Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 161 The Vicissitudes of Chivalry

Chapter 161 The Vicissitudes of Chivalry (seeking order)
Tianzhizhu and others who left Devil's Tears discovered that the Dongmen Xuande people had separated from Ni Shenyang and others.

The master of weaving heaven made a prompt decision and decided to divide and attack them, first to destroy Lun Xia Xingdao, and to cut off Nishenyang's assistant.

In Guangxian Hall, the returning Dongmen Xuande summoned the crowd to gather the common people, and assigned tasks to prepare to cooperate with Ni Shenyang and others.

At this moment, the army of Yin Ruins attacked Guanghuai Mountain.

The bursts of shouts and wailing spread throughout the entire Guanghuai Mountain in an instant, and the faces of everyone in the Guangxian Hall suddenly changed, and they rushed out.

But it was too late.

Under the sudden attack, the ill-prepared Lun Xia Xingdao instantly littered with corpses.

"The Yin Ruins Alliance is deceiving people too much!"

Dongmen Xuande, who has always been a good man, saw the miserable scene in front of him, his face was full of anger, and he made the same move, "Xuanmen Taoyu."

The aura of grandeur hit all directions, and the puppet soldiers who were mercilessly killing around them burst into pieces.

"Old Taoist, today's talk about chivalrous conduct will surely perish!"

God of War Yan let out a cold snort, and punched out, and all the beasts roared, shocking the universe.

"Autumn flowers are not withered, and evening clouds stop."

In Du Huaishang's hand, he folded a fan into a sword, and the poignant sword blocked the king of all beasts.

Needless to say, a scuffle broke out.

The master of weaving heaven holds the blazing thunder knife in his hand, and uses it to attract thunder from Tianyu, and his divine power is indistinguishable for a while.

Soon, Le Xunyuan, Huang Yang Geng Ri, Jing Lei Zun, and Zi Concubine suffered heavy casualties among the core members of Lun Xia Xing Dao.

Scenes came into view, which made Dongmen Xuande furious, and the long beard under his jaw trembled.

"You devil, today, Dongmen Xuande must be exterminated!"

Dongmen Xuande roared angrily, and the mysterious seal in his hand reappeared - the law of heaven and the way of Tao are endless.

Extremely unique learning, the vicissitudes of the way of heaven, and the immeasurable promotion of Dharma.

Under the holy power, Master Tianzhi and others couldn't help taking a step back, and some elves with insufficient cultivation even died of exhaustion.

"Hahaha! Are you out of skills?"

At this moment, a wild laugh came from afar, the night was dyed red, and a cloud of fire appeared above Lun Xia Xingdao, and immediately, a mad figure with red hair and red clothes descended from the sky, accompanied by the spread of Kuangbashihao, "Fire Lin eclipses the sun, the world is miserable, and the red bird crows to mourn for all living beings."

"Broken Heaven..."

At this moment, Gu Chengyi suddenly shouted angrily, "Pay for the drunken old man!"

Gu Chengyi, who finally investigated the matter clearly, returned, and Duan Tiantu appeared again, and Hengyue Zhan suddenly pulled out of his sheath in his hand, "My old friend worked for you in a strange city of mountains and seas, but you were ruthlessly killed by you. Today, Gu will be liquidated." This account."

"Chengxin Juegu." As soon as the words fell, Gu Chengyi slashed and killed, aiming at Duan Tianlu.

"It turned out to be Zui Gufu's accomplice. Since he dared to rebel, he must have the consciousness of death. Since you miss him so much, I will send you to reunite with him today."

Duan Tiantu snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, he didn't have any affection for Gu Chengyi at all, after all, the predecessor who was completely useless in the previous life drama died at the hands of Gu Chengyi.

Therefore, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his attack was a killing style.

With a palm blast, the fire dragon circled out.

With a powerful palm, Gu Chengyi stepped back three steps immediately.

"Shape-shifting Yang!"

This is the unique technique of Nine Suns in the Hong Kong manga "Bruce Lee". The next moment, Duan Tiantu appeared in front of Gu Chengyi, and pointed like a sword, directly piercing Gu Chengyi's chest.


The moment Duan Tiantu opened his mouth, sword strength and fire strength exploded in Gu Chengyi's body at the same time, Gu Chengyi let out a mournful roar, and instantly turned into coke.


Du Shanghuai let out a mournful roar, and the sword moves in his hand became more and more fierce.

He was as famous as Gu Chengyi, and was known as the lone sword and sword of the Eastern Wulin. After many years, he died suddenly before his eyes, which made Du Shanghuai furious.

"Don't worry." Duan Tiantu spat out his palm strength, and Gu Chengyi's coke-like body was blasted out, then he turned around and grinned at Du Shanghuai, "It's your turn next."

"Old City Lord!"

Dongmen Xuande let out a mournful roar, his eyes were full of sorrow, but in order to protect everyone, he had to suppress his anger, "Young Master Du, take everyone back quickly, and I will cut off the heir for you!"

As soon as the words fell, Dongmen Xuande moved his abundant true energy again, "All spirits sing towards the phoenix."

Accompanied by a phoenix cry, the huge fire phoenix condenses, then spreads its wings and flies away, flapping with powerful force, forcing the Tianzhizhu and others to retreat, opening a way of life for those who participated in the discussion of chivalry.


Du Shanghuai held the long sword tightly, suppressed his anger, and led the crowd to fight out.

"Old man, you're not bad at courage, are you ready to die?"

Duan Tiantu chuckled, and when he raised his hand, fireworks shot up into the sky.

"Jade can die in invisibility, and the way of heaven will live forever!"

With awareness in mind, Dongmen Xuande looked calm, buying time for everyone, and the true energy in his body surged out, "Yutao Saint Guardian."

"Go after him, leave this person to me!"

Duan Tiantu tilted his head, and said indifferently to Master Tianzhi and the others.

With the disappearance of Tianzhizhu and others, Duan Tiantu's eyes fell on Dongmen Xuande, "Since you are ready to die, why do you have to resist fearlessly?"

The contemptuous words fell for a moment, and goodbye to the world of Zhiji Jianmang.

"Shuangyang merges, startling rainbow breaks the sun!"

Nine Suns Excalibur is the strongest sword, the one that restrains the body-protecting true qi most. When the sword stabs out, it seems that Jinghong has penetrated the body-protecting qi and landed on Dongmen Xuande.

With a splash of bright red, Dongmen Xuande was thrown out, and he was severely injured, but Dongmen Xuande was firm in his will and changed his footsteps, using this force to chase in the direction where Du Shanghuai and others disappeared.

"Fearless struggle!"

Duan Tiantu sighed, took great strides, and chased after him.

At this time, Du Shanghuai and the others were surrounded again. In order to avoid jumping over the wall in a hurry, Tianzhizhu and others attacked and killed slowly.

The surviving Du Shanghuai, Jiu Chongxue, and Ming Yueshi faltered, bleeding all over their bodies.

"Young Master Du, we will block the enemy for you, you should break through as much as possible!"

The jade ornament in Jiu Chongxue's hand was broken, and his face was covered with blood, both from his enemies and from himself.

"You worry too much. Today, no one in Lun Xia Xing Dao can leave this place alive."

God of War Yan let out a snort, and struck with his beast fist, the powerful impact immediately sent the other three people flying backwards.

Jiuchongxue and Mingyueshi were already exhaling a lot of energy but not inhaling it. Even though Du Shanghuai had profound skills, his life was also hanging by a thread.

"Sacred Guardian of Yutao."

Just when the lore-killing style came out again, Dongmen Xuande who hurried over ignored the injuries in his body and used a strong move to block the fatal blow for Du Shanghuai.

"It's just right, let's solve it together."

Lord Tianzhi said disdainfully, and then the blazing thunder knife slashed down, and the blazing thunder light covered everything in front of him.

Accompanied by a roar, Dongmen Xuande took three steps back, his mouth was bright red, and his breath was weak.

"Leader, leave me alone, you must break through and leave."

Du Shanghuai struggled and spoke forcefully.

"Needless to say, Yuyin will never give up on her companion."

Dongmen Xuande snarled, with a determined face.

"You're so chivalrous, but it's a pity that you're going to die today!"

Duan Tiantu approached slowly, stroked his palm lightly, and said with a light smile.

"The theory of chivalry can be extinguished, but chivalry will never be extinguished!"

Dongmen Xuande stood up straight and shouted loudly.

"is it?"

Duan Tiantu said disapprovingly: "Then I will try!"

As soon as the words fell, he praised him again with a strong palm, and he died with one palm.

Dongmen Xuande didn't move, slowly closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.


At this moment, a majestic shout came from outside the sky, and immediately, a golden mysterious light forced the way back to the sky.

 Thanks to: Book Friends 2019^5215, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, Four Extraordinary Middle Men, God Demon Kings Are All Occupied, Thunderbolt World Time Space and Power God Emperor and other Taoist friends for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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