Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 158 The first battle with the ghost Qizhu

Chapter 158 The first battle with the ghost Qizhu (addition 2018 for the hall master 'Book Friends 10...22')

"Between the universe, heh—the secret place that holds countless fragments of time, today, let me verify the truth of that matter."

Just when the ghost unicorn master was proud, he suddenly slapped the ghost, shaking the ghost.

"how can that be?"

The ghost unicorn was astonished, and the entire universe turned into darkness. Immediately, a figure emitting holy light appeared behind the ghost unicorn.

"Immortal Clothes Mianyun Bilan Robe, with a chic skirt and fluttering sleeves. The jade ink is comfortable and the spring is brewing, and it is easy to walk and sit."

Accompanied by the sound of the Qinglang poem, the figure of Tianji flickered and appeared in various directions in the darkness, as if at this moment, he surrounded the ghost unicorn.


The ghost unicorn laughed for a while, lightly shook the Bone Senluo Fan, and said sarcastically, "It's a trick to send energy outside the body."

"I've known for a long time that someone would break into this place, so I set up a barrier in advance. Here, my most powerful power is deposited. You can't imagine it?"

With his hands behind his back, Tianji said with a relaxed face.

"Hmph!" The ghost unicorn master sneered, and said with disdain: "What I can't think of is, do you think that mere phantom can force the ghost unicorn master back?"

With a low shout, Guiqi Master Guineng erupted, and the powerful aura swept the audience, and the figures of Tianji disappeared one by one, like a phantom of death being shattered.

But facing the outbreak of the ghost unicorn master, Tianji remained calm, as if everything was under control, "Then, have you ever seen a phantom that can use the secret tricks of the fairy sect?"

At the moment when the chief priest of Guiqi launched the supreme evil kung fu, he was shocked to see the vast aura go up to the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in the holy aura at this moment.

"It's really Tiangang Yuzhi! What a miracle!"

Sensing that the atmosphere was not right, the ghost unicorn master showed surprise and retreated decisively.

Just after the ghost unicorn disappeared, the universe returned to normal again, and Jian Feidao came out from behind the scenes with a sword in his hand, "Fortunately, the heavens have prepared for the rainy day, and taught me this trick in advance to lie in ambush to deceive the enemy, but I don't know, what happened outside What happened?"

"Go and have a look first." After speaking, Jian Feidao also disappeared into the universe.


Just as Tianji fell to the feet of the fairy and his body was smashed to pieces, a majestic shout came from outside the sky.

"Sacred Seal of Heaven."

Suddenly, a huge golden magic circle appeared on the ground, resolving the crisis of Tianji.


The extremely fast eagle shadow descended from the sky, and made another fatal slash. With the sound of a blow, Faru held the Zhiheng Law Code in his hand, and easily repelled the desert goshawk.

"It's you again!" The Desert Goshawk snorted angrily, then raised his sword and fell, and then praised the serial killing style.

Jun Fengtian's eyes froze, and his energy burst forth.

"Get out!"

With a sip of majesty, the mighty vigor actually made the desert goshawk back several steps.

At this time, both sides felt the impact of the powerful aura from a distance, and couldn't help but stop.

At this moment, it was the ghost Qizhu who was on the way out of Xianjiao.

A powerful palm descended from the sky.

"Heavenly fire burns the city!"

Nine Yang Five Absolutes, the fourth Absolute Fire Cloud Palm, and the last move first in the mortal world.

The nirvana that uses a dive to increase its power from above, the palm is like a meteorite breaking through the air, invincible to those who stand in its way.

"It's you—Guan Kyushu!"

Sudden startled change, the ghost unicorn master was terrified and furious, he moved the ghost's energy angrily, and immediately cast out his ultimate move, "Burning the sky and the blue dragon seal!"

The two strong hands met for the first time, shocking the world immediately.

The majestic aura spread, and Fang Yuan was cracked and shattered under the impact of these two powerful forces for dozens of miles, and the surrounding area was covered with scorched marks.

"Blue Mist Weeping Shadow Mountain Ghost Transformation."

The ghost unicorn turned around, and the person appeared behind Yuan Wuji, and the ghost's ultimate move came at the same time.

The two of them faced each other again, and dozens of strokes had been passed between their staggered figures. During the gap, the Ghost Qi Master spat out his strength, reappearing the Burning Sky and Canglong Seal.

With a deep roar, the blood-red ghost dragon circled out and charged at Yuan Wuji.

"very good!"

Yuan Wuji stepped back three steps, nine positive luck, "The battle turns and the stars move, rebelling against yin and yang!"

Yuan Wuji showed for the first time the third unparalleled move of Nine Yangs, Yin Yang Great Shift and Dou Zhuan Xing Yi. At this moment, he suddenly showed his power, and reversed the killing move of the Ghost Qi Master.

Sudden reverse attack, the ghost unicorn master suddenly realized that his ultimate move was double return. After being frightened, the ghost could have luck again and transferred the return attack to another place.

One move failed, Yuan Wuji took this opportunity to go further, "The fire dragon pierces the mountain."

Huo Jin gathered in one palm, concentrated a little impact, and suddenly a ferocious fire dragon jumped out of the palm, rushing towards the ghost unicorn like a dead man.

Shocked again, both sides retreated in shock.

"Ghost Qi Lord, I knew that you would not let go of this rare opportunity to kill the Heavenly Trace that day, so I came here to wait for you, and you have plotted against me several times, and today is your payment." It's time to pay!"

Yuan Wuji sneered, his robes fluttered, and he pointed like a sword, holding it high up to the sky, "Shuangyang merges and the rainbow breaks the sun!"

A sword stabbed out, the extreme sword energy flew like a frightened bird, piercing through the space, and the sharp edge pointed directly at the ghost unicorn.

"Depending on you, it's not enough!"

Faced with such a strong move, the ghost unicorn master didn't dare to be careless, stepped on the mysterious seal, and flew out with the white bone Senluo fan containing the majestic ghost energy in his hand, "Lie Que Unbounded Taihuang Ghost Strike."

Accompanied by a deep shout, the extreme confrontation and the majestic convergence, Gui Qizhu and Yuan Wuji retreated respectively, their mouths were bright red.

Yuan Wuji's Nine Suns magical power was self-propelled, and the power of creation quickly recovered from the injury. At the same time, he said in a cold voice: "Ghost Qi Lord, you still have the ability to show your strength!"

"is it?"

The ghost unicorn sneered, and then the flame illusion reappeared, and a icy killing front came behind him.

"Is this your trump card?"

On one side of Yuan Wuji's figure, he gathered his kung fu into his palm, and tightly grasped the sudden killing sword, "It's irrational, how pathetic!"

As the words fell, Yuan Wuji blasted out a palm containing the power of pure yang, and the holy sword swirled violently to block the fierce palm, but the powerful force made him take three steps back.

The fire energy that entered the body and the evil energy in the body collided with each other, and immediately the sword was burned as if it was on fire, and the pain was unbearable.

At the same moment, Lord Ghost Qi attacked with a palm from behind, Yuan Wuji blocked it with his palm back, unable to catch him, he retreated a few steps.

"Guan Jiuzhou, your opponent is not me, next time, you will not have a chance to survive."

As the strange sound disappeared in the air, Lord Gui Qi and Jian Yi had rushed into the black hole and disappeared.

"Hmph! It should be you who escaped quickly!"

Yuan Wuji snorted coldly, this time he intends to kill the ghost unicorn master disguised by Yuejiaozi, but the opponent is really strong, unless he fights with the extraordinary king and Yuejiazi at the same time, making one side stronger and the other weaker, or his hidden strength explodes. The hole card side has a chance.

"Although I failed to kill the ghost unicorn this time, the pure yang essence invaded the body, and with its ability to restrain evil energy, the ghost qi lord would definitely not feel well, at least he could be quiet for a while."

"And after this incident, I think people will hate me even more? In this way, he will definitely pay more attention to the ally of the deputy body, and many things will become more convenient."

Speaking of this, Yuan Wuji's smile became wider, and the trip was rewarding after all.

 The book review area is too quiet, there should be many replies in the last chapter, right?Hmm... don't scold me... just liven up the atmosphere!
(End of this chapter)

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