Chapter 152
"The bright moon never returns to sink!"

"It's really a secluded and elegant place."

Yuan Wuji and Renjue went through the Juehai Maze together, looking at the elegant environment, he couldn't help but said with emotion.

"There is really no one else here except me and the boy Xi Yan'er. It is a good place to live in seclusion."

Very Jun also chuckled, with a comfortable tone of voice.

It seems that when stepping into this place, all calculations and darkness can be temporarily thrown away.

"Juejun, you finally want to go home again!"

At this time, a boy with red hair and a charcoal face came out from behind with a teasing look on his face.

"What, you want to show off your skills again?" Jun Fei smiled, turned his head and said.

Xi Yan'er laughed, and said as a matter of course: "I make a living by inhaling aromas, and of course studying food is my biggest hobby."

"I want to show off my skills..." Jun Fei shook his head, "Wait a moment, please make me a pot of Juexin tea first."

"Huh? I want to make tea again..."

Xi Yan'er was stunned for a moment, with a gloomy expression on her face, she turned around and muttered in a low voice, still dissatisfied: "I hate making tea the most, and I'm going to pick up that bland white-feathered pine branch again."

"Stop complaining, go!"

"Ah!" Xi Yan'er sighed, and said angrily in a low voice: "Sooner or later, I will chop off that white feather pine."

"Sorry for making you laugh."

Jun Fei shook his head helplessly, turned around and said to Yuan Wuji.

"It's okay, it's also a pleasure to see such a warm scene."

Yuan Wuji smiled slightly, and the two sat facing each other.

"I heard that you and the master of Shenpanjuan, Shengtian Banzi, the chess player, are brothers?"

After chatting for a while, Mr. Fei finally got to the point.

"It used to be." Yuan Wuji's eyes showed a look of disappointment, and then turned into ice-cold, "Now there is only hatred between me and him!"

This subtle change is naturally seen in the eyes of the very gentleman, and he said calmly: "It is better to resolve the enemy than to end it, not to mention that you are brothers, I wonder if you can tell the reason of the matter to the very gentleman? The very gentleman is willing to mediate."

"Huh?" Yuan Wuji murmured, and on the opposite side, the very Jun You quickly said, "It's the very Jun who is presumptuous."

"It's okay!"

Yuan Wuji shook his head, and said: "I came from the same sect as him, and we have been cultivating together for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, when the master became immortal, he secretly entered the key place and used strange books to steal the heavenly secret. After being discovered , and even took actions to disrupt the master's eclosion process, causing the master to be frozen for many years and unable to reappear, and he also defected from the master's school, and there is no news."

"The strange book steals the heavenly secret?" Very Junmu was puzzled.

"You're right. It's the so-called Twelve Books of Panic. Although I don't know what he knows, it's unpredictable. The moment he stole it, everything began to change."

"And because I sensed that the catastrophe was approaching and sensed his aura, I came to the world with the treasure in the door. In addition to resisting the catastrophe, I also wanted to catch him and return to the teacher's door to absolve him!"

"It turns out that there are such complicated stories in this story, who is your master?" Mr. Fei asked in a dazed manner, at the same time.

"The master has been hiding from the world for a long time, and has taken on the burden of guarding the forbidden area. Forgive me for not being able to speak clearly."

"It doesn't matter, this is the reason. However, I have been cultivating for hundreds of years. If I think he rebelled, there must be a reason. Why don't you invite him to talk about it afterwards and ask him about the root cause on your behalf. Perhaps a misunderstanding can also be avoided."

"Guan Jiuzhou will not stop people from doing what they think. However, the grievances between me and him cannot be resolved easily."

After saying yes, Yuan Wuji also stood up, "Thank you Renjue for your hospitality, Guan Kyushu should return to the strange city of mountains and seas."


Looking at the back of Yuan Wuji going away, very Jun's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind her, and Xi Yan'er scratched her head, "Huh? People left before drinking tea. It seems that I'm not the only one who doesn't like tea!"


Within the Defeng Ancient Road.

Mo Qingchi and Tan Qiqi sat opposite each other.

After a long time, Tan Xiqi was the first to break the silence, and said with a chuckle, "Why does Shengsi look at me like this? Could it be that he has doubts about my return? Or does he feel that I have ulterior motives?"

Mo Qingchi neither nodded nor shook his head, his eyes were like an abyss, "Xuan Miao, you and I have known each other for hundreds of years, you should know each other's personality, you know what I'm worried about."

"Hmm..." Tan Xiqi groaned for a while, then nodded slightly, "That's right, the timing of my return is indeed a coincidence, not to mention, I was with the chess player Sheng Tianbanzi before, you really should have reasons to doubt, seeing now Shengsi is still so thoughtful, so I am relieved."

"So, why did you decide to come back this time?" Mo Qingchi would not let it go lightly. The situation is complicated now. The Confucianism sect has just cleared out the traitors and sorted everything out. Only then can Buddhism and Taoism be recognized, and there can be no more chaos now. .

In particular, he is well aware of Tan Qiqi's provocative nature, so he has to guard against it.

"Hey!" Tan Xiqi sighed, "Am I such a vicious person in the eyes of Shengsi?"

"What are you talking about?"

At this moment, Sui approached for no reason, and looked at the two with a strange expression.

"Nothing, just catch up with Xuan Miao." Mo Qingchi stood up slowly and said with a smile.

All of this is naturally seen in the eyes, Mo Qingchi's eyes looking at Yuan Cangming are very similar to the eyes he used to look at Yuan Cangming back then, even worse.

"Perhaps, Cangming made him feel unreasonable at the beginning, so he loved him so much!"

Tan Qiqi shook his head, got up slowly, and said to the two of them: "Although the Confucianism case has been clarified, the holy sword is still outside. Since he is the son of Xi Duanhong and Zhannian, we may be able to get back together in their original place." I have lived in Qinglao Mountain for a long time to find clues."

"Love Mountain Realm?"

Mo Qingchi squinted his eyes, then nodded in agreement, "Alright, there is no room for us in Confucianism. Now we should find the sword and help him regain his sanity."

For this matter, Sui Wuyuan naturally agrees, after all, Jian Zhiji is also his half-brother.


For several days, Saint King's injury has been suppressed, and Jing Chusheng is taking care of him for the time being.

During this period, Hate Wufeng also learned of this change.

At this moment, Hate Wufeng was standing outside the strange city of mountains and seas, lost in thought.

"Who should I trust?"

With a murmur, it also revealed the hesitation and helplessness of the swordsman.

As it was about Chu Yi's life, Hate Wufeng had to be cautious.

He couldn't accept the life without Chu Yi, so he hesitated, the struggle in his heart was beyond comprehension for ordinary people.

He can't make a single step wrong, because he can't bear the price of mistakes.

Just as Hate Wufeng was struggling, the sound of footsteps came from behind.

Hate Wufeng slowly raised his head, the complexities in his eyes disappeared, replaced by the same determination as before.

His weak side will only be revealed in front of Chu Yi.

"Are you here for the sake of Drunken Gufu?"

Yuan Wuji stopped in his tracks, "This is Tianxiang Cardamom. If Jing Chuyi takes it, she will wake up, but it also symbolizes that her vitality will start to pass away again. This thing is now in your hands. It is up to you when to use it." Decide."

Hate Wufeng turned around slowly, took a deep look at Yuan Wuji, and put away the Tianxiang cardamom, "I will come again next time."

After finishing speaking, Hate Wufeng no longer hesitated, and left directly.

"Where are you going?" Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Ghost Qi Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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