mother of blood worms.

During this period, Le Xunyuan remained silent, apparently not trying to force himself to stand out.

After going through all kinds of things, Le Xunyuan has grown up long ago, and has become a cunning and popular actor. He deeply understands that if he releases the plague, he will only drive himself to a dead end, and there is no room for buffering against the righteous way.

And it's all right if the Heaven Weaver Lord is in the top position, after all, he also saved the Heaven Weaver Lord back then, so he still has a favor.

Following the release of the blood worms by the Lord of Heaven Weaver relying on the method recorded in the blood-dark disaster map, in just a few days, there was a lot of mourning, and another round of tragedy happened.


At this time, Ying Chaoyang and Ren Pingsheng's duel date has also arrived.

In the secluded grove, Ying Chaoyang had been waiting for a long time.

As a gust of wind blew by, blowing the fallen leaves all over the ground, a white-haired figure with a bamboo hat on his head came with a stick, "Let's look for the scenery in the mountains and rivers, why bother to fight for names? Bamboo sticks and straw shoes lightly beat horses, and the world is vast. I will."

"Ren Pingsheng, today's battle will end love and hatred!"

Jidao was unsheathed, emitting a cold light, which made the space freeze.

"The rivers and lakes, when has there been less love and hatred, why not add hatred!"

Ren Pingsheng held the white jade dust whisk sword in his hand, like a cold jade sword, exuding a trace of air-conditioning, at the end of the hilt, there was a white sword tassel, each root was as straight as a needle.

Although this sword can't be as compatible as the Danfeng sword that has been with him for hundreds of years, the material of Wannian Hanyu is also conducive to his body.

"Very well, this kind of battle doesn't count as me taking advantage of others!"

Ying Chaoyang glanced at the sword in Ren Pingsheng's hand, his eyes were fixed, the sword had arrived, showing extreme speed.

Dangdang Dangdang!
After several collisions, the two swords shot cold stars and sparks.

One is as cold as jade, and the other is as hot as iron.

The collision of two extreme opposite forces caused the sword in his hand to bear a strong impact.

The collision of the swords and the mutual restraint of the martial arts indicate that this battle is in full swing.

"Making up the wind, pouring into the sea and sinking into the mountains, calming down and observing, and being extremely self-improving."

The old man of Tianjian uses the esoteric meaning of the extremely single front, reappearing the realm of the sword with me.

"If the enemy advances, I will retreat, and if the enemy is exhausted, I will advance. The cloud is uncertain, the flowing water is endless, the sword is hidden, and the concealment is a single front."

Ren Pingsheng is in the same fate as the hidden single front of the right wing of the hidden stream - the sword without self.

Left and right single front, with me, without me, continues the battle hundreds of years ago.

Today, the two have already embarked on their own new paths.

This sword is an unfinished battle for proof, and it is also a battle between good and bad.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of strokes have passed, showing the essence of extreme single striker and concealed single striker.

"Very well, after the hearty battle, it's time to witness our new realm!"

Ying Chaoyang laughed loudly, his eyes burst into light, and the whole body was filled with flames, suddenly Fang Yuan felt like a furnace for several miles.

"It seems that in order to deal with me, you really have prepared a lot."

Ren Pingsheng's eyes froze, the contest was a matter of victory and defeat, keeping moves was disrespectful to the opponent, and the chill all over his body also broke out.

"You're wrong, I'm not just dealing with you, I just want you to know that without Jiuxiao Suhan, Ying Chaoyang can also walk out of her own way of the sword."

Ying Chaoyang's sword is pushing the limit, and the Jue Shi is the first to appear, "Sword of Purgatory!"

Combining the sword moves of Ji Shanfeng and Elai with the effect of integrating the red flame marrow body now, with one sword out, the earth ignites fire, and the body is seamless.

"Troubleshoot the Nine Heavens of Frost and Snow."

Ren Pingsheng wielded the white jade dust whisk sword, the extremely frozen true energy stimulated the cold energy of the famous sword, and suddenly the sky and the ground were snowing, the cold and heat opposed each other, and Fang Yuan's land, grass, trees, and rocks were unable to withstand the force, and they cracked one after another.

"Sword Into the Infinite Slashes the Ghost Hero."

Ying Chaoyang didn't retreat half a step, went against the trend, the surrounding flames exploded, the sword was fast and ruthless, and he killed him with one move.

Facing the fierce and brutal sword, Ren Pingsheng did not dare to be careless, and suddenly realized, "The sword in the rivers and lakes is cold, life and death are ruthless, and thousands of snows and mountains will not be left behind."

The two swords collided, and the power of extreme cold and heat erupted at the same time, the ground was cracked, and the two of them were sent flying against the trend.

Ying Chaoyang had just been revived and returned for a few months, and he was not as good as Ren Pingsheng at all, but after merging the red flame essence, his cultivation was improved, and with the power of restraint, he was able to fight like he is now.

The same is true for Ren Pingsheng on the opposite side. He lost the sword that has been with him for hundreds of years, and his swordsmanship is not smooth enough.

Therefore, the two of them are in the same situation at the moment, which one is stronger and which one is weaker can only depend on the ability to respond to the enemy.

"The last move, regardless of life or death, kills both with one sword!"

Ying Chaoyang wiped away the redness from the corner of his mouth, tightly grasped the axe, and the fiery true energy flowed out of his body.

At this moment, all explanations are meaningless, only the sword will determine the outcome.

"Then use your sword!"

Ren Pingsheng reappeared the extreme sword, and the complex eyes at this moment could only be silent as an abyss, "Jiuxiao Shahan—"

The extreme freezing cold urges everything to condense into frost, from hot summer to cold winter.

"Burning the sky and refining the sky."

Yingchaoyang's sword points to the sky, the sky freezes with fire clouds, the sword guides the flow of flames, and refines the sky.

"Han Shan's wish to return to the world of mortals."

Famous swords intertwined, no regrets for one sword.

The wind stopped.

Black hair and white hair crossed to the ground.

At the same time, two streams of bright red blood spurted from the chests of both sides, staining the devastated earth red.

"Ren Pingsheng, the grievances and grievances are over. From now on, you and I will be strangers, ahem..."

Ying Chaoyang leaned on the sword in one hand, and walked towards the distance while holding the gradually scorched and bleeding wound on his heart with the other.


Once the century-old friendship is exhausted, the world is a passerby from now on.

The love and hatred, hatred and resentment, right and wrong, right and wrong that are entangled in the hearts of the two are no longer important.

Because, from today onwards, they are strangers.

 Sort out the changes owed, and try to make up for it this week: four changes for the two hall masters, one change for the Baizhang monthly ticket, and the previously promised recommendation votes reached [-] plus one change. In the future, every [-] monthly tickets, [-] recommendation tickets Reach), all add one update, and Wan Reward too.

(End of this chapter)

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