Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

第157章 情挑9婴(为堂主‘书友2018…10’加更12)

Chapter 157 Love Picks Nine Babies

Just when Infinity and Suzaku Yi returned to Youjie.

The assistant chess player has sneaked into the Youjie.

The Vientiane Wuxiang Kungfu allows him to change both his face and breath. In addition, he has already been here once, so he is familiar with the road, and he can enter the core of the Nether Realm without any obstacles along the way.

The hometown of the saints.

At this moment, Jiuying looked into the distance with a worried face.

Today, the external situation is unpredictable, and the legendary powerhouses appear in the world. Although Youjie is temporarily in a corner, but without peak combat power, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not become someone else's pawn.

"The last time I saw the ghost unicorn in Shimolu, should I find the ghost unicorn master?"

Just as Jiuying was contemplating, he suddenly sensed a strange aura, then suddenly turned around, and shouted in a low voice: "Who broke into the forbidden area?"

After a period of silence, the cold wind suddenly blew up, and then a strange voice sounded, "Zeguo Jiangshan enters the battle plan, what is the plan for the living people to enjoy Qiaosu. With Jun Mo's words to seal the marquis, one will succeed."

"It's you—Ghost Qi Lord!"

Jiuying turned around, raised her sleeves, and immediately revealed her real body.

The purple robe, embellished with gold trim, supports the nobility of the Virgin of the Netherworld.

"Long time no see, my 'Holy Mother'!" The vice body turned into the appearance of the Ghost Qi Lord, looking at Jiuying with a smile on his face.

"How dare you go back to the Nether Realm without authorization?"

Although he was still thinking about whether he should find the ghost unicorn before, but now facing him, he has never expressed any thoughts, showing that Jiuying is not as simple and kind as it appears on the surface.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and now we finally see each other again, so we are so cold to each other, baby girl, you have hurt the ghost's longing for you all these years!"

'Ghost Qizhu' showed a sad look, with a distressed look on his face.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jiuying hurriedly glanced around, and scolded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, there is no one else here except you and me."

'Ghost Qizhu' approached slowly, took Jiuying's hand, and said softly: "The devil is still in the holy realm of pregnancy and cannot go out, and Infinity and Suzakuyi are no longer in the secluded world, what are you worried about?"

As he spoke, the other hand of 'Ghost Qi Master' was already on Jiuying's waist.

"Huh? Do you know about the Demon Lord and Infinity?"

Hearing this, Jiuying's face changed slightly, and at the same time, he pressed the hand sliding on his waist, and asked in a cold voice.

"Don't forget that the ghost is the most intelligent ghost in the three worlds. Is there anything in this world that the ghost doesn't understand?" 'Ghost Qizhu' said confidently.

"If that's the case, then why are you sitting and watching the crisis in the Netherworld these days?"

Jiuying snorted coldly and said with dissatisfaction.

Gui Qizhu shook his head, "Did you forget the agreement I made with Youjie?"

"You appear in Youjie now, I thought you forgot." Jiuying said with a sneer.

"How could it be?" Speaking of this, the 'Ghost Qi Lord' sighed, "I fell in the first battle with Jun Fengtian, and I didn't come back until recently. Didn't I come to you as soon as I recovered? "

At the same time as he spoke, the hand of the 'Ghost Qi Master' swam around Jiuying's waist again, "It's really wronged you to face the ugly devil all these years alone."

"Don't worry, what I promised you at the beginning still counts. I will help you unify the Netherworld and glorify the saints."

As he spoke, the 'Ghost Qi Master' took a step forward and whispered in Jiuying's ear.

"Hmph, your unique tongue will never change."

Jiuying snorted coquettishly, and the two were already cuddling tightly.

"Really? But I think there should be some progress over the years, would you like to try—baby girl..."



When the auxiliary body pretended to be the ghost unicorn master and had a tryst with Jiuying, Yuan Wuji took Zonghengzi into the wonders of the mountains and seas. After solving his wounds, Zonghengzi was seriously injured, but he could recover slowly, and his true self went to the fairyland. foot.

At the same time, the ghost Qizhu disguised by Yuejiaozi also acted again.

Because he knew that Ni Shenyang was looking for Shang Diming, so the Ghost Qi Lord arranged for Jian Zhiji to hide under the fairy feet this time to prevent variables, while he himself had already appeared on the fairy feet.

"Zeguo Jiangshan's battle plan, what is the life of the people? Leqiaosu. With Jun Mo's words, the title of the marquis will be dead."

The ghost unicorn lightly shook the Senluo white bone fan, slowly stepped onto the peak of the fairy feet, and swept towards the sky with a pair of cold eyes.

"It's you!"

Healing the wound with Di Ming, Tian Ji, who had lost all his skills, was not at all surprised when he met the ghost Qi Lord who was forcing him to kill him, "I knew you would not let this opportunity go, fortunately, I still have Wang Zha!"

As the voice of Tianji fell, a huge sword light swept across, and the desert goshawk held the sword to block the pass, "Taihang thousands of miles into the clouds, and the Yellow River pours thousands of miles from the sky. Is it a barrier to the sky? Hit the light and turn the waves and fly OK."

"Hmph..." Ghost Qizhu sneered, showing his disdainful gesture.

"Ghost Qizhu, you are too confident. In Xianjiao, if you face me and Desert Goshawk alone, even you Ghost Qizhu may not have much chance of winning."

Tianji got up slowly, and then used the secret trick of the immortal sect to call out the inaction, and the power of Daizong was inviolable.

But at this moment, the ghost unicorn suddenly laughed out loud, and said playfully, "Tianji, you——shouldn't have used this move!"

The sky was stunned, and before he could wake up, he was surprised to see the desert goshawk suddenly turn around and stab his sword into his chest.

As the desert goshawk spit out the sword strength, Tianji suddenly spit out bright red, and flew out like a broken sack.

"Shen Condor...Brother!"

Tianji clutched his chest and said with difficulty: "We shouldn't be like this..."

"Don't call me such a stupid name!" Before finishing speaking, the Desert Goshawk said angrily, and then the eagle knife shook, leaving a bloodstain on Tianji's face.

"I finally waited until this day to pay for the innocent victims of the Valley of the Wind."

The Desert Goshawk swung his saber straight up, not giving Tianji a chance to speak, the saber of death had already arrived.

"I don't know!"

Tianji staggered and asked in confusion.

The desert goshawk snorted coldly, and threw out a white cloth covered with bloody handprints.

"Back then, hundreds of people in the Valley of the Wind died because of this invisible killer move. The murderer never activated his internal energy from the beginning to the end. , you finally used the same killer move without any merit."

"Listen to me... explain..."

Tian Ji was emotional, and a gust of blood spewed from his chest again, but the Desert Goshawk was no longer willing to listen, "Go to Huangquan and explain to the innocent dead."

With a ruthless sword, he stood coldly to the sky, vowing to kill the enemies of the extermination clan, but why the person in front of him made him struggle endlessly.

Tianji suppressed the injury, and said firmly: "I'm sorry, I can die, but I can't die in your hands."

As soon as the words fell, I saw that Tianji had exhausted all his strength and retreated with the help of the remnant clouds.

Immediately, a cavity of hot blood spattered, and the desert goshawk was stunned for a moment.

The ghost unicorn master, who had already gathered his ultimate move, blasted out with a palm, and the heavenly trace was immediately blasted out of the fairy feet, and fell towards the cliff that was over ten thousand feet high.

The desert goshawk woke up and followed closely behind.

And after the desert goshawk also left, the ghost unicorn sneered, and finally stepped into the destination of this time—between the universe.

 Thanks: Four Extraordinary Middlemen, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, Dark Supervisor and other Taoist friends for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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