Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 154 Chaotic War [3rd update, 3 recommended votes plus more]

Chapter 154 Chaotic War [Third update, [-] recommended votes plus update]

While the three were looking for it, suddenly, the flames of war reappeared.

The devastated battlefield is covered with scorch marks.

The murderous intent came in an instant.

The Tanlang sword appeared, and the silver-white sword body was densely covered with evil spirits. During the clash of the holy swords, the holy energy and the evil spirit collided with each other.

"For the third time, you are not so lucky!"

Sighing with a swirl of the long sword, the sword energy melted, and the Zheng Cong sword sounded.

In the blink of an eye, there were already staggered figures and several blows.

At this time, Mo Qingchi and Sui Wudu also arrived at the same time.

"Is it true that there is no consciousness at all?"

Amidst the sound of the sword's cry, Jian Zhiji had nothing to fear, only to kill indifferently, and his move was dangerous and fatal.


With a hoarse roar, the killing intent became more ferocious.

With one against three, even if the Holy Sword is powerful, it will still be suppressed.

Just when the eyes of Sui Wuyuan and the others showed joy, and they were about to grab the sword, suddenly, a black hole appeared behind Sui Wudu, and a hand holding a fan ruthlessly hit Sui Wudu's vest.

With a sudden slap, Suiwu was severely injured and rushed forward.

Seeing a good opportunity, the sword was ruthlessly struck from a short distance away, and a sword pierced into Wudu's chest.

"Be careful for no reason!"

Seeing this, Mo Qingchi's face changed drastically, Mingyi Zhengsheng radiated dazzling brilliance, and blocked the edge of the holy sword, but the ultimate move came again from behind, and Sui tried his best to block it for no reason, and then vomited bright red.

"Dongxing Tiandi Jian Wushuang."

Just when the ghost unicorn master praised his ultimate move again, he sighed and appeared at the same time, temporarily blocking the ghost unicorn master's magic power.

"Hmph! This time you are lucky!"

The ghost unicorn's eyes moved slightly, he glanced indifferently and sighed in surprise, then he snorted coldly, swept away the situation with his palm, and then rushed into the black hole vortex at the same time as Jian Zhiji, and disappeared without a trace.

"Is he the ghost unicorn master?"

Mo Qingchi coughed a few times, suppressed the turbulent breath in his body, turned around to look at Tan Qiqi, and said solemnly: "Xuan Miao, thanks to having you here this time."

"Yes! If it weren't for your assistance, Shengsi and I might be in danger this time."

On the side, Suiwu also suppressed the injuries in his body, and said gratefully.

"I believe that Shengsi's means are more than that. Even if there is no self, your lives will not be in danger."

Tan Qiqi chuckled, glanced at a hidden corner, and said disapprovingly.


And on the Nine Stages, Ni Shenyang has climbed the Seventh Stage at this moment.

Below, Huang Yangyao leaned on the ground with a snow knife and knelt on one knee, his snow-colored clothes were stained red with blood.

Snow and blood complement each other.


Duan Tiantu's eyes narrowed, he drew back his vicious fire energy, and made a palm print towards Huang Yangyao Xue Tianling.

In the lore move, Die Xiaoyue behind her was very anxious and shouted loudly, but Duan Tiantu was unmoved.

At the moment of death, a blood-red knife swept over.

"Who dares to touch my Xiaoyue!"

A swift and violent figure suddenly appeared with white and yellow hair flying, and the butterfly knife on the waist symbolized the identity of the visitor, "The bad guy has the courage of the bad guy, the rules have the regular eyebrows, the killer has the angle of the killer, the game It has the charm of a game."

"you again!"

At this moment, Tianzhizhu, Beastmaster and others came to help, Huangyang Gengri stared at Mr. Butterfly with an unkind expression, and as soon as his words fell, he saw several sword winds sweeping towards him.

"Where there is him, there is me, your sword follow the wind hero!"

"Hmph, if you dare to meddle in my affairs, then you will die together!"

Duan Tiantu's eyes froze, and the Huolin sword was unsheathed.

"Last time, I didn't have time to deal with you in order to restore the territory of Shenzhou. This time, let's fight to the fullest!" Although Mr. Butterfly's sword is red, its sharpness is particularly cold.

One is bright red and the other is fiery red.

Knife and sword collide with the most brilliant sparks.

"Butterfly Slashing Flames!"

Mr. Butterfly's shot is extreme, and the bright red sword blazes open the sea.

"Fire Eclipse Sun!"

Duan Tianlu does not retreat but advances, the airtightness of the fire lin sword dance, the eclipse sword technique combined with the unicorn blood of this body and the fire element in this body, exerts a power far beyond the original.

Coupled with the increase of the fire unicorn sword, countless sword qi erupted, condensing a ferocious fire unicorn, stepping on the fire cloud, swallowing the sky and eclipsing the sun.

There was a loud explosion, and the battlefield became anxious again.

And at this moment, on the Nine Layer Stage, Ni Shenyang finally waited for the top with difficulty.

"Let me see the so-called elf ending!"

With a determined expression, Ni Shenyang walked forward slowly, and the moment his palm touched the scroll of panic, pictures appeared in front of his eyes.

Fierce Eye Irrigation, Reversal of Forbidden Yuan, Death of Miaoer, Tiger Falling into Pingyang, Seeds of Hope, Self-Buried Homeland.

"Is this? The original context?"

"Could it be that Geng Ri and the others became extreme because of the seeds of hope?"

Just when Ni Shenyang was puzzled, a burst of extreme sword energy suddenly shot out from the scroll of Shen Pan. It was so powerful that the situation changed, making it unpredictable.

Ni Shenyang, who had already exhausted most of his energy to climb to the top, faced a strong sword and had no choice but to retreat and fall down the nine-fold platform.

As soon as it landed, the ultimate move has arrived.

Ni Shenyang blocked it violently, and Fang felt that the situation was chaotic.

"You still dare to chase?"

The spirit's pressing step by step made Ni Shenyang even more angry, and with a wave of his big hand, several people were knocked into the air.

"Ni Shenyang, you can't leave today."

God of War Yan replaced Duan Tiantu to block Mr. Butterfly, while Duan Tiantu had already killed Ni Shenyang.

The sharp fire sword urges the ultimate sword glow, burning Cangyu.

From time to time, the eyes shot out beams of scorching light, even Ni Shenyang was restrained.

In particular, Ni Shenyang, who had just boarded Jiuchongtai, was no longer in his heyday, and was unable to show his divine power for a while.

But on Shengtian Peak, Mr. Fei turned around in doubt, "What is the sound of this battle?"

"Huh?" The deputy body also pretended to be puzzled, and then looked in the direction of Jiuzhongtai, "There is something wrong with Jiuzhongtai, let's go check it out."

After finishing speaking, the two turned into streamers and appeared outside the battlefield.

"When you wake up and have a good dream, let the bamboo be cold and the pines be cold. Xuanyuan's affairs, ancient and modern, romantic rivers and mountains. Intoxicated with a white head, relax and become a grand view. Wake up, also in the world; dream, also in the world."

Golden nectar descended from the sky, nourishing everything. Amidst the rain, a figure in a yellow robe and a golden umbrella descended from the sky.

"It's you!"

Master Tianzhi said in a concentrated voice, and the God of War Ni and Leng Miu who were on the side also waited intently. When they were talking about repairing the earth's veins, they were blocked by the very king.

"It turned out to be you, can you guys stop for the time being because of Renjue's face?"

Facing his former opponent, Mr. Wei smiled slightly, and greeted him like a friend for many years.

"Everyone, can you tell Mr. Fei what happened and why you are so hostile?"

The very king looked at both sides in doubt. After all, Ni Shenyang, Tianzhizhu and others belong to the same elves, but now they are facing each other with swords and swords, which makes people suspicious.

"Human race, why are you everywhere!"

Lord Tianzhi snorted coldly, if he hadn't been afraid of Wei Jun's strength, he would have already made a move.


Very Jun shook his head helplessly, and sighed, "This remark makes very very sad."

"The very gentleman just wants everyone to be in harmony. Killing lives will only increase casualties, and it will inevitably leave behind irresolvable hatred!"

"This matter is an internal matter of the elves, and I hope that the very Lord will not intervene."

Duan Tiantu gave a slight salute to Renjue, then looked at Ni Shenyang, and said coldly: "Ni Shenyang, if you want to completely solve the matter of elves, let's fight to the death in the old place of Shuyu in seven days' time!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Tiantu snorted coldly, and led Tianzhizhu and others to evacuate.

Ni Shenyang didn't stop it, because he was still thinking about the seed of hope.

If this is the case, then he must not let it go.

 Everyone, vote quickly, and one chapter will be added for every 100 recommended votes, and one chapter will be added for every [-] chapters of monthly tickets.

  I wanted to write more today, but because of my eye problems two days ago, I only have three updates today, and I will try to write more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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