Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 160 Heavy damage [6th update, add 22 for 'Xia Bodhi Longxia']

Chapter 160 Heavy Damage

Unprecedented burst of power.

At the moment of the confrontation between extreme extreme skills, the sky and the earth turned pale, and all eyes were blazing white.

For a while, even the sound disappeared.

The moment the majestic energy erupted, everyone in the duel outside the Eternal Night Theater felt the same terrifying energy, and they all looked sideways at it, and couldn't help but stop.

Immediately afterwards, the main hall at the core of Haihai Branch burst out with blazing white light, and the night sky was illuminated for an instant.

At this moment, the world is silent.

After a long time, two figures shot out at the same time.


Ni Shenyang was covered in blood, his face was pale, he let out a low drink, Huang Yang Yaoxue quickly helped him up, and then left with the Lun Xia Xing Dao group.

And Duan Tiantu also knelt on one knee, blood soaked into the fiery red robe, and it was already hard to tell whether it was blood or the original color of the clothes.

"It's really exciting to fight against such a master!"

When Duan Tiantu opened his mouth, two more mouthfuls of blood spewed out.

His blood was like a flame, directly burning the ground, and when the blood splashed on the Fire Lin sword supported on the ground, there was a low sound, and the red light on the sword became brighter and brighter.

Just as Duan Tiantu staggered to his feet, a killing arrow pierced through the air.

An unexpected arrow pierced the space and passed through the chest suddenly.

Immediately, the divine arrow turned into a rainbow and merged into Duan Tiantu's body.


An angry light flashed in Duan Tiantu's eyes, "It's the ghost unicorn master's killer again!"

At the same time as he spoke, Duan Tiantu's right hand formed a claw, and suddenly pressed on the Fire Lin Sword. With a breath of luck, a majestic force gushed out from the Fire Lin Sword.

Immediately, Duantiantu's aura suddenly rose, and it actually returned to its full strength.

This is the power that Yuan Wuji left in the Fire Lin Sword, which can make up for Duan Tiantu's lack of physical foundation and the inability to fight for a long time.

"Everyone return to Yinxu City first. In the next few days, I will cut off Ni Shenyang's helpers before Ni Shenyang's decisive battle with my master. You will be at your disposal at any time."

After finishing speaking, Lord Tianzhi and the others narrowed their eyes slightly, then nodded and said: "Then we look forward to the decisive battle in two days' time. As for those who talk about chivalry, I will catch them all with the Beastmaster and others."

"very good!"

Duan Tiantu nodded in satisfaction, "Now I'm going back to the strange city of mountains and seas to report today's affairs to Master, and at the same time wait for your good news."

After finishing speaking, Duan Tiantu stretched out the fiery red cloak behind him, and then turned into a cloud of fire and disappeared into the sky.

Watching Duan Tiantu leave, Master Tian Weaver murmured, "As expected of an ally of the source of blood darkness, even his disciples can do this, and the last move not only allowed him to restore his peak combat power, but even his other disciples The injury seems to have recovered in an instant."

"It's really astonishing. It's not much worse than the original Mr. Yuan. It seems that there are masters and secrets that we don't know about in the strange city of mountains and seas."

At this moment, Le Xunyuan, who had always kept a low profile, also spoke.

"As long as it can help us carry out the plan to exterminate humans and demons, no matter what secrets he has."

God of War Yan snorted and said disapprovingly.

"I hope." Le Xunyuan said in a 'worried' way: "After all, Guan Jiuzhou is also a human being, and judging from his past behavior, he doesn't seem like a fellow."

"Aren't you also a human being?" God of War Yan couldn't help but retort, which made Le Xunyuan's expression sink slightly.

"Okay, God of War, Le Xunyuan has already proved himself, he is right, you must be on guard against others!"

Tianzhizhu thought of Guan Kyushu gifting him the source of life for no reason to improve his strength, combined with his later pregnancy and childbirth, Tianzhizhu always felt that there was a conspiracy in it.

"Hmph, don't let me find evidence, otherwise this matter..."

A ruthless look appeared in the eyes of Master Tianzhi, and he thought to himself.

"Poppy, Poppy, what are you thinking?"

At this moment, Leng Piaomiao, who was beside Tianzhizhu, seemed to feel a slight change in Tianzhizhu, and asked aloud.

"Nothing, let's go!"

Master Tianzhi returned to normal in an instant, and said calmly.

But this made Leng Misty worry even more, because he always felt that Tianzhizhu's emotions were becoming more and more extreme.


After Ni Shenyang and others separated from the others, they returned to Wuyutian to recuperate their injuries along with Mr. Butterfly and Jian Suifeng.

"Boss, are your injuries all right?"

After watching Ni Shenyang adjust his breath, Huang Yang Yaoxue asked worriedly.

"These two are really difficult to deal with. I wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the source of blood darkness and relieve the plague of the underworld. It seems that my thinking is too simple, ahem..."

Said, Ni Shenyang couldn't help coughing.

Lieyan Huojin and Qilin Huojin entered into his body, and even Ni Shenyang couldn't ignore them.

"It's the boss, you are one against two, otherwise you will be able to eradicate the source of blood darkness."

Huang Yang Yaoxue comforted with a face full of confidence.

Regarding this, Ni Shenyang shook his head, "I can feel that the source of blood darkness seems to be incomplete, and this may also be when he is weakest, what a pity!"

"Is that right?"

Huang Yangyaoxue showed surprise on his face, "He has such strength before his strength has recovered. He is indeed the man behind the scenes who controls the entire elf family."

"Let's put this matter aside for now. Let's help the other elves remove the demon seeds in their bodies as soon as possible. I will never let the elves be controlled by others and make unnecessary sacrifices."

At this moment, Qin Jiaxian, the third person in the world, came in a hurry.

He could be heard yelling from afar, "Ni Shen Yang, I heard that your operation failed this time?"

"Yes!" Ni Shenyang's answer was as simple and direct as ever.

Qin Jiaxian sighed and said, "Then it seems that we have only one solution."

"That's right, since we can't kill the source of blood darkness, we can only solve this disaster by killing Zongzu through the blood moth frenzy."

Ni Shenyang nodded slightly, and continued: "But to heal a person who has been infected with the plague, we can only find a human master with profound skills, first let this person suffer from the plague, and then I will use the elf forbidden element to create a medicine in his body." Antibodies belonging to the human race."

"Profound body?"

"You should know Guan Kyushu. He is the right candidate for the powerful and profound skills he showed in the battle of the sky fan."

Ni Shenyang directly set a level, so if you want to find it, you can only choose from experts at this level.

"Unfortunately, he is an ally of Diming, and he will never help us." Qin Jiaxian shook his feather fan and sighed.

"Not bad!"

"Then it seems that we can only go to that person, put it down, and leave this matter to Er Lao Qin!"

Qin Jiaxian patted his chest and said solemnly.


The strange city of mountains and seas.

Yuan Wuji had already returned, and soon after, Duan Tiantu, who had been cast by him with the technique of sending spirits, also returned.

As soon as he stepped into the strange city of mountains and seas, no matter how hard Duan Tiantu was to suppress the injuries in his body, the surface of his body was actually oozing bright red.

"Creation of Nine Suns!"

Yuan Wuji let out a deep drink, and the power of creation came out of his body.

The collapse caused by strong internal and external impacts, and the instillation of Yuan Wuji's creative power gradually healed the injuries in his body.

"Ni Shenyang and Di Ming are really powerful, although this body is inanimate, even with a supernatural foundation, it is still water without a source.

But fused with the blood of the unicorn, it is far superior to the body of an ordinary person, and it is not so easy to be damaged. brace back. "

After saving this body, Yuan Wuji walked out of the Heavenly Palace with a heavy heart.

"Without a soul, this body is like a puppet after all, unable to heal itself and become stronger. It seems that we have to do something big, and strive to make this happen as soon as possible."

"Also, now Tian Ji and others should also worry about the candidate for the antibody, but do they dare to get involved in this matter without knowing it?"

Because of the variable of Yuan Wuji in this life, especially before Guan Kyushu hit the ghost unicorn master who was transformed into a sub-body Yue Jiaozi, and the chess player and ghost unicorn master also used each other.

In particular, he suspects that the chess player may know his true identity, and Yuan Wuji feels that people may not dare to take this risk at this moment.

"Maybe so..."

"However, we need to delay for a while."

A thought flashed in his mind, and Yuan Wuji immediately paid attention to it. Then he used the art of sending spirits to control Duan Tiantu to pass through the gate of space. At the same time, he disappeared in the strange city of mountains and seas, without a trace.

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(End of this chapter)

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