Chapter 155
Seven days later was also the deadline agreed between Yuan Wuji and Di Ming.

Therefore, no matter what, Yuan Wuji must take the proper gesture and not miss the appointment without reason.

As for the decisive battle seven days later...

Yuan Wuji stroked his chin, and began to calculate in his heart.

"It's impossible for me and Ni Shenyang to fight to the death. This time is completely different from the battle with the vice body. After all, this is for real. If I am not careful, my life will be in danger."

"And I and Di Ming are just using each other. If Di Ming has a chance to kill me, I'm afraid I don't mind giving me this variable. What's more, there is Ghost Qi Lord watching. If it is severely injured, it will not be worth the loss.

It is absolutely impossible to make wedding dresses for others, and you can only pick peaches and live like this. "

Yuan Wuji's eyes kept flickering, and he gradually sorted out the context, "So, after seven days, I must have a sufficient reason for not being able to participate in the battle. Moreover, Ni Shenyang should already know about the Seed of Hope at this moment. With his current strength, he should Will you kiss the devil's tears?"

Yuan Wuji murmured that although Diming was in a weak stage of mutual healing of injuries, this was just a cover-up, otherwise he would have found a chance to kill Diming.

"Well...then Diming should have no time to avatar at this moment, and although the ghost unicorn boarded the Jiuzhongtai at the beginning, according to my preset settings, what he saw should only be about the ghost prison, not the future, no matter the ghost unicorn. If he wants to get rid of Jun Fengtian, he should still follow the original plan, and the traces of heaven are his must-get goals.

Therefore, the ghost unicorn master will not let go of this opportunity to deal with Tianji. It seems that it is time for the auxiliary body and the ghost unicorn master to play a role together. "


On the Defeng Ancient Road, Yu Lijing has already learned about the plague, and has already begun to dispatch the people of the Defeng Ancient Road to gather the people.

Tianji also ordered the third person in the world to find Ni Shenyang, ask about the plague, and want to find a solution.

And in Youjie, Jiuying, Wuwu, and Zhuqueyi also gathered in the hometown of the saints.

"According to the news from the Demon Monarch, he was attacked by someone last time, which caused the wound that was pierced by the Cambrian Period to explode again during the Jingyou war. Only people from Ji Juexue can relieve the gunshot wound."

"Holy Mother, I and Infinity will now go to find the descendants of the Cambrian Period and save the Demon Lord."

Suzaku Yi on the side immediately asked Ying, as if wanting to share the worries of the Virgin.

Jiuying sighed, and said with sadness: "The Cambrian and my Youjie are enemies, and it may not be easy for him or his descendants to save the Demon King, and the Cambrian has long since disappeared, so this matter is even more difficult." Disaster."

"I met the descendant of the Cambrian period when he was transformed into Jiuqianqiu. He is Lone Star Tears."

"It's him!"

Jiuying also showed surprise. Gu Xinglei was the one who accompanied the life trainee to complete the final journey, and was also one of the people who severely injured the demon king.

"Except for him, according to what Emperor Yuliang and others said back then, the Cambrian was the first emperor's gun, and Hongchenxue learned the Cambrian's spear moves. Maybe looking for her can heal the Cambrian's wound on the Demon Lord. According to Zonghengzi's back then, Judging from the battle with Young Master Yuan, Hong Chenxue should still be in the strange city of mountains and seas."

"You guys have said in this battle that there are many masters in the strange city of mountains and seas, so I'm afraid they won't agree easily."

"The Holy Mother doesn't need to worry. Zonghengzi understands the plight best. I can ask Zonghengzi about this matter."

Unlimited calmly said that he had cooperated with Zonghengzi to plot Kui Yujiang before, and then he used his Yang Moqin to deal with Yuan Gongzi, so the two had a very close friendship.

"In that case, let's go now!"

Suzaku Yi pulled Infinity and was about to leave, Infinity shook his head and sighed, and could only follow.

At this moment, in the burial place of the night magic piano.

Zonghengzi sat cross-legged in the grass pavilion with a pale face, pressing on his internal injury.

No one can cure the injury of the floating hand except Mr. Yuan or the person who caused the floating hand. Sue Tianchang died because of the inability to suppress the injury at the beginning, and Le Xunyuan was later eradicated by Guan Jiuzhou.

In the beginning, it was only for Le Xunyuan's eradication. In addition to the so-called alliance, more importantly, Yuan Wuji had already upgraded the floating hand, making the power of the floating hand more variable and treacherous, even though Le Xunyuan had a certain resistance to the floating hand , but if he faced the current floating hand power, he would not be able to counteract this injury.

So Yuan Wuji doesn't care about Le Xunyuan recovering from his injury, and the actor Le Ying's performance is so hard, it also makes this world more interesting, doesn't it?

It is precisely because the power of the floating hand is stronger that Zonghengzi has tried his best, but he can only suppress it. His strength is not enough, and he is already in an extremely dangerous situation.

Fortunately, he was protected by Mo Ye Tingjian.

But at this moment, Zonghengzi suddenly felt heart palpitations, and the chess piece in his hand fell to the ground.

"Zonghengzi, it seems that your situation is not good?"

At this moment, the cold wind hit, and eerie and sinister voices sounded from all directions.

"Ghost Qi Lord."

"You still won't let me go after all."

Zonghengzi suddenly opened his eyes. Although he knew that he was in danger, his face remained unchanged, showing the unparalleled demeanor of once rebelling against the master of the three religions.


Accompanied by a burst of sneer, the next moment, the illusion of beacon fire reappeared, and the ruthless killing sword came from behind.

The silent Mo Ye listened to the sword and suddenly opened his eyes, and Feng Mo Qiye unsheathed instantly, blocking the edge of the holy sword.

The Killing of the Night, the Holy Light.

The two strong opponents made Fang Yuan shocked.

"Zonghengzi, it's so hard to survive, let the ghost give you a ride!"

When Mo Ye Tingjian was entangled by the sword, the Ghost Qi Lord suddenly appeared, and he pressed Zonghengzi Tianling with his palm.

At the moment of death, suddenly, a chilling sound of the piano resounded.

"Before infinity, there is only pity."

"Huh? People from the Nether World..."

Ghost Qizhu took a step back, with the bone fan in front of his face, a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

"You are the Ghost Qi Master Fu Zixi?"

Seeing the appearance of the ghost unicorn, Wu Wu's eyes froze, and his voice was slightly condensed.

Gui Qizhu, the number one ghost in the Three Realms, a former military strategist of Youjie, is also a taboo name in Youjie, so he naturally knows it.

"Hmph... Zonghengzi, the ghost will give you another chance, don't forget the hard-won peace of the people on the other side."

Gui Qizhu's eyes flickered, but at this moment he couldn't compete with Youjie, so he sneered, finished speaking to Zonghengzi, and then disappeared into the black hole together with Jian Zhiji.

Seeing the disappearance of the ghost unicorn, Zonghengzi's eyes were slightly cold, but he quickly adjusted his mood and looked at Dicoon, "Dicoon, it seems that Qixie is going to accept your affection again this time."

"Hands up."

Said infinitely flatly.

At this moment, Suzaku Yi also rushed over, and asked directly: "Di Cocoon, the trouble is solved, why don't you get down to business?"

"Oh? Do you have anything to ask?" Zonghengzi said, looking towards Wu Zong.

"That's right." Unlimited nodded slightly, "This time I want to ask you how much you know about the strange cities of mountains and seas, viewing Kyushu, and the world of mortals and snows?"

"Oh? Are you looking for Hongchenxue?" Zonghengzi directly pointed out the target of Youjie.

"Yes, Youjie needs Hongchenxue's help for something, so I want to know how much you know about her."

"Hong Chenxue used to be the son of the gun world, and his former residence was in Yiqing Jiangshan Building. His father is the old man Tianjian who is a master of the Shanfeng leftist sect. You should also see that she has a very close relationship with Mr. Yuan, and she should also be in Shanhaiqi. city.

Today, Mr. Yuan's life and death are unknown, but this matter happened because of me. I think it will help you to achieve your goal by bringing me in front of her. "


Infinitely hesitant, looked at Zong Hengzi who looked calm, Mo Ye Tingjian beside him was also puzzled.

"Don't worry, I was hit by Mr. Yuan's floating hand. Only Mr. Yuan or someone who is used to floating hands can relieve the wound. I can only wait for death if I stay here. So even if you don't come, I will go to the mountains and seas." Strange City."

Zonghengzi explained, especially after experiencing the assassination of the ghost unicorn, it also strengthened his idea. Guan Kyushu once invited him to join the strange city of mountains and seas, so he has the confidence that Guan Kyushu will not kill him.

Of course, the more important thing is that at this moment, he has no other choice. Affected by the injury of the floating hand, his strength cannot be exerted, and the feeling of losing his life at any time is not a good feeling.

"In that case, let's go!"

Unlimited thought for a while, obviously understood Zonghengzi's thoughts, and nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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