Chapter 153 Nine Layers Underground Battle
The Nine Layers Terrace was silent for a long time.

Today we ushered in three figures again.

It was Ni Shenyang, Huang Yang Yaoxue and Die Xiaoyue.

Because in this life, Ni Shenyang has not yet reversed Jinyuan, his strength is still there, and there are chess players involved, so no one dares to be too intimidating.

Moreover, Ni Shenyang is the person Guan Jiuzhou promised to solve, so Di Ming did not intervene in this matter within the deadline.

"The fate of the elves!"

Ni Shenyang looked at Jiuchongtai for a long time. He was the master of hunting universe and the leader of elves when he came here to participate in the event. The blood dark crystal tower has just been opened, and he is invincible in the world.

Now, besides Yaoxue, all the clansmen and comrades-in-arms have betrayed, how ironic.

"Yaoxue, you wait for me outside, I will come back as soon as I go."

Having made a decision, Ni Shenyang no longer hesitated, turned around and said something to Huang Yang Yaoxue and Die Xiaoyue, and then walked towards Jiuchongtai.

"Yangshen, you have to be careful..."

Die Xiaoyue shouted with worry on her face, Ni Shenyang just paused, and then stepped on the Jiuzhongtai.

Today's Jiuzhongtai has eight marks, and its overall power has become stronger.

The first level, the sword of nature, uses the sword energy to condense into vegetation, and the moment you step into it, you will be surrounded by infinite sword energy.

This sword can stop ordinary masters, but for Ni Shenyang, it's just a matter of luck, and he can clear the level with a single slap of his palm.

The second layer, the darkness and void, suddenly radiated light, as if a great sun appeared out of thin air, distorting everything.

The next moment, countless beams of sword energy erupted, Nishen raised his brows and frowned, moved his feet, and the Xuan'ao Yinjue was running, drawing all the sword energy in the future, and then he turned his backhand palm, the sword energy flipped, and the sword array broke!
The third level, the fourth level...

Even though Jiuchongtai's remaining moves have been increased and become stronger than before, Ni Shenyang's strength is also stronger than that of Kui Yujiang.

However, starting from the fifth level, Ni Shen Yang's speed also slowed down in the face of heaven, earth, people, and Fa Liu's moves.

At this time, Renjue very gentleman visited Shengtian Peak.

On the other side, Yuan Wuji's body used the art of sending spirits again, and manipulated Duantiantu to come to Jiuchongtai, "The fire eclipses the sun and the world is miserable, and the red bird sings and all living beings mourn."

"It's you!"

Surprised to see the person coming, Huang Yangyao threw out the snow knife instantly, and the person blocked Die Xiaoyue's body.

"Ni Shenyang wants to change his fate, but he doesn't know that he will never be able to escape from the cage. However, in order to put some pressure on him, you all, sacrifice your lives!"

With a sound of "death", the fiery red cloak flickered like a ball of flames burning behind him, and at the same time, a huge fire unicorn came to kill him.

"Raging snow and wind."

Like a snow white knife slashing down angrily, the wind and snow circled like a dragon, colliding with the fire unicorn.

"Fire Dragon Piercing Mountain!"

When Huang Yang Yaoxue makes a move, Duan Tiantu's body moves instantly, and the fire power gathers a little bit of force. If a fire dragon attacks a fortified point, it will attack Huang Yang Yaoxue directly.

The two fought against each other, but seeing Duan Tiantu's eyes flashed with flames. At some point, Zhuo Shi Lieyan had been integrated into his eyes, and now he suddenly showed power, two fiery beams poured into his body, and Huang Yang Yaoxue was immediately injured. The power body is restrained.


Huang Yang Yaoxue spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely ugly, but Duan Tiantu was not going to give him a chance, "Practice the fire and burn the fist."

With a deep shout, Duan Tiantu punched Huang Yang Yaoxue with all the strength in his body.

"Snowy mountains and rivers." Huang Yang Yaoxue's expression also changed, forcibly suppressing the fire energy in his body, and the snow knife slashed at extreme speed, as if a snow mountain was condensed to block in front of him.

With a roar, the earth trembled, and the iron fist came again.


Huang Yang Yaoxue flew out, and he was injured by the restraint of Burning Eyes, and the Qilin Zhenyan of Duan Tianlu suppressed the elves to a certain extent, causing Huang Yang Yaoxue to be severely injured soon.


On Shengtian Peak.

Very welcome to visit.

The two chatted for a long time, pretending not to know each other's identity.

From charming characters to delicacies from mountains and seas, it was time to get to the point, "I didn't expect that you are also a gourmet. If there is a chance, I must let you come and taste my family's Xi Yaner's cuisine."

"You can get such high praise from the very gentleman. It seems that your little boy is really extraordinary. If you have the opportunity to play chess, you will definitely disturb him."

"The moon does not return, Shen looks forward to your presence."

After getting acquainted for a while, Mr. Fei finally revealed his intention for this visit. Of course, this is only the superficial intention.

"I heard that you and the Lord of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace count the common people Guan Jiuzhou are brothers. I had the honor to meet with him a few days ago, and I learned some of your grievances from him, but both of you are capable people. Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, and I don’t know what your Excellency means if you want to mediate on your behalf?"


The chess player chuckled lightly, playing with taste: "Did he tell you that I betrayed my teacher and spied on the secrets of heaven?"

"This..." Mr. Fei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "It is indeed so."

"I don't deny this."

The chess player took a sip of his tea, which he exchanged from the system, and the taste was excellent, "But he is not much better than me. The Wanxiang Tiangong is a part of the most precious treasure in the gate, and it is absolutely impossible to allow it to be taken away. In his hands, the meaning is self-evident."

"Hey!" Mr. Fei Fei sighed, "It seems that this time Renjue still can't reconcile the conflict between you two."

"Human nature is inherently complicated. Ghosts face people's hearts, and people face ghosts' hearts. It's like heaven and earth facing each other. The relationship between me and Guan Kyushu cannot be reversed."

The chess player stood up and left a very meaningful sentence.

Very Jun's pupils constricted, and he sighed calmly, "It seems that people feel that I am really not competent as a peacemaker. The two friends of heaven and earth are hostile, and now the two new friends can't get along peacefully. Made me doubt myself."

"Ha!" The chess player smiled softly, "Don't underestimate yourself!"


Love old mountain.

In order to find the sword and the holy sword.

Mo Qingchi, Sui Wuyuan, and Tan Qiqi came hand in hand.

You Qi sighed strangely, and when he came back here again, his eyes were filled with emotion, as if it had been a lifetime away.

"Xuan Miao has been here?"

In this world, Mo Qingchi noticed the strange change and asked curiously.

Tan Xiqi pursed his lips, shook his head and said, "Can I say that I almost died here?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"After saying goodbye to you last time, I intended to find out the secret of Shan Feng, so I came here after looking for the information about Xi Duanhong and Zhan Nian on the sealed list, but I didn't expect to encounter Shan Feng criminals halfway. I am now a dead man."

Sigh pointed to his neck, where there was a slight scorching mark, which was a mark he left on purpose to warn him.

"Sorry, he..."

On the side, Sui hurriedly walked in front of Tan Qiqi for no reason, with a guilty expression on his face.

"You don't have to feel guilty, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Looking at the unreasonable seriousness on his face, he sighed and shook his head secretly in his heart, "It's no wonder that Shengsi would protect his purity of heart like this, it's really rare."

 The eyes are basically healed, and I will try to make up for it.

  Thanks to: Lone Wolf Xiaoyue 2016, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, Shen Mo Sheng Wang are all occupied, Memories of Dream Snow, Zen Deng Ku Buddha and other Taoist friends for their rewards and monthly tickets, recommended tickets for your support, thank you !

(End of this chapter)

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