Chapter 156 Unlimited Visits (Second Update)

The ghost unicorn stand proudly at the peak, silently watching Infinity and Suzakuyi leave with Zonghengzi.

"Zonghengzi actually wants to go to the strange city of mountains and seas? You really are so courageous and risky."

The ghost unicorn lightly shook the Bone Senluo fan, his eyes kept flickering, and he fell into deep thought, "People in the Nether Realm actually need Hong Chenxue's help. It seems that it is because of the injury of the demon king. The demon king must not return at this time."

After talking about it, the voice of Ghost Qizhu became extremely cold, "Go to the chess player first, he needs to solve the hidden dangers left by him, as well as the matter of Tianji and Kyushu..."

Sheng Tianfeng.

After Renjue left, Ni Shenyang also left with a heavy heart, obviously to solve the matter of the hope seed in his body.

And not long after, the ghost unicorn stepped into the top of the mountain.

"Chess player, Tan Xiqi is your man, but now, he has become a member of the Defeng Gudao and ruined the ghost's affairs. Should you give the ghost an explanation for this matter?"

"How my people are arranged naturally has my own intentions. How to do it is not up to you, Ghost Qizhu. After all, our cooperation has always been a transaction. You should just say what you want."

Regarding the questioning of the ghost unicorn, the chess player was noncommittal.

"Haha! It's good to trade interests. On the way here, Ghost met Infinity Dicoon and Zonghengzi. He heard that Infinity wanted to find Hongchenxue to save the Demon Lord, and the hidden danger of the Demon Lord was left by you. Should you also It's up to you to figure it out."

After thinking about it for a while, the chess player nodded slightly, "It's not good for me that the demon king is resurrected at this time, I will solve this matter myself."

"The ghost hopes that you will not break your promise this time."

"Just wait for the good news."

With the departure of the ghost unicorn master, the aura of the auxiliary chess player began to change, and it was exactly the same as the left ghost unicorn master. A strange smile appeared on the corner of the chess player's mouth, "The Vientiane Formless Kung Fu Body can not only imitate various martial arts The moves can also imitate the breath, so that the fake ones can be confused with the real ones."

"Then take this opportunity to visit the Nether Realm."

Knowing from the mouth of the ghost unicorn that Infinity and Zhuqueyi are coming to the strange city of mountains and seas, Yuan Wuji decides to go and have a look by transforming into a ghost unicorn with his auxiliary body.

The revelations in previous life dramas gave him a certain understanding of the ghost unicorn master, plus these days he got along with the ghost unicorn master disguised by Yue Jiaozi, Yuan Wuji was confident in pretending for a while.

Now the only people in Youjie who have had contact with the Ghost Qi Lord are the Demon Lord and Jiuying, but the current Demon Lord is still in a coma, and she may not be able to meet Jiuying.

Moreover, even if he does meet, he still knows some of the private relationship between Ghost Qizhu and Jiuying, so it will be even more difficult for him to notice.

Even if a flaw is discovered one day, it will be the fault of Yue Jiaozi. What does it have to do with his chess player, and even if Yue Jiaozi finds out one day, but what does the chess player have to do with Yuan Wuji or Guan Jiuzhou.


The strange city of mountains and seas.

Infinity and Suzaku arrive with the severely wounded Zongzi.

Yuan Wuji turned himself into Emperor Ziwei and went out to meet them in person.

"People from the Youjie dare to come to my strange city with mountains and seas, and the cocoon is infinite. You are not bad. Kuiyujiang died in your hands, and it is a worthy death."

"Is that a compliment?"

Unlimited embraces the Yang Moqin, and the tone is as light as ever.


As he said that, Yuan Wuji's eyes fell on Zonghengzi, with a half-smile expression on his face, "Zonghengzi, as I said, you will come back here to atone for Mr. Yuan's sins."

"The one who should make amends should be Mr. Yuan. Judging by your current mood, Mr. Yuan is really not dead?" Although the wound was hard to heal, Zonghengzi was still neither humble nor overbearing.

"No, he has already died once, and now I am the only one who saved his life by repaying Jin Dan. Now that he has died once, should Zonghengzi also let go of this grudge."

"This matter is our private matter." Having said this, Zonghengzi's expression softened slightly, and he said again: "When Mr. Yuan recovers, Zonghengzi will talk to him. If you do something wrong, you will always be responsible."


Yuan Wuji murmured, and smiled silently, "Forget it, after all, this is your housework, and it's not good for me to interfere."

Hearing the word 'housework', Zonghengzi's palm trembled behind his back. This is why he was so complicated and entangled. Even if he was dealing with Young Master Yuan, he just wanted to capture him, not kill him.

Because, Furong Zhuke is no longer alone, has a child, and has a concern.

"Since you've finished speaking, it's our turn." Suzaku Yi said impatiently.

"Oh?" Yuan Wuji looked at Suzaku Yi pretending to be puzzled.

"Zonghengzi was brought by us, you don't want to take him away just like that, do you?" Zhu Quyi took a step forward and said angrily, looking carefree.

Of course, her appearance should be straightforward and cute in the eyes of infinite sister-in-law.

This can be seen from his gentle gaze that drifts towards Suzaku Yi from time to time.

"It makes sense, I can satisfy any wish of yours, tell me what you want?"

Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, and asked with great interest.

Zhu Quyi asked directly: "We have something to ask Hong Chenxue for help, but is she here?"

"Oh? I know your purpose." Yuan Wuji showed regret as he said, "Hongchenxue has something to leave now, and with her character, it is absolutely impossible to help Youjie with this matter."


Infinitely hesitant, with a pensive look on his face.

"However, apart from Hong Chenxue and Gu Xinglei, there are other people practicing the Yuxi Forbidden Seal. I will let her help you solve this matter, but not at this time."

"What are you talking about?" Infinity and Suzaku Yi both showed curiosity.

Yuan Wuji had a weird smile on his lips. He was talking about the Jade from the Forbidden City. Although he did not obtain the complete cheat book of the Jade Seal, Hong Chenxue did. It will not affect future teachings about relics.

"This is a secret, you just need to know that since I promised you, I will fulfill it at the right time." Yuan Wuji shook his head and said lightly.

"So when will be the right time?" Infinite asked calmly, shaking his eyelids.

"Hmm..." Yuan Wuji thought for a while, then stretched out two fingers, "Two months."

"In that case, let's come back in two months." Infinity nodded slightly, then raised his hand to look at Suzaku's head, "It's time to go!"

"Smelly cocoon, you dare to hit me!"

Zhu Quyi turned his head, raised his beautiful fist and hammered at Infinity. Seeing the two disappear, Yuan Wuji turned around and took Zonghengzi into the strange city of mountains and seas.

"Di cocoon, do we really have to wait two months?"

After leaving the strange city of mountains and seas, on the way back, Suzakuyi suddenly asked.

"I will look for Hong Chenxue again and ask in person, but first I have to report back to the Holy Mother about the Ghost Qi Lord."

"That's right, why did the Ghost Qi Lord become a taboo in the Netherworld? I must ask the Holy Mother if I have the chance." Suzaku Yi's eyes revealed curiosity, which was the burning soul of gossip.

 Thank you: Feng Zhong’s calmness in happiness, Buddha’s disaster is not a disaster, Liuquan Xiaolong, invincible @大罗金仙 and other fellow Taoists for their rewards. Thank you fellow Taoists for your remaining votes and recommendation votes for your support. There are a lot of things in hand recently. I haven't sorted it out yet, but those who said they want to add chapters will definitely do it, and there will be more in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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